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Anne Archer

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Anne Archer
Tavalludi 24-avgust 1947-yil (1947-08-24) (77 yosh)
Fuqaroligi AQSh
Kasbi Aktrisa
Faoliyat yillari 1970-hozirgacha
Turmush oʻrtogʻi
  • William Davis
    (turm. 1969; ajr. 1977)
  • Terry Jastrow (turm. 1979)
Bolalari 2 nafar
Otasi John Archer
Onasi Marjorie Lord

Anne Archer (1947-yil 24-avgustda tugʻilgan) — amerikalik aktrisa. Archer 1971-yilda “Miss Golden Globe” unvoniga sazovor boʻladi[1]. Keyingi yili oʻzining The Honkers (1972) badiiy filmida suratga tushadi. U Cancel My Reservation (1972), The All-American Boy (1973), Trackdown (1976), Good Guys Wear Black (1978), Paradise Alley (1978) va Hero at Large (1980) kabi filmlarida ham suratga tushgan.

2000-yillardan beri Archer vaqti-vaqti bilan aktrisalik bilan shugʻullanib turadi. U „Lullaby“ (2014) filmida suratga tushgan hamda 2001-yilda "The Graduate " filmining West End teatrida Robinson xonim sifatida sahnalardagi ilk debyutini amalga oshiradi. U 2014-yilgi Edinburg festivalida „The Trial of Jane Fonda“ filmida taniqli aktrisa rolini oʻynagan va Boston Public (2003), Itʼs Always Sunny in Filadelfia (2006) va Ghost Whisperer (2006—2008) kabi telekoʻrsatuvlarda takroriy rollarni ijro etgan.

Archer Kaliforniyaning Los Angeles shahrida aktyorlar John Archer va Marjorie Lordning qizi boʻlib tugʻilgan[2]. U 1968-yilda Californianing Klermont shahridagi Pitzer kollejini tamomlagan[3].

1982 va 1986-yillar orasida u Scientology cherkovi homiylik qiladigan savodxonlik oʻrgatish tashkiloti „Applied Scholastics“ning matbuot kotibi boʻlgan[4][5]. Uning oʻgʻli Tommy Los Angelesdagi Scientology cherkovining Xalqaro mashhur markazi rahbari boʻlgan[6][7]. 1991-yilda Archer "The Choices We Made: Twenty-Five Women and Men Speak Out About Abortion" kitobida oʻzining aborti haqida ochiqchasiga gapirib oʻtadi[8].

1980-yillarning boshlarida Archer bir nechta kichik filmlarda va televidenie uchun tayyorlangan koʻrsatuvlarda paydo boʻladi. 1983-yilda u NBC telekanalining qisqa muddatli "The Family Tree" serialida bosh rolni ijro etib, uch farzandi bilan ajrashgan ayol rolini gavdalantiradi[9]. 1985-yilda u bir yil davomida manipulyativ ishbilarmon ayol Cassandra Wilder rolini CBS suratga olgan praym-taym serial „Falcon Crest“da ijro etadi. 1987-yilda u Michael Douglas va Glenn Close bilan birga „Fatal Attraction“ psixologik triller filmida rol ijro etadi. Film kassabop film deya eʼtirof etiladi va katta muvaffaqiyatga erishadi. Archer ushbu film ortidan BAFTA, Oltin globus va Akademiya mukofotlarida „Eng yaxshi ikkinchi plandagi aktrisa“ nominatsiyada ishtirok etgan[10].


2000-yilda Archer „Rules of Engagement“ va The Art of War janridagi jangovar filmda rol ijro etadi. Uning boshqa taniqli filmlari orasida Tommy Lee Jones Man of the House (2005), Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (2009) va „Lullaby“ (2014) kabilar ham mavjud. 2001-yilda Archer xonim Robinson rolini West End tomonidan tayyorlangan „The Graduate“ filmining spektaklida, Gielgude teatrida gavdalantiradi.

2014 va 2016-yillarda u Edinburgdagi Fringe festivalida The Trial of Jane Fonda spektaklining asosiy qismida Jane Fonda rolini gavdalantiradi[11][12]. Shuningdek, 2000-yillarda u Boston Public, Itʼs Always Sunny in Filadelfia va Ghost Whisperer kabi bir nechta telekoʻrsatuvlarda takroriy rollarni ijro etgan. 2008-yildan 2009-yilgacha u qisqa muddatli CW komediya-dramasi Privilegedda rol oʻynaydi[13][14].


[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
Yil Sarlavha Rol Izohlar
1972 The Honkers Deborah Moon
1972 Cancel My Reservation Crazy Hollister
1973 The All-American Boy Drenna Valentine
1976 Trackdown Barbara
1976 Lifeguard Cathy
1978 Good Guys Wear Black Margaret
1978 Paradise Alley Annie OʻSherlock
1980 Hero at Large Jolene Marsh
1980 Raise the Titanic Dana Archibald
1981 Green Ice Holbrook
1982 Waltz Across Texas Gail Weston
1984 Naked Face, TheThe Naked Face Ann Blake
1985 Too Scared to Scream Kate Bridges
1986 Check is in the Mail..., TheThe Check is in the Mail... Peggy Jackson
1987 Fatal Attraction Beth Gallagher Nominatsiya—Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress

Nominatsiya—BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role

Nominatsiya—Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress — Motion Picture
1990 Love at Large Miss Dolan
1990 Narrow Margin Carol Hunnicut
1990 Eminent Domain Mira Borski
1992 Patriot Games Cathy Ryan
1993 Body of Evidence Joanne Braslow
1993 Family Prayers Rita Jacobs
1993 Short Cuts Claire Kane
1994 Clear and Present Danger Cathy Muller Ryan
1994 There Goes My Baby Narrator (voice)
1996 Mojave Moon Julie Rigby
1998 Nico the Unicorn Julie Hastings
2000 Innocents Beryl Denright
2000 Whispers: An Elephantʼs Tale Gentle Heart Dublyaj
2000 Rules of Engagement Mrs. Mourain
2000 Art of War, TheThe Art of War Eleanor Hooks
2002 Gray in Between, TheThe Gray in Between Ursula
2003 Uncle Nino Marie Micelli
2004 November Carol Jacobs
2005 Man of the House Prof. Molly McCarthy
2005 Iris Effect, TheThe Iris Effect Sarah Hathaway
2006 Cut Off Louise
2006 End Game The First Lady
2008 Felon Maggie
2009 Ghosts of Girlfriends Past Vonda Volkom
2010 Quantum Quest: A Cassini Space Odyssey Gal 2000 (voice)
2014 Lullaby Rachel
2017 Trafficked Mother Monica

Televizion filmlarda

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
Yil Sarlavha Rol Izohlar
1973 Blue Knight, TheThe Blue Knight Laila
1974 Mark of Zorro, TheThe Mark of Zorro Teresa
1975 Log of the Black Pearl, TheThe Log of the Black Pearl Lila Bristol
1975 Matter of Wife... and Death, AA Matter of Wife... and Death Carol
1976 Dark Side of Innocence, TheThe Dark Side of Innocence Nora Hancock Mulligan
1978 Pirates, TheThe Pirates Jordana Mason
1984 Sky's No Limit, TheThe Sky's No Limit Dr. Susan Keith Browning
1987 Different Affair, AA Different Affair
1988 Leap of Faith Debby Franke Ogg
1992 Last of His Tribe, TheThe Last of His Tribe Henriette Kroeber
1992 Nails Mary Niles
1994 Janeʼs House Mary Parker
1994 Because Mommy Works Abby
1995 Man in the Attic, TheThe Man in the Attic Krista Heldmann
1996 Jakeʼs Women Maggie
1998 Indiscretion of an American Wife Julia Burton
1998 My Husband’s Secret Life Theresa „Sissy“ Sullivan
2002 Night of the Wolf Claire McNichol
2007 Judicial Indiscretion Monica Barrett
2008 Family Practice Helena Kinglare

Televizion seriallardagi rollari

[tahrir | manbasini tahrirlash]
Yil Sarlavha Rol Izohlar
1970 Men at Law Annette Porter Epizod: „Shadows of Doubt“
1970 Hawaii Five-0 Jane Michaels Epizod: „Beautiful Screamer“
1971 F.B.I., TheThe F.B.I. Lynne Ashton Epizod: „Downfall“
1971 Mod Squad Jennifer Epizod: „Color of Laughter, Color of Tears“
1971 Ironside Myra St. John Epizod: „Murder Impromptu“
1971 Alias Smith and Jones Ellen Lewis Epizod: „Shootout at Diablo Station“
1971 Love, American Style Louise Segment: „Love and the Fountain of Youth“
1972 Sixth Sense, TheThe Sixth Sense Elizabeth Danbury Epizod: „Can a Dead Man Strike from the Grave?“
1973 Mannix Anne Avery Epizod: „A Problem of Innocence“
1973 Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice Carol Sanders 12ta epizod
1974 Harry O Sharon Dempsey Epizod: „Guardian at the Gates“
1975 Little House on the Prairie Kate Thorvald Epizod: „Doctor’s Lady“
1975 Petrocelli Sherril Brewster Epizod: „Shadow of Fear“
1975-1976 Switch Laurie 3ta epizod
1976 McCloud Wilhelmina Kirk Epizod: „Our Man in the Harem“
1976 Petrocelli Epizod: „Shadow of a Doubt“
1976 Harry O Felicia Applequist Epizod: „The Mysterious Case of Lester and Dr. Fong“
1977 Seventh Avenue Myrna Gold 3ta epizod
1983 Family Tree, TheThe Family Tree Annie Benjamin Nichols 6ta epizod
1985 Falcon Crest Cassandra Wilder 22ta epizod
1994 Leslieʼs Folly Leslie TV qisqa metrajli film
1995 Present Tense, Past Perfect Kate TV qisqa metrajli film
1999 Camino de Santiago Isabelle Derek 3ta epizod
2000 Beggars and Choosers Beverly Boyden Epizod: „Moles, Meatloaf, and Myrna Loy“
2003 Boston Public Patricia Emerson 3ta epizod
2004 L Word, TheThe L Word Lenore Pieszecki 3ta epizod
2006 Itʼs Always Sunny in Philadelphia Barbara Reynolds 3ta epizod
2006-2008 Ghost Whisperer Beth Gordon 4ta epizod
2008-2009 Privileged Laurel Limoges 13ta epizod
2016 The Grinder Lenore Epizod: „For the People“
2018 Law & Order: SVU Trudy Morris Epizod: „Mama“
2022 The Dropout Charlotte Shultz Kichik qismli serial
  1. „Anne Archer | TV Guide“. TVGuide.com.„Anne Archer | TV Guide“. TVGuide.com.
  2. Thise, Mark. Hollywood Winners & Losers A to Z. Hal Leonard Corporation, 2008 — 5-bet. ISBN 978-0-87910-351-4. „She is the international spokeswoman for Applied Scholastic International, a front group for the Church of Scientology.“ 
  3. „Anne Archer | TV Guide“. TVGuide.com.„Anne Archer | TV Guide“. TVGuide.com.
  4. Thise, Mark. Hollywood Winners & Losers A to Z. Hal Leonard Corporation, 2008 — 5-bet. ISBN 978-0-87910-351-4. „She is the international spokeswoman for Applied Scholastic International, a front group for the Church of Scientology.“ Thise, Mark (2008). Hollywood Winners & Losers A to Z. Hal Leonard Corporation. pp. 5. ISBN 978-0-87910-351-4. She is the international spokeswoman for Applied Scholastic International, a front group for the Church of Scientology.
  5. Ebner, Mark. Hollywood, Interrupted. John Wiley and Sons, 2004 — 128-bet. ISBN 0-471-45051-0. 
  6. Shaw, William. The science of celebrity. The Sunday Telegraph (17-fevral 2008-yil), s. 26.
  7. Morton, Andrew. Tom Cruise: An Unauthorized Biography. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2008 — 243, 317-bet. ISBN 978-0-312-35986-7. 
  8. „Celebrities speak out on abortion“ (inglizcha). EW.com. Qaraldi: 27-may 2019-yil.
  9. Terrace, Vincent. Encyclopedia of Unaired Television Pilots, 1945-2018. McFarland, 28-sentabr 2018-yil. ISBN 9781476672069. 
  10. „Anne Archer | TV Guide“. TVGuide.com.
  11. Fisher, Mark. „Edinburgh Theater Review: 'The Trial of Jane Fonda' Starring Anne Archer“. Variety (4-avgust 2014-yil). Qaraldi: 16-mart 2018-yil.
  12. „Anne Archer stars as Jane Fonda in London play“. Reuters (14-iyul 2016-yil). Qaraldi: 16-mart 2018-yil.
  13. „Anne Archer“. TVGuide.com. TV Guide. Qaraldi: 17-sentabr 2018-yil.
  14. „Annearcher.com“. www.annearcher.com. 25-avgust 2010-yilda asl nusxadan arxivlangan.