Inspire, Perspire, and Go Higher, Volume 2 Quotes

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Inspire, Perspire, and Go Higher, Volume 2: 111 Ways, Disciplines, Exercises, Short Bios, and Jokes with Lessons to Inspire and Motivate You Inspire, Perspire, and Go Higher, Volume 2: 111 Ways, Disciplines, Exercises, Short Bios, and Jokes with Lessons to Inspire and Motivate You by Kuldip K. Rai
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Inspire, Perspire, and Go Higher, Volume 2 Quotes Showing 1-18 of 18
“When you accept the status quo, you become resistant to progress and change. Let not the contentment of your past successes stop you from achieving bigger and better goals. To push yourself up the ladder, to make things occur at a larger scale, you will have to rock the boat, ruffle some feathers and challenge the present circumstances.”
Kuldip K. Rai, Inspire, Perspire, and Go Higher, Volume 2: 111 Ways, Disciplines, Exercises, Short Bios, and Jokes with Lessons to Inspire and Motivate You
“Observe successful people; observe happy and peaceful people. How do they behave? Watch them in action; listen to them with a quiet mind. Observing others in action with a tranquil mind will teach you valuable lessons and uncover your hidden interests and talents.”
Kuldip K. Rai, Inspire, Perspire, and Go Higher, Volume 2: 111 Ways, Disciplines, Exercises, Short Bios, and Jokes with Lessons to Inspire and Motivate You
“When you're at your wit's end, when nothing seems to work, take a step back, acquire more knowledge, and attack the problem from a different angle.”
Kuldip K. Rai, Inspire, Perspire, and Go Higher, Volume 2: 111 Ways, Disciplines, Exercises, Short Bios, and Jokes with Lessons to Inspire and Motivate You
“Masters give all of their life to their art; they invest more effort, sweat, toil, and tears into mastering their craft than ordinary people. Mastery demands grit, determination, and total focus.”
Kuldip K. Rai, Inspire, Perspire, and Go Higher, Volume 2: 111 Ways, Disciplines, Exercises, Short Bios, and Jokes with Lessons to Inspire and Motivate You
“Being afraid means you're about to do something that can make you brave, that can transform your life, and that can stretch you to new heights. Fear is a good thing, but being scared of fear is not. Recognize the existence of fear and move toward it with courage. Face it head-on and win your fight.”
Kuldip K. Rai, Inspire, Perspire, and Go Higher, Volume 2: 111 Ways, Disciplines, Exercises, Short Bios, and Jokes with Lessons to Inspire and Motivate You
“Faith without action is either useless, potential power, or an erroneous notion. Let massive efforts produce remarkable results, and let actions speak louder than faith. Use bulldozers to move mountains if you must.”
Kuldip K. Rai, Inspire, Perspire, and Go Higher, Volume 2: 111 Ways, Disciplines, Exercises, Short Bios, and Jokes with Lessons to Inspire and Motivate You
“Keep finishing one project after another, and keep learning more and more in the process. Let not the impenetrable walls of resistance scare you off. Peg away; chisel away at them until they fall. Finish what you start, and finish it extraordinarily well.”
Kuldip K. Rai, Inspire, Perspire, and Go Higher, Volume 2: 111 Ways, Disciplines, Exercises, Short Bios, and Jokes with Lessons to Inspire and Motivate You
“One must have a growth mindset to move into leadership positions; with a growth mindset, keep observing other leaders in action and keep stepping into roles where you can learn and grow. If you are reasonably intelligent, to become a leader, you have to put yourself on the line again and again to develop and enhance your leadership skills.”
Kuldip K. Rai, Inspire, Perspire, and Go Higher, Volume 2: 111 Ways, Disciplines, Exercises, Short Bios, and Jokes with Lessons to Inspire and Motivate You
“Problems will arise, but I will still do it; failures will come, and I will become tougher and wiser with each failure. The more I fall, the higher I jump back up. Bruises, pains, hurts, or scars are all a process of growing up. Obstacles, setbacks, and hard work are all part of success. I make them my friends; I use their power to go beyond.”
Kuldip K. Rai, Inspire, Perspire, and Go Higher, Volume 2: 111 Ways, Disciplines, Exercises, Short Bios, and Jokes with Lessons to Inspire and Motivate You
“I constantly challenge myself to add more poems, songs, and stories to my repertoire. I grab every chance offered to me to grow, learn, and practice. If I don't do it, others will leave me in the dust and go right by me, and I will not achieve my goals or complete my mission.”
Kuldip K. Rai, Inspire, Perspire, and Go Higher, Volume 2: 111 Ways, Disciplines, Exercises, Short Bios, and Jokes with Lessons to Inspire and Motivate You
“I have to make sure that the tools, plans, and strategies I am using are not defective. If they are, then I am in trouble. Making mistakes is one thing, but not learning from our mistakes is altogether a different matter. If I fail to learn from my mistakes, I am doomed to repeat them. Therefore, I always learn from my mistakes and consciously determine never to repeat them.”
Kuldip K. Rai, Inspire, Perspire, and Go Higher, Volume 2: 111 Ways, Disciplines, Exercises, Short Bios, and Jokes with Lessons to Inspire and Motivate You
“With a narrow and open focus of altered states, many impossibles of yesterday have become possibles of today. Many technological and scientific inventions, innovations, and mathematical equations are products of altered states of mind.”
Kuldip K. Rai, Inspire, Perspire, and Go Higher, Volume 2: 111 Ways, Disciplines, Exercises, Short Bios, and Jokes with Lessons to Inspire and Motivate You
“Let's ride on the train of inspiration, perspiration, and transformation; the synergistic approach will do wonders. When we earnestly inspire and resolutely perspire, things do transpire.”
Kuldip K. Rai, Inspire, Perspire, and Go Higher, Volume 2: 111 Ways, Disciplines, Exercises, Short Bios, and Jokes with Lessons to Inspire and Motivate You
“Winners don't quit when they become tired or get fired, but they become more inspired. Not making excuses and not blaming others for their mistakes, setbacks, and failures, they get on with the work, finalize the deals, and accomplish their tasks.”
Kuldip K. Rai, Inspire, Perspire, and Go Higher, Volume 2: 111 Ways, Disciplines, Exercises, Short Bios, and Jokes with Lessons to Inspire and Motivate You
“Almost everything is changeable, improvable, and achievable unless the laws of nature prevent it from happening.”
Kuldip K. Rai, Inspire, Perspire, and Go Higher, Volume 2: 111 Ways, Disciplines, Exercises, Short Bios, and Jokes with Lessons to Inspire and Motivate You
“Your life is yours; the steering wheel of your life is in your hands; steer it in the direction that looks perfect for you; change it or shape it the way you want it.”
Kuldip K. Rai, Inspire, Perspire, and Go Higher, Volume 2: 111 Ways, Disciplines, Exercises, Short Bios, and Jokes with Lessons to Inspire and Motivate You
“When things go haywire, when challenges skyrocket, and when everything seems out of reach, that may be the right time to take a short pause and observe more deeply. Intense vigilance has tremendous power; increase your level of it. Perceive more. Observe more. Discern more. Your penetrating observations will lead you toward peace, success, and happiness.”
Kuldip K. Rai, Inspire, Perspire, and Go Higher, Volume 2: 111 Ways, Disciplines, Exercises, Short Bios, and Jokes with Lessons to Inspire and Motivate You