Tom Sawyer Abroad Quotes
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Tom Sawyer Abroad Quotes
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“I have found out that there ain't no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.”
― Tom Sawyer Abroad
― Tom Sawyer Abroad
“A person that started in to carry a cat home by the tail was getting knowledge that was always going to be useful to him, and warn't ever going to grow dim or doubtful.”
― Tom Sawyer Abroad
― Tom Sawyer Abroad
“There ain't anything that is so interesting to look at as a place that a book has talked about. -- Huck Finn”
― Tom Sawyer Abroad
― Tom Sawyer Abroad
“As near as I can make out, geniuses think they know it all, and so they won't take people's advice, but always go their own way, which makes everybody forsake them and despise them, and that is perfectly natural. If they was humbler, and listened and tried to learn, it would be better for them.”
― Tom Sawyer Abroad
― Tom Sawyer Abroad
“So it shows that for all the brag you hear about knowledge being such a wonderful thing, instink is worth forty of it for real unerringness. Jim says the same.”
― Tom Sawyer Abroad
― Tom Sawyer Abroad
“He was a good enough sort of cretur, and hadn't no harm in him, and was just a genius, as the papers said, which wasn't his fault.”
― Tom Sawyer Abroad
― Tom Sawyer Abroad
“I don't see any use in finding out things and clogging up my head with them when I mayn't ever have any occasion to use 'em.”
― Tom Sawyer Abroad
― Tom Sawyer Abroad
“It was a new business to me, and I asked Tom if countries always apologized when they had done wrong, and he says:
“Yes; the little ones does.”
― Tom Sawyer Abroad
“Yes; the little ones does.”
― Tom Sawyer Abroad
“А ведь я вовсе не думал говорить что-нибудь умное – оно у меня само вырвалось.”
― Tom Sawyer Abroad
― Tom Sawyer Abroad
“كما قد تقول،”
― توم، سوير، إلى داخل،: Tom Sawyer Abroad, Arabic edition
― توم، سوير، إلى داخل،: Tom Sawyer Abroad, Arabic edition