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Angela Dudfield | |
Gender | Female | |
Nationality | Australian | |
Functions | Orchestra, Musician: Flautist | |
Events | ||
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Jayechristopher - Actor and Singer, Set and/or Property Maker
Petrina Alcock - Orchestra
Jill Bacon - Repetiteur
Robert Baldock - Set and/or Property Maker, Stage Crew
Scott Beames-Fidler - Actor and Singer, Costume Co-ordinator, Set and/or Property Maker
Christine Bentley - Chorus Mistress
Robert Bentley - Conductor, Musical Director
Joyclynn Biner - Choreographer, Costume Co-ordinator, Director, Set and/or Property Maker
Zachary Blizzard - Actor and Singer
Jill Brasch - Programme Administrator/Researcher, Set and/or Property Maker
Len Brasch - Programme Administrator/Researcher, Set and/or Property Maker
Liz Brooks - Chorus
Kristy Bryan - Chorus
Brett Budgeon - Actor and Singer
Dana Carpenter - Dancer
Leah Cassidy - Chorus
Dale Clingeleffer - Stage Manager
Darren Cole - Orchestra
Michael Coleman - Actor and Singer
Bob Cox - Orchestra
Karen Darragh - Costume Co-ordinator
Lynn Darvell - Chorus
Annette Dawes - Actor and Singer
Daniel Desmond - Actor and Singer
Helenmarie Desmond - Lighting Operator/Technician
Pat Desmond - Costume Co-ordinator
Mark Dickinson - Actor and Singer
Matthew Dudfield - Orchestra
Anne Ellings - Costume Co-ordinator
Glenda Ellis - Dancer, Publicist
Kylie Fairbrother - Orchestra
Sianne Fisher - Make-up Artist
Douglas Ford - Set and/or Property Maker, Set Designer, Stage Crew
Michelle French - Dancer
Ben Gardam - Actor and Singer
Don Gay - Lighting Designer
Raymond Haberle - Actor and Singer
Ben Hardie - Actor and Singer
Wayne Hayes - Actor and Singer, Publicist
Betty Hite - Costume Co-ordinator, Make-up Artist
Kate Hodgetts - Chorus
Mark Horner - Actor and Singer
Miles Kerr - Actor and Singer, Programme Administrator/Researcher
Ellen Lamb - Make-up Artist
Thomas Lamb - Orchestra
Ian Last - Actor and Singer, Publicist
Lyndon Leaman - Actor and Singer
Kyle Lincoln - Actor and Singer
Andrew Lloyd Webber - Composer
Lydia Long - Repetiteur
Chris Lynch - Actor and Singer
Janet Matic - Chorus
Shelley McCuaig - Chorus
Timothy Oliver - Orchestra
Brian Paine - Actor and Singer, Set and/or Property Maker
Joanna Pearson - Chorus
Jesse Pitcher - Orchestra
Karine Radcliffe - Orchestra
Luke Rafferty - Actor and Singer
Tim Rice - Lyricist
Des Robertson - Scenic Artist
Mandy Robertson - Dancer
Jean Rosevear - Orchestra, Repetiteur
Vanessa Rowsthorn - Dancer
Renee Saward - Dancer
Robyn Scolyer - Orchestra, Repetiteur
Kylie Shearsmith - Set and/or Property Maker, Stage Crew
Bill Shoobridge - Orchestra
Denise Shoobridge - Follow Spot Operator
Belinda Simpson - Orchestra
Marilyn Smiley - Follow Spot Operator
Peter Smiley - Actor and Singer
Jennifer Smith - Dancer
Alison Stretton - Chorus
Paul Stretton - Actor and Singer
Clive Thurlby - Stage Crew
Eloise Tyson - Dancer
Maurita Walker - Orchestra
Rebecca Ward - Chorus
Julie West - Properties Mistress, Publicist
Andrea Whitehouse - Chorus
Kaye Williams - Costume Co-ordinator
Lydia Wilson - Orchestra
Rebecca Young - Chorus
Burnie Musical Society Inc.
Identifier | 561105 |
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