Call of the Herald Quotes
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Call of the Herald Quotes
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“If you wish to find yourself, you must first admit you are lost.”
― Call of the Herald
― Call of the Herald
“This life is but a brief tenure, one of many perspectives a spirit must experience in the quest for eternity.”
― Call of the Herald
― Call of the Herald
“The most awesome powers are those not wielded.”
― Call of the Herald
― Call of the Herald
“Life is the greatest of all mysteries, and though I seek to solve its many riddles, my deepest fear is that I will succeed.”
― Call of the Herald
― Call of the Herald
“Men are fickle creatures, capable of kindness and compassion yet fascinated by the basest atrocities.”
― Call of the Herald
― Call of the Herald
“In our darkest moments, we come to know the true measure of our souls.”
― Call of the Herald
― Call of the Herald
“Anything worth having is worth working for. Anything you love is worth fighting for.”
― Call of the Herald
― Call of the Herald
“The mind can travel farther in a single day than the fastest horse could traverse in a lifetime. --Trevan Dalls, Master of the Arts”
― Call of the Herald
― Call of the Herald
“If peace cannot be made, then peace shall be seized.”
― Call of the Herald
― Call of the Herald
“Sometimes the spirit knows things that the mind cannot; never ignore the urgings of your spirit.”
― Call of the Herald
― Call of the Herald
“joining a battle where there is no chance for victory was to die a noble fool,”
― Call of the Herald
― Call of the Herald
“General Dempsy despaired. The prophecies were impossible to argue since no proof could be offered to discredit them. They were sacred and above reproach.”
― Call of the Herald
― Call of the Herald