If Cats Disappeared from the World Quotes
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If Cats Disappeared from the World Quotes
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“Cats and humans have been partners for over ten thousand years. And what you realize when you've lived with a cat for a long time is that we may think we own them, but that's not the way it is. They simply allow us the pleasure of their company.”
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
“Like love, life is beautiful because it has to end.”
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
“As you go on with your life, always remember the things that are good in you. They're your gifts. As long as you have these things, you'll find happiness, and you'll make the people around you happy.”
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
“I wonder why people always expect things from others that they themselves can’t or won’t do.”
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
“To live means: to cry and shout, to love, to do silly things, to feel sadness and joy, to even experience horrible, frightening things... and to laugh.”
― If Cats Disappeared from the World
― If Cats Disappeared from the World
“I scooped the cat up and snuggled him against my chest for comfort. He was warm and soft, a smooth fluffy ball of fur in my arms. I'd cuddled up with the little guy countless times over the years without thinking much about it, but now, for the first time ever, it occurred to me that maybe this little act of comfort was what life was all about.”
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
“With freedom comes uncertainty, insecurity, and anxiety. Human beings exchanged their freedom for the sense of security that comes from living by set rules and routines—despite knowing that they pay the cost of these rules and regulations with their freedom.”
― If Cats Disappeared from the World
― If Cats Disappeared from the World
“Cats are really something. They'll just ignore you half the time, but they seem to know when you're really in need of some comforting.”
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
“Once you become aware of your impending death, you have to make a compromise in accepting the loss of the life you wish you could have led and the reality of your imminent death. Sure, there will always be regrets and broken dreams, but you have to go easy on yourself. Over the last few days, I’ve come to realise that there is certain beauty in those regrets, they are proof of having lived. Maybe I will regrets some of my decisions when the moment comes, but that’s ok, No matter how you slice it, life is full of regrets anyway.
I was never able to be myself completely or live my life exactly how I wanted to, I am not even sure if I ever figure out what exactly being myself and living out my dreams really meant. So I guess I am going to die with all those failures and regrets, all those unfulfilled dreams, all the people I’ve never met, all the things I’ve never tasted and all the places I’ve never been. I am taking all that with me to my grave, and I am ok with that. In the end, I am satisfied with who I am and the life I’ve lived, I am just happy to have been here at all.”
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
I was never able to be myself completely or live my life exactly how I wanted to, I am not even sure if I ever figure out what exactly being myself and living out my dreams really meant. So I guess I am going to die with all those failures and regrets, all those unfulfilled dreams, all the people I’ve never met, all the things I’ve never tasted and all the places I’ve never been. I am taking all that with me to my grave, and I am ok with that. In the end, I am satisfied with who I am and the life I’ve lived, I am just happy to have been here at all.”
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
“Yeah, but just being alive doesn't mean all that much on its own. How you live is more important.”
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
“When you think about it, it’s the future you’ll never get to see that you regret missing the most when you die.”
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
“It's a little magic trick you can play on yourself. Whenever you feel sad and lonely, just smile and close your eyes. Do it as many times as you have to.”
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
“I got so caught up with all the little everyday things that I ended up wasting the time I could have spent on more important things. But the scariest thing is that I never even noticed that I was wasting my precious time.”
― If Cats Disappeared from the World
― If Cats Disappeared from the World
“No one knows exactly how long they’re going to live. So there’s really no such thing as too late or too soon.”
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
“That's what the devil is about. I'm what you wanted to become but couldn't. I'm both the closest and the farthest things from who you are.”
― If Cats Disappeared from the World
― If Cats Disappeared from the World
“I'd heard somewhere that people forget things in order to build new memories. You have to forget things in order to move on in life.”
― If Cats Disappeared from the World
― If Cats Disappeared from the World
“I don’t know if I’m happy or unhappy. But there’s one thing I do know. You can convince yourself to be happy or unhappy. It just depends on how you choose to see things.”
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
“There is something just as inevitable as death. And that is life.”
― If Cats Disappeared from the World
― If Cats Disappeared from the World
“Love has to end. That's all. And even though everyone knows it they still fall in love.”
― If Cats Disappeared from the World
― If Cats Disappeared from the World
“Sure there are all the little regrets, the broken dreams, but you have to go easy on yourself, and be flexible. Having had the chance to make things disappear from the world in order to gain just one more day of life, I've come to realize that there's a certain beauty in those regrets. Because it's proof of having lived. I won't eliminate anything more from the world. And I may regret it at the moment I actually die, but that's OK with me. No matter how you look at it, life is full of regrets anyway.”
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
“There is a difference between knowing the path and
walking the path.”
― If Cats Disappeared from the World
walking the path.”
― If Cats Disappeared from the World
“Countless people who I seemed to have had some kind of a relationship with, but when push came to shove, didn’t really share much with after all. My contacts list was filled with people like that. My life was over and I had no one who mattered enough for me to call.”
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
“What did I gain by growing up, and what did I lose? I can never resurrect the thoughts and feelings I had in the past. When I think about that, I feel a wave of sadness so strong that the tears won’t stop.”
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
“It doesn’t take much to see that all life’s coincidences eventually add up to one big inevitably.”
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
“I still remember the faint smile she gave me when we said goodbye at the station near her house. That smile became a small wound that opened somewhere in the back of my brain. It acted up on rainy days like an old football injury.”
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
“I realized then that when a person talks about something they really love there’s a kind of thrill to it.”
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
― 世界から猫が消えたなら [Sekai kara Neko ga Kietanara]
“Love has to end. That’s all. And even though everyone knows it they still fall in love. I guess it’s the same with life. We all know it has to end someday, but even so we act as if we’re going to live forever. Like love, life is beautiful because it has to end.”
― If Cats Disappeared from the World
― If Cats Disappeared from the World
“In order to gain something, you have to lose something,” she always said. People are always trying to get something for nothing. But that’s just theft. If you’ve gained something, it means that someone, somewhere, has lost something. Even happiness is built on someone else’s misfortune. She often reminded me of this. In fact, she considered it one of the laws of the universe.”
― If Cats Disappeared from the World
― If Cats Disappeared from the World
“When human beings invented the phone, they also invented the anxiety of not having one.”
― If Cats Disappeared from the World
― If Cats Disappeared from the World
“I suppose loneliness is another thing that only human beings feel. But looking at my mother’s smiling face in those old photos makes me think that perhaps loneliness is the reason that we can feel other feelings.”
― If Cats Disappeared from the World
― If Cats Disappeared from the World