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Ghana? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Has anyone been to Ghana lately? There are not too many trip reports for this country and I would be interested to have some recent information.

I shall be going there from mid to end January 2006.


Hi bittern,
I've not been to Ghana but have spent a lot of of time in West Africa.
Friends who have worked in Ghana say the people are generally nice and friendly and conditions better than other WA countries.
I don't know what sort of deal you have got, but there are several things to note.
Firstly, MALARIA - Take great care to get the correct medication and take it well before you go and after you get back. If you feel unwell even several months after your return, still check for malaria.
Try to avoid being outside at dusk as this is the prime time to get bitten! The less you get bit, the less chance of getting sick! DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE RISK OF MALARIA or other similar diseases.
Take a good supply of various medicines including IMODIUN and some cream for ATHLETES FOOT!
Secondly - the heat and humidity - it can be a real shock if you are not used to it. Make sure to always carry water with you, and only get UNOPENED bottles. Drink little and often.
Generally I think Ghana is quite safe, BUT, don't do daft things like going into dark places at night.
The roads are probably not too good and also quite dangerous. If the driver is going too fast - TELL HIM TO SLOW DOWN!
Get a photocopy of your passport and keep it seperate from your real one.
Up country is probably not as comfortable as around the coast so be prepared for this.
Most of all - enjoy the sunshine.
Sorry I don't know about the birds other than I'm sure there are many good ones.
There is a book called - BIRDS OF WEST AFRICA which is a pretty good guide.

Have a nice trip.


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Thanks for the information, actually I have been to Ghana before but did not do too much birding so was interested in the birding aspects more than the more general issues regarding the country. I can certainly confirm that it is a very pleasant country to visit. I shall be staying with friends there who are locals and am looking for recent birding info. I have the field guides though and did get to Kakum and a number of other sites last time, but it was 9 years ago!

If anyone has any first hand experience of doing tours with GWS (Ghana Wildlife Society) I would be grateful to hear from you.

Good birding,

Bittern - did you go to Ghana in the end? I would be very interested in your thoughts about the place - I'm thinking of going next year
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