Here is an alphabetical list of AJOL’s partner journals.

If you know which journal you need, simply navigate to the relevant letter and see the list of titles displayed.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   Y   Z  

Letter I: 52 journals.


Ibadan Journal of Humanistic Studies

Ibadan Journal of Humanistic Studies

Ibadan Journal of Humanistic Studies (IJHS) is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Arts, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. Established in 1981, IJHS is an annual publication which serves as an interdisciplinary forum for the presentation and discussion of issues of broad humanistic relevance. Preference is given to articles related to the African experience and environment, but there is also room for issues that embrace the larger international order or human culture from which the African world may derive valuable comparative insights.
The copyright for reproduction of articles published in the journal belongs to the Faculty of Arts, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. However the responsibility for obtaining copyrights permission for the fair use of any published material is that of the individual author, as the faculty accepts no liability whosoever for any failure to do this. Only articles prepared strictly in accordance with the following guidelines will be considered.


Ibom Medical Journal

Open Access

Ibom Medical Journal

Ibom Medical Journal [Ibom Med J] is an open-access peer-reviewed biomedical journal published by the Nigerian Medical Association, Akwa Ibom State Branch. At the presence, Ibom Med J is published three time annually as follows; January as issue 1, May as issue 2 and September as issue 3 every year.
Ibom Med J publishes original research articles, review articles, systematic reviews, rare case reports, commentaries, communications, etc in all fields of medicine. The Ibom Med J also publishes articles in Basic Medical Sciences and Allied Medical Sciences.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Ife Journal of Science

Open Access

Ife Journal of Science

Ife Journal of Science (IJS) aims to publish articles resulting from original research in the broad areas of chemical, biological, mathematical and physical sciences. This extends naturally into frontiers that include the applied areas of Biochemistry and Geology as well as Microbiology and such allied fields as Biotechnology, Genetics, Food Chemistry, Agriculture, Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Shorterlength manuscripts may be accepted as Research notes. Review articles on research topics and books are also welcome.
Other websites associated with this journal:


IFE PsychologIA

IFE PsychologIA

The journal has a multidisciplinary focus. It is not intended for psychologists alone but for anyone with an interest in the current state of psychology in Africa and what has been accomplished to date in this field. It also addresses the future of psychology in Africa and the world over.Other websites related to this journal:


IFEMED Journal

Open Access

IFEMED Journal

IFEMED Journal is the official publication of Obafemi Awolowo University Medical Students’ Association, Ile-Ife , Nigeria .
The Journal Club periodically publishes articles on medical and medically related topics for the consumption of emerging health care professionals from all over the country, ranging from medical, pharmacy, dental, physiotherapy and nursing students. In the past, the Club had published editions of the journal on topical issues such as 'Malaria', 'Tuberculosis', 'Renal Diseases', ‘Infectious diseases in Children’, 'Cancer in Nigeria’ since its inception in 1976


Igbinedion University Okada Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Open Access

Igbinedion University Okada Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

The Igbinedion University Okada Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences is an open access, multidisciplinary, international, peer review journal published by the College of Pharmacy, Igbinedion University, Okada, Edo State, Nigeria. It is a bi-annual (May and November) Journal that publishes high quality scholarly manuscripts in the fields of Pharmaceutical sciences and Biomedical research. Reviews, original research articles, short communications and case reports are published.


Ilorin Journal of Economic Policy

Open Access Open Access

Ilorin Journal of Economic Policy

The Ilorin Journal of Economic Policy (IJEP)  is an open access journal owned by the Department of Economics, University of Ilorin, Nigeria, that is made up of a collection of scholarly perspectives on different aspects of contemporary economic policy issues encountered mainly in developing countries. The focus of the Journal is to publish quality papers that provide pragmatic policy directions for government and policy makers in the public and private sectors. The contributions employ qualitative, quantitative or mixed research, methodology and present conceptual or theoretical framework which are applicable to real-world development. The Journal is published twice a year (June and December).


Ilorin Journal of Religious Studies

Open Access

Ilorin Journal of Religious Studies

Ilorin Journal of Religious Studies is a peer-reviewed academic journal that serves as a forum for disseminating research findings on issues relating to religion in general.The Journal aims at creating avenue for scholars to publish their research works on all aspects of religions. It seeks to promote critical research and original scholarship on issues related to all aspects of religion generally – theoretical, empirical or comparative. Other websites related to this journal:


IMHOTEP Mathematical Journal

IMHOTEP Mathematical Journal

IMHOTEP is an African journal of pure and applied mathematics which publishes original research articles and proceedings of colloquia written in English and/or in French. It also publishes Masters and PhD theses which have been already defended and lecture notes.


IMTU Medical Journal

IMTU Medical Journal

The IMTU Medical Journal is a peer-reviewed journal published by the International Medical and Technological University (IMTU) in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania. The major objective of the journal is to publish original research, case studies and review articles in the field of Biomedical Sciences, Public Health, Social and Traditional Medicines, all Medical Sciences, its Specialties, Veterinary Medicine and Medical Biotechnology.
The journal is a source of inspiration to upcoming medical scientists ,practioners, research scholars, educationists and scientific community across Africa and the world.
Other websites associated with this journal:


Indilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems

Indilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems

Welcome to Indilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IAJIKS). The name Indilinga: stands for the "circular orientation" of indigenous African communities which is exhibited in their material culture and behaviour. The journal has been motivated by the need for a dependable expression for critical and analytical writing on issues related to production, dissemination and recognition of Indigenous Knowledge Systems. IAJIKS represents a variety of cross disciplinary interests in ethno-methodology and in qualitative methods. Debates on methodology, epistemology, ethics, gender, education, science and technology, arts, food systems and social-cultural issues are invited.Abstracts can also be viewed at


Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology

Open Access

Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology

The journal is an initiative of the Phenomenology Research Group based at Edith Cowan University, South West Campus, in Western Australia and Rhodes University in South Africa, where there had been a long-established phenomenological tradition.

The Phenomenology Research Group is a circle of postgraduate scholars who have a range of research interests which cross a broad spectrum of areas including education, health, religion, business, tourism, counselling and psychology. The journal is published by NISC SA (IPJP on NISC) and has its own website online here:


Information Impact: Journal of Information and Knowledge Management

Open Access

Information Impact: Journal of Information and Knowledge Management

Information Impact: Journal of Information and Knowledge Management (IIJIKM) is a Journal of Library and Information Science published in Nigeria. IIJIKM is a peer review journal for librarians, information scientists, information specialist, library educators and other related practitioners to report their empirical research findings. However, articles written from a sound theoretical understanding will be considered for publication. The journal (IIJIKM) is aimed at keeping researchers and practitioners abreast with the most recent issues and developments in Information and Knowledge Management.
Other website associated with this journal:


Information Manager (The)

Open Access

Information Manager (The)

The Information Manager is an Interdisciplinary Journal which provides a forum for the publication of high quality articles on theory, practices, innovation and research covering knowledge management, public relations and other allied areas of information studies. It serves as a forum for new research in information dissemination and communication processes in general,
The basic focus of Information manager are:
i. to provide current thoughts and research reports on developments and trends in the various fields that relate to information management.
ii. To facilitate knowledge enhancement related to information management
iii. To provide a platform for new thinking and directions on the problems, prospects, strategies and techniques of information management.


Information Technologist (The)

Information Technologist (The)

The Information Technologist: An International Journal, of Information Communication Technology (lCT) is a referred Journal by Nigerians and foreign renowned Scholars who have distinguished themselves in the field of Library, Information, and Communication Technology (lCT).
Essentially the journal concerns itself with the pervasive impact and the changes in the basic character of library and information operations and services occasioned by the use of technology.
The journal deals mainly with the publication of the results of empirical research in the field of Library, Information Science, Communication and Information Technology as they affect Developing Countries. The journal is also devoted to articles of high quality on the theoretical aspects of its area of concern.
Book reviews, letters to the editor, news items and other brief communications are also welcome.
This journal has been positively evaluated in the Scientific Journal Impact Factor Journal List Evaluation Process with a score of SJIF 2022 = 6.129 (Scientific Journal Impact Factor Value for 2022).


Inkanyiso: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

Open Access

Inkanyiso: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

The journal’s objectives are to publish papers of broad interest in the humanities and social sciences. The journal strives to enable a sound balance between theory and practice and will publish papers of research, conceptual, viewpoint, case study, literature review nature in broad topics in the field such as: Philosophy and Psychology, Religion and Theology, Social Sciences, Language, the Arts, Literature and Rhetoric, Geography and History, Management, Communication, Media and Information Sciences.

The Journal has its own website here:




The purpose of Innovation journal of appropriate librarianship and information work in Southern Africa is to publish material on libraries, information supply and other related matters in South and Southern Africa.


Innovative Solutions in Engineering: Journal of the Nigerian Academy of Engineering

The aim of the Journal is to provide a medium for the exchange of ideas and knowledge at the highest level of the engineering profession in Nigeria towards providing innovative solutions to infrastructural and engineering problems confronting Nigeria in particular, Africa and the world in general. The journal covers all areas of Engineering applications and focuses on problems rather than disciplinary boundaries. Areas of focus include but not limited to: conventional energy and power; renewable energy and clean energy solutions; transport; housing and shelter; smart cities; water resources; environment and waste management; agriculture and food; oil and gas; operations research; materials; information and communications; healthcare, manufacturing, mining and solid minerals development; engineering economics and management.
You can view this journal's website here.


International Diplomatic Review Journal

Open Access Open Access

International Diplomatic Review Journal

The principal purpose of the journal is to publish scholarly work in a wide range of development issues namely; International Relations, Multilateral and Bilateral Diplomacy, International Trade and Investment, Geopolitical issues, Local and International Conflict Management, and Post Conflict Reconstruction, Peacekeeping and Peace Building, Diaspora and Remittances for Development, Civil-Military Relations, Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism, Small Arms and light weapons, Human Security Issues, Human Trafficking and Drug Addiction, Economic, Cultural and Conference Diplomacy, Tourism, Cross Border Issues, Regional Cooperation, Strategic Negotiations and Mediation Skills, Refugees Issues and Forced Migrations, Diplomatic Communication Skills, Globalizations issues (sovereignty, sea and air space invasion and territorial integrity), Gender issues (human trafficking, refugees, peacebuilding and effects of war), Global crises (Climate change, Food Security, Human Security and Environment Diplomacy).
You can view this journal's website here.


International Journal of African Higher Education

Open Access Open Access

International Journal of African Higher Education

IJAHE aims to advance knowledge and promote research, as well as provide a forum for policy discussion and analysis on diverse higher education issues in the African continent. IJAHE anticipates assuming a vital role in shaping discourse, reporting new frontiers and creating a nexus for communication and networking among a wide array of researchers, students, academicians, policy makers and policy analysts interested in and concerned with higher education in Africa.
IJAHE, as a multidisciplinary journal, publishes research articles, essays and reviews on a multitude of higher education issues in Africa. The Journal also comes out in special issues that are comparative and theme-based in nature. The Journal considers issues not only on the theory and practice of African higher education from scholars around the world but also strongly encourages higher education practitioners in the continent to contribute and share their expertise and experience. The Journal serves as an independent and unbiased forum that accommodates a wide variety of perspectives and analyses, which are solid in their formulation and organization.
Other websites associated with this journal:


International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development

International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development

The International Journal of Agricultureand Rural Development (IJARD) is an International Journal designed to provide information in the areas of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics. The main aim is to disseminate information resulting from the research experience of Scientists working in all the fields agriculture including Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, Animal Sciences, Fishery Management, Agronomy, Forestry and Wildlife resources, Soil Science, Agricultural Engineering and Food Processing.


International Journal of Applied Agriculture and Apiculture Research

Open Access

International Journal of Applied Agriculture and Apiculture Research

The journal publishes current and emerging issues in the following areas: Animal science, crop science, weed science, biological science, food science, Biotechnology in agriculture and apiculture, agricultural extension, agricultural economics, soil science, agricultural technology and aquaculture. It aims to promote the effective dissemination of information on research findings thus encouraging active research in all aspects of agricultural and apicultural sciences and to provide an effective means for research scientists to contribute to international scientific and technological knowledge in the agricultural and apicultural sciences.Other websites associated with this journal:


International Journal of Applied Technologies in Library and Information Management

Open Access

International Journal of Applied Technologies in Library and Information Management

The journal aims to publish high quality primary and secondary research and peer-reviewed papers for worldwide readership by librarians and information professionals. The journal is an online open access journal published for Librarians, Information Scientists, Information Technologists, Information and Knowledge Managers and Research Scholars (including undergraduates and postgraduate LIS students). There is also a print version of the journal.

Focus and scope of journal
Empirical research, analytical review or technical briefs papers are invited for publication consideration in JATLIM. The Journal is an international journal dedicated to well researched articles on technologies applicable to library and information management in all types of libraries and information centres. Studies on other aspects of Librarianship and Information Science such as Information Seeking Behaviour, Technologies for LIS education and practice are as well considerable.


International Journal of Basic, Applied and Innovative Research

Open Access

International Journal of Basic, Applied and Innovative Research

International Journal of Basic, Applied and Innovative Research (IJBAIR) [ISSN: 2315-5388; E-ISSN: 2384 - 681X] is a peer reviewed Journal Publication of Anthonio Research Center and the International Society of Science Researchers (ISSCIR). IJBAIR accepts research articles, review articles, short reports, and commentaries that are related to the fields of Art and Biology, as well as Medical, Natural and Social SciencesOther websites related to this journal:


International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences

Open Access

International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences

The International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences (IJBCS) is a journal published by International Formulae Group (IFG). It is devoted to the publication of contributions in all fields of biology including microbiology, parasitology, biochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology, physiology, pathology, health sciences, pharmacology, toxicology, biotechnology, biostatistics, bioinformatics, environmental biology, hydrobiology, food science, nutrition, agricultural sciences, agropastoralism, animal production, wildlife, botany, ethnobotany, forestry, agroforestry and agrogeology. It is also devoted to the publication of contributions in all fields of chemistry including chemistry of natural products, organic synthesis, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, industrial chemistry, clinical chemistry, hydrochemistry, agrochemistry, geochemistry and biogeochemistry. IJBCS publishes original research papers, critical up-to-date and concise reviews on topics of current interest, and short communications. It aims to serve all bioscientists and all chemists. Six issues are published per year.
Language of Publication: French, English
You can view this journal's website here.


International Journal of Community Research

Open Access

International Journal of Community Research

International Journal of Community Research (IJCR) [ISSN: 2315 – 6562; E-ISSN: 2384 - 6828] is a peer reviewed journal publication of Anthonio Research Center. IJCR publishes research articles, review articles, short reports and commentaries that are community-based or inter and intra-cultural based. IJCR also accepts manuscripts on family/human relationship, human behavior, public health, politics, and conflict resolution.Other websites related to this journal:


International Journal of Current Research in the Humanities

Open Access

International Journal of Current Research in the Humanities

The International Journal of Current Research in the Humanities (IJCRH) is a trans-university, peer-reviewed journal that is based in the Department of Communication Studies, Faculty of Arts, College of Humanities and Legal Studies, University of Cape Coast, Ghana.
It is indexed with the Ghana Library Board (GLB) and it is at different stages of evaluation by other leading indexing bodies. Its aim is to provide a forum for the ventilation of current ideas, thoughts and opinions in the arts, humanities and cognate areas for the improvement of the human condition and the promotion of the cause and course of humanity.
IJCRH provides a platform for academicians, scholars, researchers and practitioners from all areas of arts and humanities to publish their papers and research findings. It publishes only original research papers and review papers. The submitted paper should meet some criteria such as: originality, unpublished or/ not submitted to any other journal. We publish papers on a variety of topics, contexts and analytic strategies that examine the quickly evolving relationship between human beings and the environment.
Other websites associated with this journal:


International Journal of Development and Management Review

Open Access

International Journal of Development and Management Review



The journal aims to be proactive in initiating and sustaining quality academic debates in social Development and Management practices and theories while providing an institutional framework for the dissemination of such ideas through the publication of quality journals.


International Journal of Development and Policy Studies

International Journal of Development and Policy Studies

QDMRC - publisher of the International Journal of Development and Policy Studies - is a social science research-based organisation that works principally on gender, children and social policy research. The organisation currently co-ordinates gender research in all Nigerian higher institutions of learning, in addition to serving as the African Regional headquarters of the Pan-African Gender and Peace Research Group. The research group meets quarterly to review research on topical areas, in addition to considering further researchable areas.

Membership of the research group is drawn among prolific academics and is open to interested academics with research interest in gender, peace, development and social policy. Applicants must be scholars of African descent with a track record of research and publications.


International Journal of Economic Performance

Open Access Open Access

International Journal of Economic Performance

The International Journal of Economic Performance (IJEP) is an online journal (e-ISSN 2716-9073) and a print journal (ISSN 2661-7161) published jointly by The research laboratory The performance of Algerian economic institutions in light of international economic mobility at Boumerdes university – Algeria. The IJEP is an open access journal that users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full text of articles. The journal’s international perspective is reflected by its international authors, international editors, international examiners, international advisory board member, international access and trilingual approach (English, Arabic and French). Founded in 2018, the IJEP is published one issue in semester.

IJEP is an international, specialised scientific journal, published on semester- terms, with the following major features and characteristics:
*The journal has neither a profit- making nor a political purpose,
* The research laboratory on economic performances of companies at M'hamed Bougara Boumerdes University (Algeria), is the official institutional body managing the IJEP journal.
* Since its first edition in 2018, without any interruption, IJEP has always been open to any scientific research contribution.
* Any received scientific paper will be published after being evaluated and appraised by peers.

IJEP is aiming to be a scientific space for many scientific contributions, such as exposed reports, articles and new books in Management, economics and commerce.
In order to increase knowledge development, our journal IJEP offers large opportunities for participants and researchers to communicate and exchange critics, points of views and findings on economic performances.
It gives them further chances to develop and diffuse their Knowledge via the publication of applied and theoretical research on local and international economic performances, as long as evaluated of being original, modern and scientifically elaborated.
Journal Scopes
The articles can be from any of the following areas:
Economics, Econometrics and Finance
Business, Management and Accounting
Information Systems and Management
The journal targets all researchers in any research body: laboratories, universities, government bodies who are either publishing on electronic or paper version and in any of these three languages: English, Arabic or French.
You can view this journal's website here.


International Journal of Educational Research

Open Access

International Journal of Educational Research

International Journal of Educational Research (IJER) is the official Journal of the Department of Educational Foundations, University of Lagos, Lagos-Nigeria. The Journal publishes articles concerned with research theory and practice or programme application in the field of Education and the Behavioural Sciences.
IJER website:


International Journal of Emotional Psychology and Sport Ethics

International Journal of Emotional Psychology and Sport Ethics

The International Journal of Emotional Psychology and Sport Ethics will consider empirical studies as well as theoretical propositions and case summaries on human emotions and/or feelings, family issues, battery/battering, disabilities, problem of underachievement/learning-difficulties, intellectual disabilities, behaviour disorders, psychosomatic conditions, issues in sports and regulations and health.


International Journal of Energetica

Open Access Open Access

International Journal of Energetica

The International Journal of Energetica (IJECA/ ISSN 2543-3717) is dedicated to research and application of several renewable energy technologies, energy management and environment and climatic research.
IJECA Journal is an Open Access journal and peer-reviewed journal, published by Al Manahil Association (Algeria). The IJECA Journal is FREE OF CHARGE for all types of articles.
Abbreviation: Int. J. Energetica
Publication Schedule (30 June & 31 December). Volume 7, No 1 will be: 30/06/2022
Contact us at:
You can view this journal's website here.


International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology

Open Access

International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology

International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology (IJEST) - an E-journal is an international peer-reviewed, electronic, online journal published by MultiCraft. The aim and scope of the journal is to provide an academic medium and an important reference for the advancement and dissemination of research results that support high-level learning, teaching and research in the fields of engineering, science and technology. IJEST publishes articles that emphasizes research, development and application within the fields of engineering, science and technology. Original theoretical work and application-based studies, which contributes to a better understanding of engineering, science and technological challenges, are encouraged. All manuscripts are pre-reviewed by the editor, and if appropriate, sent for blind peer review. Contributions must be original, not previously or simultaneously published elsewhere, and are critically reviewed before they are published. Papers, which must be written in English, should have sound grammar and proper terminologies.
Papers are published in IJEST based on the outcomes of the peer-review processes and no article processing fees or publication fees are charged; it is free to publish in IJEST.
Other sites related to this journal:


International Journal of Health Research

Open Access

International Journal of Health Research

The journal publishes original research articles, reviews, and case reports in health sciences and related disciplines, including medicine, pharmacy, nursing, biotechnology, cell and molecular biology, and related engineering and social science fields. Other websites related to this journal:


International Journal of Herbs and Pharmacological Research

Open Access

International Journal of Herbs and Pharmacological Research

International Journal of Herbs and Pharmacological Research (IJHPR) [ISSN: 2315-537X; E- ISSN: 2384-6836] is a peer reviewed journal publication of Anthonio Research Center. The Journal is intended to serve as a medium for the publication of research findings in the field of Herbal medication in developing countries and elsewhere; as well as synthetic medications, orthodox medicines and pharmacological products in both developing and developed countries.Other websites associated with this journal:


International Journal of Home Economics, Hospitality and Allied Research

Open Access

International Journal of Home Economics, Hospitality and Allied Research

The International Journal of Home Economics, Hospitality and Allied Research (IJHHR), as an open-access, double-blind peer-review journal, aims to publish high-quality articles that promote empirical, theoretical, and methodological knowledge of Home Economics and Hospitality Management for the benefit of practitioners, educators, students and associates in the field of Home Economics Education, Hospitality Management and Allied Specialties. It publishes original research reports, brief research reports, and opinion review articles in all areas of Home Economics and Hospitality Management, which include but are not limited to:

  • Child Development and Care

  • Clothing and Textile

  • Cosmetology Education

  • Creativity and Innovation in Hospitality Industry

  • Entrepreneurship Education

  • Event Management

  • Financing in Hospitality Management

  • Foods and Nutrition

  • Home Management and Human Resources

  • Leisure and Outdoor Catering

  • Lodging and Accommodation in Hospitality

  • Restaurant Management

  • Safety and Security in Hotel Management

  • Sustainability in Hospitality Management

  • Tourism and Travels

  • Allied Topics in Agriculture, Education and Social Sciences related to Home Economics

You can view this journal's website here.


International Journal of Information Security, Privacy and Digital Forensics

International Journal of Information Security, Privacy and Digital Forensics

The journal is managed and published by Nigeria Computer Society (NCS). It is a knowledge resource for practitioners, academics, scientists, experts and researchers, among others, working in various fields of Information Security, Privacy, Trust, Digital Forensics, Hacking, Database Security, cybersecurity, communication security, digital Forensics, Security Issues in Emerging Technologies etc.. We welcome original contributions as high quality technical papers (full and short) describing original unpublished results of theoretical, empirical, conceptual or experimental research. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by members of the editorial board and selected reviewers and those accepted will be punished.
Other websites associated with this journal:


International Journal of Innovation and Development

Open Access

The International Journal of Innovation and Development is a peer-refereed multi-disciplinary peer-reviewed scholarly journal.
Aims and Scope
IJID is aimed at generating knowledge that contributes to solve problems and improve the quality of life. It facilitates effective dissemination of new knowledge and technologies developed through scientific investigations to appropriate users (scholars, industry players, policy makers, etc.). The scope includes original research manuscripts, systematic review, conference proceedings, etc. are welcomed from various disciplines including but not limited to the following: Agriculture & Life Sciences; Business, Management and Administration; Creative Arts and Technology; Computer Science and Information Technology; Finance, Economics and Statistics; Engineering and Technology; Health Sciences; Environment, Climate change and Sustainable Development; Hospitality and Tourism; Physical Sciences; Liberal and Socio-Cultural Studies. IJID seeks to serve the academics, researchers, technologists and industry players.
You can see the journal's own website here.


International Journal of Malaria and Tropical Diseases (IJMTD)

The International Journal of Malaria and Tropical Diseases (IJMTD) (formally known was the Journal of Malaria in Africa and the Tropics (JMAT) is a publication of the malariologists and researchers in tropical diseases. Its aim is to educate, improved the practice of malaria treatment, stimulate research, encourage academic tropical medicine and enhance patient care. The journal publishes on a biannual basis; research articles, short communications, letters, reviews, operational research in malaria and other tropical diseases. Areas of interest include diagnosis, pathogenesis, socio-economic aspects of diseases and all the facets of disease control. Henceforth, all contributions are peer reviewed by assessors.
Other websites associated with this journal:


International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Optimization: Theory and Applications

Open Access

International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Optimization: Theory and  Applications

The Aim of the Journal is to publish high impact original articles in Mathematical Sciences, including  Optimization theory, techniques and methods.  
 It is an open access peer-reviewed international Journal that publishes original research articles in  the broad range of Mathematical Sciences and Optimization, including articles that relate directly  and indirectly to Mathematical Sciences and Optimization. Consequently, good and original  articles relating to Computer Sciences, Statistics, Modelling, Differential Equations, Algorithms,  Iterative processes, Pure Mathematics etc. are also publishable in the Journal.
Other websites associated with this journal:


International Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research

Open Access

International Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research

The International Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research (IJMBR) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal by Michael Joanna Publications. It publishes data and information, useful to researchers in all aspects of Clinical and Basic Medical Sciences including Anatomical Sciences, Biochemistry, Dentistry, Genetics, Immunology, Internal Medicine, Microbiology and Parasitology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Pathology, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Physiology, and Surgery. Relevant studies in areas of Biological Sciences related to health issues and Allied Medicine including Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Nursing and Physiotherapy are also welcome.

Other websites related to this journal:


International Journal of Medicine and Health Development

International Journal of Medicine and Health Development

International Journal of Medicine and Health Development (formerly, Journal of College of Medicine) is the official publication of College of Medicine University of Nigeria, and was established in 1995. It is under the supervision of the Directorate for Research and Publications of the College of Medicine, University of NigeriaThe University of Nigeria was established in 1960 while the College of Medicine was established in 1982. The College currently consists of four faculties: The Faculty of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences and Technology, Faculty of Dentistry, and Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences. Through excellence in education, research and clinical service, College of Medicine, University of Nigeria has achieved an ever-increasing national distinction as a health sciences college. It provides outstanding medical education through its faculties, staff, programs, affiliates and centers of excellence. It is affiliated with the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital Ituku-Ozalla Enugu, National Orthopedic Hospital Enugu, and National Neuropsychiatric Hospital Enugu with thousands of bed spaces to serve as places for clinical education and research for her undergraduate and post graduate students. 
Other websites related to this journal:


International Journal of Modern Anthropology

Open Access Open Access

International Journal of Modern Anthropology

Some recent rigorous studies in anthropological research begin to provide new conclusions against some classic questionable considerations and /or show increasing tendency to do some syntheses of multidisciplinary data. The revelation of these two events marks the birth of a modern anthropology. The principal aim of this journal is to contribute to the development of this modern anthropology.
Another website related to this open access journal:


International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences

International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences

International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences (IJONAS) publishes peer-reviewed scientific papers of significance in all areas of natural and applied sciences. The scope of the journal includes biological sciences, biodiversity, biotechnology, clinical sciences, animal and veterinary sciences, agricultural sciences, chemistry, environmental sciences, physics, mathematics and statistics, geology, engineering, computer science, social sciences and information technology. The journal is designed for academics, scholars, advanced students and reflective practitioners.


International Journal of Pedagogy, Policy and ICT in Education

International Journal of Pedagogy, Policy and ICT in Education

The Journal provides a platform for educational research dissemination in Africa, covering pedagogy, language policy, and ICT in education. Occasionally, papers on Special Education and  governance are featured. Lecturers and students are our target community.


International Journal of Public Administration

Open Access

International Journal of Public Administration

International Journal of Public Administration (IJOPAD) is a broad based biannual open access, peer reviewed International Journal, published by the Department of Public Administration Federal Polytechnic Oko, Anambra State, Nigeria. IJOPAD aims to publish original peer-reviewed articles, case studies, surveys and critically reviewed academic works within the broad field of public policy and administration. This includes recent developments in research, scholarship and practice within public policy, public Administration, government, public management, administrative theory, administrative history and administrative politics. The journal welcomes submissions from both academic and practitioner communities from around the world.
Aims and Scope
1. To provide a platform for scholars, researchers, and practitioners to share knowledge, experiences, and best practices in public administration.
2. To facilitate dialogue and collaboration among academics, policymakers, and professionals in the field of public administration.
3. To promote cutting-edge research, critical thinking, and innovative solutions to address the complex challenges facing public administration in Nigeria and globally.
1. Public Administration Theories and Practices: IJOPAD welcomes manuscripts that explore theoretical and practical aspects of public administration, including governance, policy analysis, public management, and organizational behavior.
2. Public Policy and Governance: The journal invites submissions that examine public policy processes, governance structures, and institutional frameworks at local, national, and international levels.
3. Public Management and Leadership: IJOPAD encourages manuscripts that focus on public management, leadership, and organizational development, including human resource management, financial management, and performance management.
4. Development Administration and Planning: The journal accepts submissions that investigate development administration, planning, and implementation, including sustainable development, poverty reduction, and social justice.
5. Comparative Public Administration: IJOPAD welcomes comparative studies that analyze public administration systems, policies, and practices across different countries, regions, or cultures.
You can see this journal's own website here.


International Journal of Tropical Agriculture and Food Systems

International Journal of Tropical Agriculture and Food Systems

International Journal of Tropical Agriculture and Food Systems (IJOTAFS) publishes high-quality peer reviewed articles, in English, in all areas of agriculture and food production and processing including tree production, pesticide science, post harvest biology and technology, seed science, irrigation, agricultural engineering, water resources management, marine sciences, agronomy, animal and veterinary science, physiology and morphology, aquaculture, crop science, dairy science, entomology, fish and fisheries, forestry, freshwater science, arid soil research and rehabilitation, agricultural genomics, horticulture, soil science, systematic, virology, viticulture, economics and agribusiness.


International Journal of Women in Technical Education and Employment

Open Access

International Journal of Women in Technical Education and Employment

International Journal of Women in Technical Education and Employment (IJOWITED) is a multidisciplinary double-blind peer-review journal that cut across all fields in Science, Engineering, Environmental Studies, Management studies, Information and Communication Technology among others and publishes original and quality research articles twice every year - July and December. Quality review articles that contribute to the body of knowledge are also welcome.
Call for papers are made from January to March for the first issue each year which will be published in July and the second Issue from July to September and published in December. Authors must ensure that manuscript submission is free from plagiarism and grammatical errors. Also, articles previously published or simultaneously submitted for publication in another journal are not allowed.  Manuscript will not pass beyond the editorial table if these two are detected and will be rejected instantly. 
This journal among other things seeks to advance the participation of women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. International  Journal of Women in Technical Education and Employment (IJOWITED) is also part of an effort to achieve the mission of Women in Technical Education and Employment. 
Our vision is to create a high-quality publication that will be relevant, challenging, thought-provoking, and inclusive of a diverse range of voices and perspectives, including graduate students, academic researchers and scholars. We welcome original research, theoretical contributions and reviews of the literature.

Other websites associated with this journal:


Internet Journal of Medical Update - EJOURNAL

Open Access

Internet Journal of Medical Update - EJOURNAL

Internet Journal of Medical Update (IJMU) is an international e-journal which provides a multidisciplinary forum for the exchange of current ideas in form of review articles, original research work, interesting case reports, etc. among medical professionals. Editorial policy: The Editor receives manuscripts with the understanding that they have not been published previously and that they have not been submitted for publication elsewhere. The author should confirm this in writing in the cover letter when transmitting the manuscript for publication. Receipt of manuscripts will be acknowledged promptly, and authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection in a timely manner. The manuscripts are reviewed by an international committee of reviewers with maintenance of full anonymity. The editors of the journal identify the reviewers based on the nature of article. A statement of copyright transfer to the publisher will be required for manuscripts which are accepted for publication. The Editor will supply the necessary forms for this transfer.Other websites related to this journal:


Investigational Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacology

Open Access

Investigational Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacology

Investigational Medicinal Chemistry and pharmacology is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles in all aspect of chemistry and biological activity of natural and synthetic products. The journal welcomes submissions from all fields of medicinal chemistry including chemistry of natural products, analytical chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, clinical chemistry. It also considers manuscript in all aspects of experimental and clinical pharmacology including clinical trials.
Manuscript types

  • Full paper research paper (maximum: 30 pages, not more than 50 references); Full articles will be drawn from areas described in the Scope

  • Reviews (maximum: 50 pages, not more than 200 references)

  • Short Communication (maximum: 15 pages, not more than 25 references)

  • Case Report (maximum: 10 pages, not more than 25 references)

Target community
Academics and research institutes are the primary audience for this book. Target academics are students and scientists in the field of pharmacology, Chemistry, phytochemistry, medicine, pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical biology.
You can view this journal's website here.


Italian Studies in Southern Africa/Studi d'Italianistica nell'Africa Australe

Italian Studies in Southern Africa/Studi d'Italianistica nell'Africa Australe

The journal aims at providing a forum for academic discussion on all aspects of Italian culture. It features articles on Italian language and literature and, since it is one of the primary aims of the journal to foster multi- and inter-disciplinary study and communication, contributions are invited from all writers interested in Italian culture, irrespective of their specific disciplines. Contributions also of a less theoretical nature which provide an insight into Italian culture, especially as it manifests itself in Southern Africa, also receive attention. Since 2010 the journal has been also accredited by the Australian Research Council and added to the ERA list.Please note: As of November 2017 the printed version of this joural is going to be discontinued and the online version will be OA with a 2-year embargo on all articles.