Julie West

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Contributor Julie West
Gender Female
Functions Publicist, Properties Mistress
Related Contributors
  • Is not Julie West (Director. Event Dates: 2017)
  • Is not Julie West (Actor. Event Dates: 1986 - 1996)

Properties Mistress


Christine Bentley - Chorus Mistress, Costume Co-ordinator, Orchestra

Jill Brasch - Chorus, Programme Administrator/Researcher, Set and/or Property Maker

Len Brasch - Programme Administrator/Researcher, Set and/or Property Maker, Stage Crew

Daniel Desmond - Actor, Actor and Singer, Chorus, Set and/or Property Maker

Pat Desmond - Costume Co-ordinator

Glenda Ellis - Assistant to the Director, Dancer, Publicist, Special Effects

Wayne Hayes - Actor, Actor and Singer, Publicist

Betty Hite - Costume Co-ordinator, Make-up Artist

Ellen Lamb - Choir, Make-up Artist, Stage Manager

Thomas Lamb - Musical Director, Orchestra, Photographer

Ian Last - Actor, Actor and Singer, Publicist

Karine Radcliffe - Orchestra

Jean Rosevear - Orchestra, Repetiteur

Clive Thurlby - Stage Crew

Maurita Walker - Orchestra

Robert Bentley - Conductor, Musical Director

Joyclynn Biner - Choreographer, Costume Co-ordinator, Director, Set and/or Property Maker

Kristy Bryan - Choir, Chorus

Bob Cox - Orchestra

Karen Darragh - Costume Co-ordinator

Annette Dawes - Actor and Singer, Narrator

Carolyn Desmond - Chorus, Dancer

Helenmarie Desmond - Lighting Operator/Technician, Set and/or Property Maker

Anne Ellings - Costume Co-ordinator

Douglas Ford - Set and/or Property Maker, Set Designer, Stage Crew, Stage Manager

Michelle French - Dancer

Ben Gardam - Actor, Actor and Singer

Don Gay - Lighting Designer

Mark Horner - Actor, Actor and Singer

Russell Jarvis - Actor

Miles Kerr - Actor and Singer, Programme Administrator/Researcher

Lyndon Leaman - Actor, Actor and Singer

Kyle Lincoln - Actor, Actor and Singer

Greg Ling - Lighting Operator/Technician

Andrew Lloyd Webber - Composer

Chris Lynch - Actor, Actor and Singer

Janet Matic - Chorus, Set and/or Property Maker

Margaret Maynard - Lighting Operator/Technician, Programme Administrator/Researcher

Shelley McCuaig - Choir, Chorus

Tim O'Shea - Actor, Orchestra

Suzanne Patmore - Costume Co-ordinator, Make-up Artist

Joanna Pearson - Chorus

Jill Perkins - Orchestra

Jesse Pitcher - Orchestra

Tim Rice - Lyricist

Des Robertson - Scenic Artist, Set Designer

Mandy Robertson - Dancer

Vanessa Rowsthorn - Dancer

Robyn Scolyer - Orchestra, Repetiteur

Kylie Shearsmith - Set and/or Property Maker, Stage Crew

Bill Shoobridge - Actor, Orchestra

Denise Shoobridge - Actor, Costume Co-ordinator, Follow Spot Operator, Make-up Artist

Marilyn Smiley - Follow Spot Operator

Peter Smiley - Actor, Actor and Singer

Paul Stretton - Actor, Actor and Singer

Sharon Templeton - Orchestra

Rebecca Ward - Choir, Chorus

Andrea Whitehouse - Chorus

Kaye Williams - Costume Co-ordinator

Rebecca Young - Choir, Chorus

Jayechristopher - Actor and Singer, Set and/or Property Maker

George Abbott - Librettist

Danielle Ahearn - Actor

Petrina Alcock - Orchestra

Ian Archer - Actor

Jarred Arnold - Actor

Jill Bacon - Repetiteur

Jeremy Badham - Chorus

Jason Bakes - Sound Operator/Engineer

Robert Baldock - Set and/or Property Maker, Stage Crew

Xavier Bassett - Actor

Scott Beames-Fidler - Actor and Singer, Costume Co-ordinator, Set and/or Property Maker

Alyson Bentley - Musician: Chamber Orchestra

Andrew Bentley - Orchestra

Amanda Bergman - Chorus

Keith Bexton - Stage Crew

Kristen Bingham - Choir

Zachary Blizzard - Actor and Singer

Christian Bonner - Set and/or Property Maker

Liz Brooks - Chorus

Noel Browne - Director, Lighting Designer, Set Designer

David Buchanan - Orchestra

Brett Budgeon - Actor and Singer

Bruce Cairns - Sound Operator/Engineer

Alistair Campbell - Sound Operator/Engineer

Dana Carpenter - Dancer

Leah Cassidy - Chorus

Jaye Christopher - Actor, Set and/or Property Maker

Dale Clingeleffer - Stage Manager

Darren Cole - Orchestra

Michael Coleman - Actor and Singer

Brendon Crispin - Set and/or Property Maker

Michael Cruickshank - Set and/or Property Maker

Grant Dale - Scenic Artist

Lynn Darvell - Chorus

Siobhan de Little - Chorus

Danny Desmond - Set and/or Property Maker, Stage Crew

Carol Devereaux - Actor, Dancer

Mark Dickinson - Actor and Singer

Alistair Dobson - Orchestra

Angela Dudfield - Orchestra

Matthew Dudfield - Orchestra

Melita Durkin - Chorus

Chris Eburn - Set and/or Property Maker

Dorothea Eburn - Set and/or Property Maker

Kylie Fairbrother - Orchestra

Joe Farrell - Head Follow Spot Operator

Sianne Fisher - Make-up Artist

Kyron Fogarty - Sound Operator/Engineer

Shelley Foster - Chorus

Derek Grice - Orchestra

Raymond Haberle - Actor and Singer

Ben Hardie - Actor and Singer

Anita Harrison - Orchestra

Alison Hawley - Stage Crew

Kristen Hawley - Stage Crew

Garry Heazlewood - Actor

Kate Hodgetts - Chorus

Jeremy Holloway - Chorus

Gerry Hughes - Stage Crew

Helen Jones - Actor, Chorus Mistress

Mark Kinch - Set and/or Property Maker

Frank Loesser - Music and Lyrics Librettist

George Long - Actor

Lydia Long - Repetiteur

Sylvia Long - Make-up Artist

Melinda Loring - Chorus

Christine Lowrie - Choir

Jenny Martin - Costume Co-ordinator

Steve Matic - Set and/or Property Maker

Catherine McKenna - Choir

Penny Mihajlowits - Choir

Andrew Moore - Set and/or Property Maker

Belinda Murphy - Actor

Philip Nickols - Orchestra

Jodie Nothrop - Orchestra

Shaun O'Brien - Actor

Timothy Oliver - Orchestra

John Owens - Chorus

Sarah Packer - Stage Crew

Brian Paine - Actor and Singer, Set and/or Property Maker

Shirley Parker - Costume Co-ordinator

Andrew Paterson - Actor

Adele Phillips - Chorus

Susan Postlethwaite - Costume Co-ordinator, Front of House

Luke Rafferty - Actor and Singer

Peter Rosevear - Stage Crew

Matt Rushworth - Follow Spot Operator

Renee Saward - Dancer

Fiona Sculthorpe - Chorus

Nicole Simms - Dancer

Belinda Simpson - Orchestra

Jennifer Smith - Dancer

Katie Smith - Choir

Pat Smith - Costume Co-ordinator

Naomi Stevenson - Front of House

Andrew Storace - Set and/or Property Maker

Alison Stretton - Chorus

Brandon Thomas - Playwright

Georgina Tindall - Orchestra

Natalie Treloar - Chorus

Eloise Tyson - Dancer

Sylvia Uhlik - Orchestra

Johanna Wadsworth - Choir

Jackie Weeks - Chorus

Pam Whitehead - Assistant to the Director

Lydia Wilson - Orchestra

Ruth Woodward - Orchestra

Andrew Wylie - Lighting Operator/Technician

Burnie Musical Society Inc.

Identifier 548955