Sherrilyn Kenyon

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Sherrilyn Kenyon

Goodreads Author

in Ft. Benning, The United States



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October 2013

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New York Times and international bestselling author Sherrilyn Kenyon is a regular at the #1 spot. With legions of fans known as Paladins (thousands of whom proudly sport tattoos from her series and who travel from all over the world to attend her appearances), her books are always snatched up as soon as they appear on store shelves. Since 2004, she had placed more than 80 novels on the New York Times list in all formats including manga and graphic novels. Her current series are: Dark-Hunters, Chronicles of N

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Sherrilyn Kenyon I don't think I am. I love to write :) I just wish I could write faster. I have more ideas than I can ever get out. …moreI don't think I am. I love to write :) I just wish I could write faster. I have more ideas than I can ever get out. (less)
Sherrilyn Kenyon My mother raised me on one simple principle: Judge no one until you've walked in their moccasins. And I know from the horrors of my own past just what…moreMy mother raised me on one simple principle: Judge no one until you've walked in their moccasins. And I know from the horrors of my own past just what hides behind the facades we show to the world. Anyone who's ever had their feelings hurt or who have become crossed-up with family or friends knows that there are three sides to every story. Yours. Theirs. And the truth that lies between the two. We all see things very differently and it's filtered from our perspectives and experiences. The thing to remember with Styxx is the curse that was given to him on his birth, that was uttered by the priestess. Whatever befalls Acheron would also befall Styxx. The scenes you know from Acheron are very different when you view them from Styxx's vantage point, and you see the wider canvas of what both twins were having to cope with. And as Ash, himself, has said repeatedly in the series: It's amazing the damage we do to others when we're striving to protect ourselves from further hurt. The story of Styxx, is how to deal with a brutal past and how to learn to trust when the very people who were supposed to protect you, offer you up for their own selfish gain. It's something too many of us have to face in real life. And it's to show how that pain never goes away entirely, but how we can learn to cope and not let it ruin our present, or more importantly, our futures. Healing is a slow process, but it's worth it. We are all warriors who have fought or are fighting mighty personal battles. Growing up, too many of the books I read trivialized trauma and made it seem like you woke up one day and it was gone. Time heals all wounds . . . malarkey. I can tell you from personal experience, that's not true. Every day can be a struggle. Or even worse, too many books showed that there was no hope at all, that life ended as bitterly as it began. But again, I don't believe that. I believe, no matter how brutal our pasts, our present and our futures are what we determine them to be. Never let others or the past define or determine you. Be strong and be true. It's hard to don that armor, but we can overcome. We can be the people we want to be, but we have to make the choices and the sacrifices. The human spirit can be a dauntless entity and it should be a dauntless entity. In the immortal words of Galaxy Quest: Never give up. Never surrender. (less)
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Feast of Heroes

I think Shara is trying to kill me. But I love every minute of it.

WTF is wrong with Andarions that they put all their important holidays in the span of one week? WTF is wrong with my family that they, too, celebrate every minsid one of them? I wish the Fyrebloods would rebel and take the week off.

But at least I survived all the parties, even though half of Ushara’s family still stares at me with h

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Published on November 13, 2021 22:27
Night Play Unleash the Night Dark Side of the Moon Bad Moon Rising No Mercy The Guardian Son of No One
(12 books)
4.22 avg rating — 337,893 ratings

Born of Night Born of Fire Born of Ice Born of Shadows Born of Silence Born of Fury Born of Defiance
(13 books)
4.34 avg rating — 145,010 ratings

Infinity Invincible Infamous Inferno Illusion Instinct Invision
(8 books)
4.23 avg rating — 141,835 ratings

Blood Trinity Alterant The Curse Rise of the Gryphon
(10 books)
4.16 avg rating — 33,886 ratings

Dragonmark Dragonsworn Stygian
(3 books)
4.06 avg rating — 19,791 ratings

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Quotes by Sherrilyn Kenyon  (?)
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“Life isn't finding shelter in the storm. It's about learning to dance in the rain.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Acheron

“I don't suffer from my insanity -- I enjoy every minute of it.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Dance with the Devil

“Just because you can doesn't mean you should.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon



Topics Mentioning This Author

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Romance Readers R...: This topic has been closed to new comments. January Monthly Challenge: Participants' List 75 188 Feb 02, 2009 11:12AM  
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“Old enough to know better, pissed enough not to care. (Jaden)”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Bad Moon Rising

“Sometimes things have to go wrong in order to go right.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon

“Life is a tapestry woven by the decisions we make.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Kiss of the Night

“I wasn't born, I was unleashed.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Dance with the Devil

“I'm the top of the food chain and're the food.”
Sherrilyn Kenyon, Dance with the Devil

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Stark Raven Book Recs & Reads Thank you for accepting me, greetings from Nova Scotia Canada :)

message 14: by Tim

Tim Just read "Infinity," and anyone who knows Mojo Nixon's, "Jesus Is Everywhere," is a friend of mine. I have all his albums, and have seen him live several times. On top of that, you've told an excellent tale.

message 13: by Andri

Andri Thank you for accepting. I am a huge fun. I can't wait for Jaden's book ! :)

message 12: by Janice

Janice Happy New Year.

message 11: by Janice

Janice Have a beautiful 1st day of Summer, tomorrow.

message 10: by Janice

Janice Thank you for friending me. I've been skimming thru your books fairly often, since I've been working at a public library for over 30 years. Have a great day.

Sharon Hello! Thank you for accepting my friend request! I think you are a brilliant writer, and I absolutely love the characters you have created. They are complex, fantastically sarcastic, relatable, vulnerable, and just pure awesome. I love all of your DH books (and Nick's series), but I have a soft spot for Kyrian's (because he is THE original), Zarek's (because he is so insane and genuinely good and I love Le Petit Prince too), Ash's (because he is resilient, kind, and adorable), and Seth's (because he is funny and clueless) stories. Besides your male characters, your female characters kick ass just as well and they are unbelievably relatable. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Tory, and I was so scared who was going to end up with Ash before, but she went completely beyondddddd anyone I could have imagined.

You rule and I would literally be 111% cool with this series never ending because the stories are so imaginative, fun, and inspirational. THANK YOU!! :)

message 8: by Sam

Sam Thank you for adding me!!!!! You are my favorite author of all time!!!!!!!!

message 7: by Thea

Thea Thank you so much for accepting my friend request Ms Sherrilyn and more power to you! :)

Jennifer Varnadore -Squeals in excitement!- Thank you for adding me! You are my favourite author!

message 5: by Jeri

Jeri You are an amazing author! Thank you so much for your books, I have read all your series and cant wait for the next book. Your stories make me ßo happy I love to get lost in your worlds!

Christel Thanks and happy to discuss with you shortly :D

Francine \ Thanks for being my friend, Shrrilyn! I love your books!!!

message 2: by Marie

Marie Andersson Thank you for being my friend!:)I have been a fan since 2009!:)

Christine Hatfield Thanks for being my friend

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