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effective altruismphilanthropic foundationcharity fraudcharitable trustsocial servicesocietycrimegovernancecensorshipwarpunishmentterrorismmarriageregulationrevolutioncivil union
Key People
John Ruskin
English writer and artist
Cecil Rhodes
prime minister of Cape Colony
William Hogarth
English artist
Alfred Nobel
Swedish inventor
Andrew Carnegie
American industrialist and philanthropist
Bill Gates
American computer programmer, businessman, and philanthropist
Audrey Hepburn
Belgian-born British actress
John D. Rockefeller
American industrialist
Imran Khan
prime minister of Pakistan
Madam C.J. Walker
American businesswoman and philanthropist
Sanford I. Weill
American financier and philanthropist
Savva Mamontov
Russian entrepreneur and philanthropist
Anna Wintour
British editor
Kim Woo Choong
South Korean businessman
Nicholas Negroponte
American architect and computer scientist
Louis Comfort Tiffany
American designer
Raj Rajaratnam
American investor
Sir Sigmund Sternberg
British philanthropist and entrepreneur
Aliko Dangote
Nigerian businessman
Don Francisco
Chilean television personality