The Last Thing I Remember Quotes
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The Last Thing I Remember Quotes
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“I am a thought, lost in a dark, empty room, forgotten in an abandoned house.”
― The Last Thing I Remember
― The Last Thing I Remember
“You don’t realise until you have no memories at all that you are a product of them. When you are an empty sheet of paper, you can’t even relate to yourself let alone to anyone else. You have no north and south. No right or left. You don’t know how to think and you don’t know what you think. Now that I have remembered things – I think – I wonder if I was better off not knowing.”
― The Last Thing I Remember
― The Last Thing I Remember
“I’ve been much more in control of my life. In control of what I say and how I say it. Making choices for me rather than just reacting to the choices other people were making.”
― The Last Thing I Remember
― The Last Thing I Remember
“I look at how someone sits. You can tell a lot about a person by how they sit.”
― The Last Thing I Remember
― The Last Thing I Remember