- The Monitor's ViewThe hard knocks of rocketryA string of failures in space exploration is a lesson in the lessening of limitations.
- A Christian Science PerspectiveFinding affordable housing – God’s wayIn prayer, we can give up our own will and let divine Love comfort us and guide us to ideal solutions.
- The Monitor's ViewA burst of justice in the PhilippinesA country still scoring low in rule of law marks another success by handing over a former president to an international court for alleged crimes against humanity.
- A Christian Science PerspectiveAgencyClaiming our ability, as God’s offspring, to accomplish the good work that is in front of us frees us from anything that would hold us back.
More Commentary
- The Monitor's ViewListen up, wise up: Forums that inspire trustNew types of civic spaces for civil dialogue, such as citizen assemblies, are showing promise in “bringing to light a truth.”
- A Christian Science PerspectiveLove’s realm, reign, and provisionTrusting in God’s everlasting care for us opens our eyes to more of God’s protection and supply.
- The Monitor's ViewIn Gaza plan, Arabs recast the futureAs the U.S. shifts its role in the world, the Mideast finds some strength to design peace for endless conflicts.
- A Christian Science PerspectiveA healing joyJoy that’s grounded in spiritual understanding is a powerful force for good.
- Amid a torrent of news, eddies of calmIn the first months of 2025, important news from the U.S. political sphere has dominated the headlines. But equally as critical are the stories that don't plaster the front page.
- The Monitor's ViewGermany jumps mental hurdlesNew leaders plan to break taboos on military spending and fiscal restraint. One reason that made this possible: the country’s hard work for postwar reconciliation.
- A Christian Science PerspectiveLoving the Tenth CommandmentWhen it seems as though we got the short end of the stick, prayer can reveal that we are all equally blessed and free to express our talents.
- The Monitor's ViewThe beauty in arguing over baseball umpiresThe major leagues are testing robots to call balls and strikes, prompting deeper questions about the irreplaceable values of human excellence.
- A Christian Science PerspectiveWe are equal and empoweredAs International Women’s Day is commemorated, we can celebrate God’s view of every individual as Her spiritual offspring, equally valuable and capable – and we can look for progress that evidences this higher understanding of what we all are.
- The Monitor's ViewRedefining security in a hostile worldAs big powers grow aggressive, Taiwan and Ukraine find defense can be more than bombs and bullets
Monitor's Best: Top 5
- To Russia, with love? Why some in West are heading east to start over.
- As Trump proves unreliable, Europe rushes to firm up defenses on its own
- FocusDismantling DEI on campus is messy. Here’s how it looks at one university.
- How will Europe defend itself? 3 ways Trump is forcing the continent to adapt.
- When Trump hints at Greenland military action, Europe can’t ignore it. Here’s why.