Songs of Kabir Quotes
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Songs of Kabir Quotes
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“You have left Your Beloved and are thinking of others:
and this is why your work is in vain.”
― Songs of Kabir
and this is why your work is in vain.”
― Songs of Kabir
“When at last you are come to the ocean of happiness, do not go back thirsty.”
― Songs of Kabir
― Songs of Kabir
“Whether I be in the temple or in the balcony, in the camp or the flower garden, I tell you truly that every moment my Lord is taking His delight in me.”
― Songs of Kabir
― Songs of Kabir
“Kabîr says: "Knowing it, the ignorant man becomes wise,
and the wise man becomes speechless and silent,
The worshipper is utterly inebriated,
His wisdom and his detachment are made perfect;
He drinks from the cup of the inbreathings and the outbreathings
of love.”
― Songs of Kabir
and the wise man becomes speechless and silent,
The worshipper is utterly inebriated,
His wisdom and his detachment are made perfect;
He drinks from the cup of the inbreathings and the outbreathings
of love.”
― Songs of Kabir
“In your body is the garden of flowers. Take your seat on the thousand petals of the lotus, and there gaze on the Infinite Beauty.”
― Songs of Kabir
― Songs of Kabir
“A sore pain troubles me day and night, and I cannot sleep; I long for the meeting with my Beloved, and my father's house gives me pleasure no more. The gates of the sky are opened, the temple is revealed: I meet my husband, and leave at His feet the offering of my body and my mind.”
― Songs of Kabir
― Songs of Kabir
“Look upon life and death; there is no separation between them,
The right hand and the left hand are one and the same.
Kabîr says: "There the wise man is speechless; for this truth may
never be found in Vedas or in books.”
― Songs of Kabir
The right hand and the left hand are one and the same.
Kabîr says: "There the wise man is speechless; for this truth may
never be found in Vedas or in books.”
― Songs of Kabir
“There the whole sky is filled with sound, and there that music is
made without fingers and without strings;
There the game of pleasure and pain does not cease.
Kabir says: "If you merge your life in the Ocean of Life, you
will find your life in the Supreme Land of Bliss.”
― Songs of Kabir
made without fingers and without strings;
There the game of pleasure and pain does not cease.
Kabir says: "If you merge your life in the Ocean of Life, you
will find your life in the Supreme Land of Bliss.”
― Songs of Kabir
“The Kazi is searching the words of the Koran, and instructing others:
but if his heart be not steeped in that love, what does it avail, though he be a teacher of men?”
― Songs of Kabir
but if his heart be not steeped in that love, what does it avail, though he be a teacher of men?”
― Songs of Kabir
“साधो, देखो जग बौराना ।
साँची कही तो मारन धावै, झूठे जग पतियाना ।
हिन्दू कहत,राम हमारा, मुसलमान रहमाना ।
आपस में दौऊ लड़ै मरत हैं, मरम कोई नहिं जाना ।
Saints, I see
The world is mad
If I tell the truth
They rush to beat me
If I lie they trust me
Hindus claim Ram as the one
Muslims claims Raheem
Then they kill eachother
Knowing not the essence”
― Kabir's Poems
साँची कही तो मारन धावै, झूठे जग पतियाना ।
हिन्दू कहत,राम हमारा, मुसलमान रहमाना ।
आपस में दौऊ लड़ै मरत हैं, मरम कोई नहिं जाना ।
Saints, I see
The world is mad
If I tell the truth
They rush to beat me
If I lie they trust me
Hindus claim Ram as the one
Muslims claims Raheem
Then they kill eachother
Knowing not the essence”
― Kabir's Poems
“The home is the abiding place; in the home is reality; the home helps to attain Him Who is real. So stay where you are, and all things shall come to you in time.”
― Songs of Kabir
― Songs of Kabir
“There, where millions of Krishnas stand with hands folded, Where millions of Vishnus bow their heads, Where millions of Brahmâs are reading the Vedas, Where millions of Shivas are lost in contemplation, Where millions of Indras dwell in the sky, Where the demi-gods and the munis are unnumbered, Where millions of Saraswatis, Goddess of Music, play on the vina— There is my Lord self-revealed: and the scent of sandal and flowers dwells in those deeps.”
― Songs of Kabir
― Songs of Kabir
“To what shore would you cross, O my heart?
there is no traveller before you, there is no road:
Where is the movement, where is the rest, on that shore?
There is no water; no boat, no boatman, is there;
There is not so much as a rope to tow the boat, nor a man to draw it.
No earth, no sky, no time, no thing, is there: no shore, no ford!
There, there is neither body nor mind: and where is the place that shall still the thirst of the soul?
You shall find naught in that emptiness.
Be strong, and enter into your own body: for there your foothold is firm.
Consider it well, O my heart! go not elsewhere,
Kabîr says: 'Put all imaginations away, and stand fast in that which you are.”
― Songs of Kabir
there is no traveller before you, there is no road:
Where is the movement, where is the rest, on that shore?
There is no water; no boat, no boatman, is there;
There is not so much as a rope to tow the boat, nor a man to draw it.
No earth, no sky, no time, no thing, is there: no shore, no ford!
There, there is neither body nor mind: and where is the place that shall still the thirst of the soul?
You shall find naught in that emptiness.
Be strong, and enter into your own body: for there your foothold is firm.
Consider it well, O my heart! go not elsewhere,
Kabîr says: 'Put all imaginations away, and stand fast in that which you are.”
― Songs of Kabir
“He who is within is without: I see Him and none else.”
― Songs of Kabir
― Songs of Kabir
“O How may I ever express that secret word? O how can I say He is not like this, and He is like that? If I say that He is within me, the universe is ashamed: If I say that He is without me, it is falsehood. He makes the inner and the outer worlds to be indivisibly one; The conscious and the unconscious, both are His footstools. He is neither manifest nor hidden, He is neither revealed nor unrevealed: There are no words to tell that which He is.”
― Songs of Kabir
― Songs of Kabir
“There, there is neither body nor mind: and where is the place that shall still the thirst of the soul? You shall find naught in that emptiness. Be strong, and enter into your own body: for there your foothold is firm. Consider it well, O my heart! go not elsewhere, Kabîr says: “Put all imaginations away, and stand fast in that which you are.”
― Songs of Kabir
― Songs of Kabir
“Kabîr says: “If you merge your life in the Ocean of Life, you will find your life in the Supreme Land of Bliss.”
― Songs of Kabir
― Songs of Kabir
“Kabir says: "When a brave knight takes the field, a host of cowards is put to flight. It is a hard fight and a weary one, this fight of the truth-seeker: for the vow of the truth-seeker is more hard than that of the warrior, or of the widowed wife who would follow her husband. For the warrior fights for a few hours, and the widow's struggle with death is soon ended:
But the truth-seeker's battle goes on day and night, as long as life lasts it never ceases.”
― Songs of Kabir
But the truth-seeker's battle goes on day and night, as long as life lasts it never ceases.”
― Songs of Kabir
“For work has no other aim than the getting of knowledge: When that comes, then work is put away. The flower blooms for the fruit: when the fruit comes, the flower withers. The musk is in the deer, but it seeks it not within itself: it wanders in quest of grass.”
― Songs of Kabir
― Songs of Kabir
“When I gave up the tying of ribbons, still I tied my garment
about me:
When I gave up tying my garment, still I covered my body in its
So when I give up passion, I see that anger remains;
And when I renounce anger, greed is still with me still;
And when greed is vanquished, pride and vainglory remain;
When the mind is detached and casts Maya away,still it clings to
the latter.
Kabir says, 'Listen to me, dear Sadhu! the true path is rarely found.”
― Songs of Kabir
about me:
When I gave up tying my garment, still I covered my body in its
So when I give up passion, I see that anger remains;
And when I renounce anger, greed is still with me still;
And when greed is vanquished, pride and vainglory remain;
When the mind is detached and casts Maya away,still it clings to
the latter.
Kabir says, 'Listen to me, dear Sadhu! the true path is rarely found.”
― Songs of Kabir
“Therefore the whole apparatus of piety, Hindu and Moslem alike—the temple and mosque, idol and holy water, scriptures and priests—were denounced by this inconveniently clear-sighted poet as mere substitutes for reality; dead things intervening between the soul and its love—”
― Songs of Kabir
― Songs of Kabir
“I have known in my body the sport of the universe: I have escaped from the error of this world. The inward and the outward are become as one sky, the Infinite and the finite are united: I am drunken with the sight of this All! This Light of Thine fulfils the universe: the lamp of love that burns on the salver of knowledge. Kabir says: "There error cannot enter, and the conflict of life and death is felt no more.”
― Songs of Kabir
― Songs of Kabir
“What a wonderful lotus it is, that blooms at the heart of the spinning wheel of the universe! Only a few pure souls know of its true delight.Music is all around it, and there the heart partakes of the joy of the Infinite Sea.Kabir says: "Dive thou into that Ocean of sweetness: thus let all errors of life and of death flee away.”
― Songs of Kabir
― Songs of Kabir
“Living in bondage, I have set myself free: I have broken away from the clutch
of all narrowness.”
― Songs of Kabir
of all narrowness.”
― Songs of Kabir
“Why so impatient, my heart? He who watches over birds, beasts, and insects, He who cared for you whilst you were yet in your mother’s womb, Shall He not care for you now that you are come forth? Oh my heart, how could you turn from the smile of your Lord and wander so far from Him? You have left Your Beloved and are thinking of others: and this is why all your work is in vain.”
― Songs of Kabir
― Songs of Kabir
“O friend! hope for Him whilst you live, know whilst you live,
understand whilst you live: for in life deliverance abides.
If your bonds be not broken whilst living, what hope of deliverance in death?”
― Songs of Kabir
understand whilst you live: for in life deliverance abides.
If your bonds be not broken whilst living, what hope of deliverance in death?”
― Songs of Kabir