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Austria: References & Edit History

Additional Reading


Eugene K. Keefe et al., Area Handbook for Austria (1976), though old, is still valuable for its survey of physical features and its description of national traditions and culture. Austria, Facts and Figures (1990), published by the Federal Press Service, is an informative compendium of illustrations and statistics. Among the more comprehensive guidebooks are Ian Robertson, Austria, 2nd ed. (1987); and Franz N. Mehling (ed.), Austria (1985; originally published in German, 1977), from the Phaidon Cultural Guide series. Harald Gardos and Manfred Wagner, Some Aspects of Cultural Policies in Austria (1981), is a brief UNESCO study.

Political developments are discussed in William T. Bluhm, Building an Austrian Nation: The Political Integration of a Western State (1973). John Fitzmaurice, Austrian Politics and Society Today: In Defence of Austria (1990), is a study of economic, social, and political characteristics against the traditional perception of Austrian neutrality. More-detailed analysis of the political forces in Austrian society is found in Max E. Riedlsperger, The Lingering Shadow of Nazism: The Austrian Independent Party Movement Since 1945 (1978); Melanie A. Sully, Political Parties and Elections in Austria (1981); and Anton Pelinka and Fritz Plasser (eds.), The Austrian Party System (1989).


Konrad Spindler, The Man in the Ice (1994, reissued 2001; originally published in German, 1993), recounts the discovery of the well-preserved body of a Stone Age hunter in the Ötztal Alps. Comprehensive chronological coverage is provided in Richard Rickett, A Brief Survey of Austrian History, 9th ed. (1988); and Lonnie Johnson, Introducing Austria (1987). Erich Zöllner, Geschichte Österreichs: von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart, 8th ed. (1990), is a massive history of Austria from ancient times to the end of the 1980s. Paula Sutter Fichtner, The Habsburg Empire: From Dynasticism to Multinationalism (1997), provides a comprehensive survey of the long history of the Habsburgs. Barbara Jelavich, Modern Austria: Empire and Republic, 1815–1986 (1987), covers Austrian history from the end of the Napoleonic Wars to the end of the 20th century.

Austrian History Yearbook, published by the University of Minnesota, is devoted to recent research. The series Contemporary Austrian Studies, ed. by Günter Bischof and Anton Pelinka, often with a guest editor, concentrates on recent Austrian history. Paula Sutter Fichtner, Historical Dictionary of Austria (1999), provides easily accessible, reliable information.

Studies of particular historical periods include A.W. Leeper, A History of Medieval Austria (1941, reprinted 1978), focusing on the Middle Ages up to the middle of the 13th century; Adam Wandruszka, The House of Habsburg: Six Hundred Years of a European Dynasty (1964, reprinted 1975; originally published in German, 1956), focusing on the late Middle Ages; Robert A. Kann, A History of the Habsburg Empire, 1526–1918 (1974); and R.J.W. Evans, The Making of the Habsburg Monarchy, 1550–1700: An Interpretation (1979, reprinted 1984), concentrating on the ascent of the house of Habsburg, and Rudolf II and His World: A Study in Intellectual History, 1576–1612 (1973, reissued with corrections, 1984). Thomas M. Barker, Double Eagle and Crescent: Vienna’s Second Turkish Siege and Its Historical Setting (1967); and Ivan Parvev, Habsburgs and Ottomans Between Vienna and Belgrade (1683–1739) (1995), explore the difficult relations between the Habsburg and Ottoman empires from the second siege of Vienna to the beginning of Maria Theresa’s reign. A thorough overall interpretation of the period from the Thirty Years’ War to the Congress of Vienna is given in Charles W. Ingrao, The Habsburg Monarchy, 1618–1815, 2nd ed. (2000).

The 18th century is examined in James Van Horn Melton, Absolutism and the Eighteenth-Century Origins of Compulsory Schooling in Prussia and Austria (1988), discussing the educational system against the background of general social history; and Ernst Wangermann, The Austrian Achievement, 1700–1800 (1973), on cultural and intellectual life. Works on the monarchy include C.A. Macartney, Maria Theresa and the House of Austria (1969); Derek Beales, Joseph II: In the Shadow of Maria Theresa, 1741–1780 (1987), focusing on Joseph’s formative years; and Paul P. Bernard, Joseph II (1968), a brief survey. The Habsburgs’ stormy relationship with the Hungarians in the age of reform is dealt with in Éva H. Balázs, Hungary and the Habsburgs, 1765–1800: An Experiment in Enlightened Absolutism (1997; originally published in Hungarian, 1987). Austria’s great struggles against the French Revolution and Napoleon are covered in Karl A. Roider, Jr., Baron Thugut and Austria’s Response to the French Revolution (1987); and Gunther E. Rothenberg, Napoleon’s Great Adversaries: The Archduke Charles and the Austrian Army, 1792–1814 (1982). Economic development is examined in David F. Good, The Economic Rise of the Habsburg Empire, 1750–1914 (1984); and John Komlos, The Habsburg Monarchy as a Customs Union: Economic Development in Austria-Hungary in the Nineteenth Century (1983). Culture is surveyed in Robert A. Kann, A Study in Austrian Intellectual History: From Late Baroque to Romanticism (1960, reprinted 1973).

Analyses of 19th-century politics and diplomacy include Harold Nicolson, The Congress of Vienna: A Study in Allied Unity 1812–1822 (1946, reissued 1989); Arthur G. Haas, Metternich, Reorganization, and Nationality, 1813–1818: A Story of Foresight and Frustration in the Rebuilding of the Austrian Empire (1963); and Enno E. Kraehe, Metternich’s German Policy, 2 vol. (1963–1983). István Deák, The Lawful Revolution: Louis Kossuth and the Hungarians, 1848–1849 (1979), is an excellent work on the national problems. The 19th century is further covered in Heinrich Friedjung, The Struggle for Supremacy in Germany, 1859–1866 (1935, reprinted 1966; originally published in German, 10th ed., 2 vol., 1916–17); C.A. Macartney, The Habsburg Empire, 1790–1918 (1968); Arthur J. May, The Hapsburg Monarchy, 1867–1914 (1951, reissued 1968); Henry W. Steed, The Hapsburg Monarchy, 4th ed. (1919, reissued 1969); Robert A. Kann, The Multinational Empire: Nationalism and National Reform in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1848–1918, 2 vol. (1950, reissued 1977); and A.J.P. Taylor, The Habsburg Monarchy, 1809–1918: A History of the Austrian Empire and Austria-Hungary, new ed. (1948, reprinted 1976); William McCagg, A History of Habsburg Jews, 1670–1918 (1989); Carl E. Schorske, Fin-de-Siècle Vienna: Politics and Culture (1980); and William M. Johnston, The Austrian Mind: An Intellectual and Social History, 1848–1938 (1972).

John W. Boyer, Culture and Political Crisis in Vienna: Christian Socialism in Power, 1897–1918 (1995); and Brigitte Hamann, Hitler’s Vienna: A Dictator’s Apprenticeship, trans. from German (1999), provide a bridge between the 19th and 20th centuries. F.L. Carsten, Fascist Movements in Austria: From Schönerer to Hitler (1977); and Charles A. Gulick, Austria from Habsburg to Hitler, 2 vol. (1948, reprinted 1980), do the same through analyses of social and political developments. Gunther E. Rothenberg, The Army of Francis Joseph (1976, reissued 1998); and Alan Sked, The Decline and Fall of the Habsburg Empire, 1815–1918, 2nd ed. (2001), explain structural reasons for the breakdown of the monarchy. Karl R. Stadler, Austria (1971); and Elisabeth Barker, Austria, 1918–1972 (1973), cover 20th-century history in general. David F. Good, Margarete Grandner, and Mary Jo Maynes (eds.), Austrian Women in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Cross-disciplinary Perspectives (1996), gives a good overview of women’s history.

Surveys of the First Republic include Arthur J. May, The Passing of the Hapsburg Monarchy, 1914–1918, 2 vol. (1966); Mary MacDonald, The Republic of Austria, 1918–1934: A Study in the Failure of Democratic Government (1946); F.L. Carsten, The First Austrian Republic, 1918–1938: A Study Based on British and Austrian Documents (1986); and Anson Rabinbach, The Crisis of Austrian Socialism: From Red Vienna to Civil War, 1927–1934 (1983). Jill Lewis, Fascism and the Working Class in Austria, 1918–1934: The Failure of Labour in the First Republic (1991), offers fresh insight into the problematic wavering between the theory and the practice of Austro-Marxism. Michael P. Steinberg, The Meaning of the Salzburg Festival: Austria as Theater and Ideology, 1890–1938 (1990, reissued 2000), reviews the rejuvenation of the Austrian spirit after World War I.

Martin Kitchen, The Coming of Austrian Fascism (1980); and Bruce F. Pauley, Hitler and the Forgotten Nazis: A History of Austrian National Socialism (1981), review early German national socialism in Austria. The development of antisemitism is chronicled in Ivar Oxaal, Michael Pollak, and Gerhard Botz (eds.), Jews, Antisemitism, and Culture in Vienna (1987), a history of Austrian Jews, from assimilation to forced emigration and extermination; and Bruce F. Pauley, From Prejudice to Persecution: A History of Austrian Anti-Semitism (1992).

Emmerich Talos, Ernst Hanisch, and Wolfgang Neugebauer (eds.), NS-Herrschaft in Österreich, 1938–1945 (1988), is a comprehensive scholarly volume dealing with the implications of national socialist rule for Austrian society. Evan Burr Bukey, Hitler’s Austria: Popular Sentiment in the Nazi Era, 1938–1945 (2000), analyzes secret-service reports on Austrian public opinion during World War II. David Wingeate Pike, Spaniards in the Holocaust: Mauthausen, the Horror on the Danube (2000), offers new insight on the fate of Spanish Republicans and other resistance members in the main Austrian concentration camp.

Robert H. Keyserlingk, Austria in World War II: An Anglo-American Dilemma (1988); William B. Bader, Austria Between East and West, 1945–1955 (1966); and Alice Hills, Britain and the Occupation of Austria, 1943–45 (2000), study the various strategic plans, international problems, and political decisions surrounding the reestablishment of Austria during and after World War II. Reinhold Wagnleitner (ed.), Understanding Austria: The Political Reports and Analyses of Martin F. Herz, Political Officer of the U.S. Legation in Vienna, 1945–1948 (1984), gives a detailed account of the first three years of occupation by one of the most insightful American postwar diplomats. Günter Bischof, Austria in the First Cold War, 1945–55: The Leverage of the Weak (1999), examines the diplomatic, military, political, legal, and economic questions confronting Austria and the Allies between 1945 and 1955. Reinhold Wagnleitner, Coca-Colonization and the Cold War: The Cultural Mission of the United States in Austria After the Second World War (1994; originally published in German, 1991), analyzes the impact of the U.S. reorientation policies toward Austria in the context of the Cold War and the development of a culture of consumption. David F. Good and Ruth Wodak (eds.), From World War to Waldheim: Culture and Politics in Austria and the United States (1999), gives a good overview of the leverage of a small state in the shadow of a superpower. F. Parkinson (ed.), Conquering the Past: Austrian Nazism Yesterday and Today (1989); Richard Bassett, Waldheim and Austria (1989); and Richard Mitten, The Politics of Antisemitic Prejudice: The Waldheim Phenomenon in Austria (1992), are critical studies of the inability of some Austrians to conquer their past.

Kurt Steiner (ed.), Modern Austria (1981); and Kurt Richard Luther and Peter Pulzer (eds.), Austria, 1945–95: Fifty Years of the Second Republic (1998), examine political, social, economic, and cultural developments under the Second Republic. Melanie A. Sully, A Contemporary History of Austria (1990), is a short review of politics in the 1980s. Melanie A. Sully, Continuity and Change in Austrian Socialism: The Eternal Quest for the Third Way (1982); and Jim Sweeney and Josef Weidenholzer (eds.), Austria: A Study in Modern Achievement (1988), are also useful.

Günter Bischof, Anton Pelinka, and Ferdinand Karlhofer (eds.), The Vranitzky Era in Austria (1999), discusses the problems of the first 10 years of the second grand coalition. Anton Pelinka, Austria: Out of the Shadow of the Past (1998); and Hella Pick, Guilty Victim: Austria from the Holocaust to Haider (2000), discuss the profound political changes in late 20th-century Austria.

Reinhold F. Wagnleitner

Article Contributors

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  • Geoff Tompkinson
    For more than 30 years Geoff Tompkinson has traveled the world as a photographer. Working at different times in the fields of photojournalism, corporate, advertising, stock, 3D concepts and latterly timelapse and realtime motion clips, During his corporate period he worked on annual reports and corporate brochures for Glaxo, ICI, Zeneca, Fisons, Bibby, Inchcape, Ready Mixed Concrete, Genzyme, PHLS and many more. His timelapse and realtime footage regularly appears on television all over the world as well as in major Hollywood movies.

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Article History

Type Description Contributor Date
Changed spelling of “anti-Semitism” to “antisemitism.” Mar 06, 2025
Updated currency exchange rate. Mar 03, 2025
Media updated. Nov 28, 2023
Country Profile: Updated Head of government. Dec 07, 2021
Country Profile: Updated Head of government. Oct 11, 2021
Removed media. Sep 14, 2021
Invalidated site: Science Kids - Fun Science and Technology for Kids! - Austria Facts for Kids. Mar 10, 2021
Country Profile: Updated head of government. Jan 10, 2020
Country Profile: Updated head of government. Jun 04, 2019
Country Profile: Updated head of government. May 28, 2019
Updated for the swearing in of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz. Dec 21, 2017
Country Profile: Updated head of government. Dec 20, 2017
Country Profile: Expanded statistics in country profile. Aug 24, 2017
Media added. May 19, 2017
Country Profile: Updated head of state. Feb 01, 2017
Media added. Jan 25, 2017
Updated for the election of Alexander Van der Bellen as president. Dec 07, 2016
Add new Web site: Easy Science for Kids - Austria. Dec 05, 2016
Add new Web site: Science Kids - Fun Science and Technology for Kids! - Austria Facts for Kids. Dec 05, 2016
Add new Web site: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum - Holocaust Encyclopedia - Austria. Oct 24, 2016
Updated for the Freedom Party's successful challenge of the May 2016 presidential election results. Jul 05, 2016
Country Profile: Updated form of government. Jun 07, 2016
In People section, added data charts. May 12, 2016
In Economy section, added data charts. May 12, 2016
Media added. May 09, 2016
Updated for the resignation of Werner Faymann. May 09, 2016
Added locator map to the Introduction. May 04, 2016
Changed "Francis Joseph" to "Franz Joseph" and "Francis Ferdinand" to "Franz Ferdinand." Nov 12, 2015
Added video. Apr 16, 2015
Added video. Mar 20, 2015
Added video. Dec 05, 2014
Replaced photograph. Aug 21, 2013
Media added. Jul 02, 2013
Updated People section to reflect current demographic trends. May 28, 2013
History section revised and updated. May 28, 2013
Updated Economy section to reflect developments in the wake of the euro-zone crisis. May 28, 2013
Updated Government and society section to reflect the evolution of the party structure and the affirmation of the country's conscription policy. May 28, 2013
Updated Cultural life section with current names of Austrian cultural institutions. May 28, 2013
Updated with details about the return to "grand coalition" rule and the government's response to the euro-zone crisis. May 28, 2013
Add new Web site: European Union - Austria. Jan 24, 2013
Add new Web site: Austrian Foreign Ministry - Austria. Jan 24, 2013
Add new Web site: globalEDGE - Austria. Jan 24, 2013
Add new Web site: - Austria. Jan 24, 2013
Add new Web site: Maps of World - Austria. Jan 24, 2013
Add new Web site: Enchanted Learning - Flag of Austria. Dec 06, 2012
Add new Web site: Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Austria. Dec 06, 2012
Add new Web site: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum - Holocaust Encyclopedia - Austria. Dec 06, 2012
Deleted map. Mar 05, 2012
Country Profile: Added name of head of state and head of government, along with urban-rural, life expectancy, literacy, and GNI per capita statistics. Feb 24, 2012
"Bosniac" changed to "Bosniak." Mar 10, 2011
National anthem added. Dec 21, 2010
Country Profile: Update area and population figures. Mar 12, 2010
Clarified that the European Economic Community was succeeded by the European Union. Jan 08, 2010
Geologic time data updated. Sep 24, 2009
Austria physical features map added. Sep 24, 2009
Added new Web site: National Geographic - Travel - Austria. Apr 16, 2009
Updated article with formation of new government coalition. Nov 26, 2008
Article revised and updated. Oct 15, 2008
Updated voting age and party structure. Sep 30, 2008
Updated voting age. Sep 30, 2008
Updated with latest election results. Sep 30, 2008
Added new Web site: The Canadian Encyclopedia - Austria. Jul 21, 2008
Article revised and updated. Jul 09, 2008
Updated history with collapse of governing coalition. Jul 09, 2008
Added new Web site: - Anubis. Jul 09, 2008
Article revised and updated. Apr 23, 2008
Bibliography revised and updated. Apr 23, 2008
Added population density map. Mar 31, 2008
Article revised and updated. Mar 31, 2008
Article revised and updated. Mar 16, 2007
Article revised and updated. Jan 19, 2007
Article revised and updated. Dec 14, 2006
Added new Web site: Library of Congress - Austria - Selected Internet Resources. Aug 08, 2006
Added new Web site: Central Intelligence Agency - The World Factbook - Austria. Jul 26, 2006
Article revised. Apr 28, 2005
Article revised. Mar 17, 2005
Article revised. Dec 07, 2001
Article revised. Mar 30, 2001
Article revised. Feb 26, 2001
Article revised. Oct 05, 2000
Article revised. Sep 08, 2000
Article revised. Aug 03, 2000
Article revised. Jan 24, 2000
Article added to new online database. Jul 26, 1999
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Article History