Kiss an Angel Quotes
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Kiss an Angel Quotes
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“I don't love you anymore", she whispered. "I don't love you at all." His throat closed. "It's all right, sweetheart. I love you enough for both of us.”
― Kiss an Angel
― Kiss an Angel
“Don't dare a person who has nothing else left to lose.”
― Kiss an Angel
― Kiss an Angel
“He shook his head. "The next time I hear a women going on about how neurotic men are, I'm going to remember this. You tell me you like my body, and what do I say? I say, thank you. Then I tell you I like yours and what do I hear? A long lists of grievances.”
― Kiss an Angel
― Kiss an Angel
“I take thee... to be my awful wedded husband”
― Kiss an Angel
― Kiss an Angel
“What are you gonna do, angel face? Stab me with your eyebrow pencil?”
― Kiss an Angel
― Kiss an Angel
“Pride had kept her running when love had betrayed her.”
― Kiss an Angel
― Kiss an Angel
“Nobody else can demean me. I can only demean myself”
― Kiss an Angel
― Kiss an Angel
“Did you eat my Twinkies?"
She gulped. Keeping her eyes glued to the whip, she said, "Exactly what Twinkies are we talking about?"
"The Twinkies in the cupboard over the sink. The only Twinkies in the trailer." His fingers convulsed around the coils of leather.
Oh, Lord, she thought. Flayed to death for a Twinkle.
"It, uh — it won't happen again, I promise you. But they didn't have any special marking on them, so there was no way I could tell they were yours." Her eyes remained riveted on the whip. "And normally I wouldn't have eaten them— I never eat junk food-—but I was hungry last night, and, well, when you think about it, you'll have to admit I did you a favor because they're clogging my arteries now instead of yours."
His voice was quiet. Too quiet. In her mind she heard the howl of a rampaging Cossack baying at a Russian moon. "Don't touch my Twinkies. Ever. If you want Twinkies, buy your own.”
― Kiss an Angel
She gulped. Keeping her eyes glued to the whip, she said, "Exactly what Twinkies are we talking about?"
"The Twinkies in the cupboard over the sink. The only Twinkies in the trailer." His fingers convulsed around the coils of leather.
Oh, Lord, she thought. Flayed to death for a Twinkle.
"It, uh — it won't happen again, I promise you. But they didn't have any special marking on them, so there was no way I could tell they were yours." Her eyes remained riveted on the whip. "And normally I wouldn't have eaten them— I never eat junk food-—but I was hungry last night, and, well, when you think about it, you'll have to admit I did you a favor because they're clogging my arteries now instead of yours."
His voice was quiet. Too quiet. In her mind she heard the howl of a rampaging Cossack baying at a Russian moon. "Don't touch my Twinkies. Ever. If you want Twinkies, buy your own.”
― Kiss an Angel
“She (Daisy) dug her nails into her palms and told herself she had no choice. "I, Theodosia..." She gulped for air. "...take thee Alexander..." She gulped again. " be my awful wedded husband...”
― Kiss an Angel
― Kiss an Angel
“You shouldn't dare a person who doesn't have anything left to lose.”
― Kiss an Angel
― Kiss an Angel
“No puedo resistirme a ti —dijo Alex con suavidad. —¿Lo sabes, no? Y ya me he cansado de fingir lo contrario —adoptó una expresión de profunda preocupación. —Pero no te amo, Daisy, y no puedes hacerte una idea de cuánto lo siento, porque si tuviera que amar a alguien, sería a ti.”
― Kiss an Angel
― Kiss an Angel
“Good news!" she chirped. "The doctor says this time it's triplets!”
― Kiss an Angel
― Kiss an Angel
“Well alright then," His eyes glittered. "I get my kicks whipping woman I have sex with and you're next on my list. Now I'm going to take a shower.”
― Kiss an Angel
― Kiss an Angel
“I love you, Daisy. I love you so much I hurt.”
― Kiss an Angel
― Kiss an Angel
“I don't care how much evidence the state presented. I've never for one moment believed he murdered that waitress.”
― Kiss an Angel
― Kiss an Angel
“His fists clenched at his sides. 'Damn it! Where's your pride?'
'Pride? It's in my heart, of course.'
'You're letting me demean you!'
She smiled. 'You can't do that. I can only demean myself.”
― Kiss an Angel
'Pride? It's in my heart, of course.'
'You're letting me demean you!'
She smiled. 'You can't do that. I can only demean myself.”
― Kiss an Angel
“—Ya no te amo —susurró ella. —No te amo en absoluto.
A él se le puso un nudo en la garganta.
—No importa, cariño. Yo tengo amor suficiente por los dos.”
― Kiss an Angel
A él se le puso un nudo en la garganta.
—No importa, cariño. Yo tengo amor suficiente por los dos.”
― Kiss an Angel
“In case you still haven't figured it out, he loves you. Your tiger will be back in the morning, and you can thank me anytime. Now, do I have to paint another picture for you, or do you think you can take it from here by yourself without screwing up?”
― Kiss an Angel
― Kiss an Angel
“But I don't love you, Daisy, and you can't begin to know how sorry I am about that because if I could chose anyone in this world to love, it'd be you.”
― Kiss an Angel
― Kiss an Angel
“The point I was trying to make before you interrupted with your inventory
of my personality is that neither of us is going to be able to stay celibate for the next six months."
She dropped her eyes. If only he knew that she'd stayed that way all her life.
We'll be living in close quarters," he went on. "We're legally married, and it's only natural that we're going to get it on."
Get it on? His bluntness reminded her that none of this meant anything to him emotionally, and contrary to all logic, she'd wanted to hear something romantic. With some pique, she said, "In other words, you expect me to keep house, work for the circus, and 'get it on' with you."
He thought it over. "I guess that's about the size of it.”
― Kiss an Angel
of my personality is that neither of us is going to be able to stay celibate for the next six months."
She dropped her eyes. If only he knew that she'd stayed that way all her life.
We'll be living in close quarters," he went on. "We're legally married, and it's only natural that we're going to get it on."
Get it on? His bluntness reminded her that none of this meant anything to him emotionally, and contrary to all logic, she'd wanted to hear something romantic. With some pique, she said, "In other words, you expect me to keep house, work for the circus, and 'get it on' with you."
He thought it over. "I guess that's about the size of it.”
― Kiss an Angel
“You foolish man. Of course there's love. Don't you know? I love you.”
― Kiss an Angel
― Kiss an Angel
“She stared up at him, and her eyes were so large they looked like blue mint candies. 'I get to stay?'
'You're damn right you're staying, and I don't want to hear another word of disrespect.' His voice broke. 'I'm your father, and you damn well better love me the same way I love you, or you'll be sorry.'
The next thing he knew, he was grabbing her, and she was grabbing him, and all the bozos coming down the jerway trying to get past them were jabbing them with bags and briefcases, but he didn't care. He was holding tight to this daughter he loved so desperately, and he wasn't ever going to let her go.”
― Kiss an Angel
'You're damn right you're staying, and I don't want to hear another word of disrespect.' His voice broke. 'I'm your father, and you damn well better love me the same way I love you, or you'll be sorry.'
The next thing he knew, he was grabbing her, and she was grabbing him, and all the bozos coming down the jerway trying to get past them were jabbing them with bags and briefcases, but he didn't care. He was holding tight to this daughter he loved so desperately, and he wasn't ever going to let her go.”
― Kiss an Angel
“All it means is that, while our minds may have trouble communicating, our bodies don't have any problem at all."
"I don't think it's that simple."
"Sure it is."
"The earth moved," she said softly. "That has to be more than bodies communicating.”
― Kiss an Angel
"I don't think it's that simple."
"Sure it is."
"The earth moved," she said softly. "That has to be more than bodies communicating.”
― Kiss an Angel
“Get inside before I spank you in public."
There it was again, another of his maddening threats. Did that mean he wouldn't spank her if she did as he said or that he simply planned to spank her in private? She was still mulling over the whole unpleasant concept when he started the truck.”
― Kiss an Angel
There it was again, another of his maddening threats. Did that mean he wouldn't spank her if she did as he said or that he simply planned to spank her in private? She was still mulling over the whole unpleasant concept when he started the truck.”
― Kiss an Angel
“She was kind of crying, too, because she liked happy endings. Then she realized it wasn't an ending at all. As she gazed around at all these people she loved, she knew that everybody here was just getting started.”
― Kiss an Angel
― Kiss an Angel
“Stop trying to be cute. You’re too mean to be cute.”
― Kiss an Angel
― Kiss an Angel
“He mounted the stairs. "You're a romantic, Daisy. It's not that I think I'm so irresistible—God knows, I don't—but over the years it's been my observation that the minute any man puts a red flag in front of a woman, she changes it in her mind to a green one.”
― Kiss an Angel
― Kiss an Angel
“my awful wedded husband.”
― Kiss an Angel
― Kiss an Angel
“In case you haven't heard, the brain is the most important sexual organ, and my brain isn't interested in having anything to do with you.”
― Kiss an Angel
― Kiss an Angel
“El orgullo la mantuvo en pie cuando el amor la traicionó.”
― Kiss an Angel
― Kiss an Angel