Research articles

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  • By suppressing compositional heterogeneities in cadmium-free quantum dots, environmentally friendly pure-blue-light-emitting diodes with enhanced efficiencies, lifetimes and spectral purity are achieved, rivalling state-of-the-art cadmium-based blue quantum-dot light-emitting diodes.

    • Qianqian Wu
    • Fan Cao
    • Xuyong Yang
  • Analysis of gravitational waves from merging binary neutron stars was accelerated using machine learning, enabling full low-latency parameter estimation and enhancing the potential for multi-messenger observations.

    • Maximilian Dax
    • Stephen R. Green
    • Bernhard Schölkopf
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Bone tools shaped by knapping found within Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania precede any other evidence of systematic bone tool production by more than 1 million years.

    • Ignacio de la Torre
    • Luc Doyon
    • Francesco d’Errico
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Malignant cells with mesenchymal features display increased chromatin accessibility, particularly in the pericentromeric and centromeric regions, in turn resulting in delayed mitosis and catastrophic cell division.

    • Luigi Perelli
    • Li Zhang
    • Giannicola Genovese
  • Pattern-based detection and attribution methods that make use of trend pattern information as a function of month and height provide evidence that reduction of ozone-depleting substances has resulted in the beginning of Antarctic ozone recovery.

    • Peidong Wang
    • Susan Solomon
    • Luis F. Millán
  • Paired transcriptomic and chromatin accessibility profiling are used to examine the developmental trajectories of neuronal populations in the hypothalamic preoptic region, including cell types with key roles in physiological and social behaviour functions have been identified.

    • Harris S. Kaplan
    • Brandon L. Logeman
    • Catherine Dulac
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Construction of a phosphate passivation layer on the surface of a cathode to withstand fluctuating operation in alkaline seawater is proposed following understanding the mechanism behind the dynamic evolution and degradation of cathode in intermittent electrolysis.

    • Qihao Sha
    • Shiyuan Wang
    • Xiaoming Sun
  • Proteasomal degradation of cellular proteins generate defence peptides constitutively and in response to bacterial infection. Such peptides might provide a source of natural antibiotics that could lead to biotechnology applications and therapeutic interventions.

    • Karin Goldberg
    • Arseniy Lobov
    • Yifat Merbl
    ArticleOpen Access
  • A mixed-precision heterogeneous memristor combined with a compute-in-memory artificial intelligence (AI) processor allows optimization of the precision, energy efficiency, storage and wakeup-to-response time requirements of AI edge devices, which is demonstrated using existing models and datasets.

    • Win-San Khwa
    • Tai-Hao Wen
    • Meng-Fan Chang
  • Structural findings define the architecture of the mitochondrial pyruvate carrier, delineate its substrate-binding site and translocation pathway, and reveal its major conformational states, providing the molecular basis for understanding its function and inhibition.

    • Zheng He
    • Jianxiu Zhang
    • Liang Feng
  • A 4 °C global temperature increase would push 7.5% of amphibian species beyond their physiological limits.

    • Patrice Pottier
    • Michael R. Kearney
    • Shinichi Nakagawa
    ArticleOpen Access
  • Behavioural experiments in mice demonstrate that GABAergic (γ-aminobutyric acid-expressing), glutamatergic and serotonergic neurons in the median raphe nucleus have distinct and complementary functions in regulating decision-making resulting in flexible behavioural strategies.

    • Mehran Ahmadlou
    • Maryam Yasamin Shirazi
    • Sonja B. Hofer
    ArticleOpen Access
  • A peripherally restricted CB1 agonist (VIP36) targeting a cryptic receptor pocket was developed, showing high efficacy in mouse pain models with minimal side effects and tolerance, potentially revolutionizing chronic pain treatment and GPCR drug design.

    • Vipin Ashok Rangari
    • Evan S. O’Brien
    • Susruta Majumdar
  • In the Multicellularity Long Term Evolution Experiment, diploid yeast evolve to be tetraploid under selection for larger multicellular size, revealing how whole-genome duplication can arise due to its immediate benefits, persist under selection, and fuel long-term innovations via aneuploidy.

    • Kai Tong
    • Sayantan Datta
    • William C. Ratcliff