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The galleass
The coming of mighty men-of-war did not mean the immediate end of oared warships. In fact, some types of galleys and oared gunboats continued to serve well into the 19th century. Indeed, the Battle of Lepanto (1571), in which a combined European fleet defeated the Turkish fleet, differed little from traditional galley warfare with two exceptions. First, the scale of the action was very large, with more than 200 cannon-armed galleys on each side. Each of those galleys was propelled by 50 to 200 rowers and carried at least 50 additional people to fight and to crew the guns and sails. Second, the European line of battle included six Venetian galleasses, a compromise type developed in the transition from oar to sail. These huge vessels, which depended on sail as well as oar, bristled with guns, including heavy ones in broadside. Although cumbersome to maneuver, their concentrated fire contributed importantly to victory.
Galleasses outside the Mediterranean differed somewhat from Venice’s in that they were basically full-rigged sailing ships carrying broadsides of heavy guns and a bank of auxiliary oars for mobility. The hybrid existed only in small numbers and soon passed out of fashion to the north.
The galleon
The “great ships” of Henry VII and Henry VIII were carracks: starting basically with the lines of beamy, seaworthy merchant ships, designers had added stronger timbers, masts, sailpower, broadside guns, and high-built forecastles and aftercastles. In the galleon, the successor to the carrack, the general principles of design of sailing men-of-war were established, and they ruled, without fundamental change, for three centuries. The galleon retained certain characteristics of the galley, such as its slender shape, and in fact it had a greater length-to-beam ratio than the carrack. But the carrack’s high-built forecastle, which tended to catch the wind and thus make the ship unmaneuverable, was eliminated from the galleon’s design. The resulting ship was much more seaworthy. Like carracks, the larger galleons might carry a single mizzenmast or two relatively small masts, the second being called the bonaventure.
In the longer, leaner galleon, the number of heavy guns was increased until they ran the full length of the ship’s broadside in one or two tiers (and later three).
The galleon came into favour in northern Europe during the middle of the 16th century. The far-ranging experience of mariners and improved construction techniques led to great fighting ships that were both lower in the water and more seaworthy than their predecessors. The sides now sloped inward from the lowest gun deck up to the weather deck. This “tumble home” helped concentrate the weight of the large broadside guns toward the centreline, improving the ship’s stability.
By this time it had become normal for warships to mount powerful broadsides of 28 or more ship-smashing guns, a much heavier armament in proportion to their size than their predecessors. For their handy, maneuverable ships, the British had relatively large cannon carried in broadsides. Thus they were designed for off-fighting, permitting the English fleet to get the most out of its ships’ superior maneuvering qualities. When the Spanish Armada arrived in 1588, the British sought and fought a sea battle with ship-killing guns, rather than the conventional fleet engagement of the past that concentrated on ramming, boarding, and killing in hand-to-hand combat. With superior ability and long-range culverins, the English ships punished the invading fleet outside the effective range of the heavy but shorter-range cannon the Spanish favoured. This historic running battle of July 1588 closed one era and opened a greater one of big-gun sailing navies.