North Dallas After 40 Quotes
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North Dallas After 40 Quotes
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“Io sono un uomo che ha imparato che la sopravvivenza è il senso della vita, e che la paura e l’odio sono le uniche emozioni. Quello che non puoi superare con l’odio lo devi temere. E ogni giorno è più difficile odiare e più facile avere paura.”
― I mastini di Dallas
― I mastini di Dallas
“They approach the low-water bridge where Frio Creek Flowed into the Purgatory River. Over the bridge, they passed the eighteen-hole golf course and club house, all built in the river bottom.
'All this had been made safe from flooding by the Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Geological Survey,' Elliot Announced.
'How did they do that?' Maxwell looked around in amazement.
"They sent a lot of majors and colonels and government surveyors and simply announced in wouldn't flood here anymore. Cut right through all that environment red tape and reality”
― North Dallas After 40
'All this had been made safe from flooding by the Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Geological Survey,' Elliot Announced.
'How did they do that?' Maxwell looked around in amazement.
"They sent a lot of majors and colonels and government surveyors and simply announced in wouldn't flood here anymore. Cut right through all that environment red tape and reality”
― North Dallas After 40