Hollywood High (1976) Poster

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Great nudity, dumb movie
pmtelefon5 August 2020
"Hollywood High" has a great ingredient for a solid movie: a bunch of dreamy girls in various stages of undress. Unfortunately, the rest of the ingredients are terrible. This kind of movie doesn't need a strong plot but it needs some plot. The jokes don't all have to be funny but some of them should be. As far as the male cast members go, you need a couple of them to be mildly interesting. "Hollywood High" is a not so hot "one and done" watch. Honorable mention: a dreamy Rae Sperling.
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a real time waster
sandcrab27713 October 2019
The only redeeming part of this film is watching rae sperling uncorking those huge breasts and showing them off both bare and clad ... she gives new meaning to the term ogling and she puts out at the drop of a hat ... now that's the real teenage fantasy this film is based on
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One of the dumbest
Leofwine_draca24 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Possibly one of the dumbest teen sex comedies you'll ever watch, HOLLYWOOD HIGH is a deservedly forgotten movie. It was shot on the same kind of Californian beaches and surrounds as a minor classic like MASSACRE AT CENTRAL HIGH, but it's nowhere near of the same calibre, instead an almost plotless affair which goes down the exploitation route to the viewer's chagrin. The main characters are a quartet of airhead girls who prance around in and out of their bikinis in a hunt for men. They swim in the sea, go to the pool, meet an eccentric old star at their Hollywood mansion, and generally are involved with a lot of goofy characters. The director's mind is on one thing alone, and that thing is breasts, with barely a scene going by without one bit or nudity or another. It makes for a very boring watch.
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Not Even Drive-In Quality
mmarcopolo10 February 2019
This is the type of movie that one would expect to see at a drive-in on a Friday or Saturday Night wedged between two better crap movies. Except this one would probably send everybody to the concession stands if not running to the exits.

Four horny teenage couples in California run around looking for places to make out and have sex. That's pretty much the whole plot. Throw in a retired aging actress with a ten bedroom mansion, a horny bumbling cop, a really bad Fonzie rip-off named "The Fenz", a drunk Spanish beach bum, a dwarf mechanic, a silly gay French teacher, some of the wors t songs in history ever used as a soundtrack, not-even-junior high-level-drama acting, and a six minute food right and there you go. No plot or story. Except for the aging actress, the rest of the supporting characters pass through with no real link to the story (and remember, there IS no story). The only reason I was able to sit through this is bc the four girls were quite hot and sexy and there were some great T&A shots as they were either dressed in hot pants or bikini-clad. Otherwise this is totally non-essential viewing even if you're a fan of the B-movie/drive-in genre like me.
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No intelligence here...
Patrick-8625 August 1999
Hollywood High is amazing in the sense that the whole movie goes nowhere. The movie looks like it was all shot with one camera because that would be the only excuse for editing that's this bad. Every single joke (and there are tons) is so incredibly bad and is followed by a few seconds of silence, making the characters look like even bigger losers than we already knew they were. The musical interludes are the most painful, since they use up about five minutes at a time and result in absolutely nothing but the same mindless frolicking, over and over. The four lead female characters are all similar - stupid Hollywood bombos who love to smother each other with their breasts. The worst of the four male counterparts was Fenz, the most blatant Fonz ("Happy Days") knock-off ever. The others were equally stupid, they just didn't say as much. The movie becomes more irrational as it nears the end. The girls let an old lady screw their boyfriends (simultaneously), leaving them weak but very happy. The movie ends with breasts.
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Dumb fun at Hollywood High.
twonebody3 January 2022
This movie is so silly it feels improvise from scene to scene and the editing is confusing at times but I do like the four girls with their simple quest of finding a place so they can hook up with their boyfriends.
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Staggers the imagination
preppy-313 March 2002
A utterly horrendous movie. I caught it on cable TV back in the mid 1980s after a heavy night of studying. I thought I might get something amusing or a least something showing good-looking, muscular men half naked. I got neither. It was a plotless, stupid, unfunny, homophobic movie chock full of obnoxious characters and really pointless events. The ripoff on Fonzie from "Happy Days" was particularly stupid. Paramount didn't sue--probably cause they saw the movie. Nobody can act--the guys are ugly, the girls aren't much better. There is a lot of bare breasts but it's not going to excite anyone since everything else is so wretched. I don't even think a teenage boy with his hormones raging out of control would be excited by this. Worth seeing if you want to boast that you've seen the worst teen sex comedy ever--think about that--the WORST TEEN SEX COMEDY EVER! If that doesn't scare you away nothing will. Probably the worst film ever to have a sequel!!!!
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worst film ever
vamp882 October 2002
A bunch of friends wanted a couple of movies to watch one night and rented Hollywood High. It turned out being the worst movie I have ever seen. From that day forward every time I see a bad movie and am about to say " thats the worst movie I've ever seen" I stop myself and remember Hollywood High. This will probably be the only movie I give a rating of 1 to. It's in a class by itself. I remember quite a bit of nudity, but when that can't help save a mindless teen sex comedy you know it's really really really bad.
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The true review
amazinginvestments13 September 2021
Get a new cameraman, this one sucks if you are a woman lover!
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wow, just wow...
driverayyz7 July 2020
I couldn't get through this garbage. no, it has nothing to do with pretty nude girls, that's why I started watching it to begin with. it has to do with horrendous screen play, atrocious acting and grade school dialogue. NOBODY in this movie can act their way out of a paper bag. they sounded like they were reading from a script as they were speaking their lines, pretty pathetic. you'd get more out of it by muting it and watching it that way.
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It's one of the best!
dr_midnight3215 November 2001
For years, I loved this movies even though I only saw the crappy USA Up-All Nite version. When I recently saw this uncut on video, it was like going back into time. For a movie about a bunch of girls just trying to enjoy their teenage years and sexuality, this film has taken a lot of hits, but it still ranks up there as one of the best boobie flicks I have ever seen. Highly recommended, for those of you that like cheesy, soft-core flicks that are supposed to be silly.
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An excuse for women to get naked
sbwotoronto1 September 2022
These movies are before my time (I'm American Pie Era) but I have gone back to these cheesy 70s sex teen movies and i'm liking them. This is one is no different but in this movie in focuses on women being the horny ones, having little to no excuse getting naked, having sex and causing trouble but without a real plot. Has its funny moments but movie lost steam towards the end.

I will add the bodies were more natural back then, less plastic and will say those 70s outfits are really hot. Simple tank top, tight jeans and wedge sandals. Fun movie to watch on weekend or nothing better to do.

My rating is based under than genre being a sex teen comedy type.
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This movie ain't good even high
bkoganbing16 December 2019
This film Hollywood High is about the exploits in and out of school of four brain dead Valley girls and four equally brain dead Valley boys. I think they speak the language of 'dude'.

No use in giving you a plot, there just isn't any. But this is a film for T&A connosieurs strictly. Plenty of both in this witless comedy.
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You'll Never Get Your Time Back!
myfutureisgood11 November 2021
The biggest waste of time. With the internet full of nudity, why waste your time in this movie. Dumb plot with really perverted views of adults. I came across this movie after watching Porkys....which I'll get to later. Do yourself a favor, keep on scrolling.
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SixteenFiftyNine2 December 2021
Wow, as in I can't believe how bad it is. I last saw this about 1976 at a drive-in. It's the typical drive-in movie from that era where we didn't even really get, or care, how bad it was. It was a sex driven excuse to get us in the drive-in with cases of beer to meet up with other friends (girls). Since I was only 16 at the time, that meant I was sometimes in the trunk with the beer. Watching this movie now just isn't the same because all that stands out is how terrible it is and memories of the fun at the drive-in which didn't involve watching the movie very much. I can't believe someone could rate this movie a 10. And no, none of the girls (Susanne Severeid is Jan and credited in the movie as only "Susanne") have an "eerie resemblance to Eve Plumb." at best it's a similarity, definitely not eerie. Even on a scale of bad movies it doesn't rate that good because it's just bad and not creative bad. Example, how creative is it to have a Mae West type with the name of June East? I gave it one star each for the bounce of Bebe (Marcy Albrecht) and Monica's (Rae Sperling) Mounds shirt ;) as well as the SoCal scenery of the times.
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A Beach Movie with Four Attractive Young Ladies Jumping Up and Down
Uriah433 June 2022
This film essentially begins with four teenage students named "Jan" (Susanne Severeid), "Monica" (Rae Sperling), "Candy" (Sherry Hardin) and "Bebe" (Marcy Albrecht) enjoying some time together at the beach when they come across a "Surfer" (played by Phil J. Macias) who appears to be either stoned or drunk. Naturally, being a friendly sort of person, he offers to share his pot and beer with the four young ladies and they then proceed to have a good time. Unfortunately for him, at least, the good time ends when the young ladies' boyfriends show up and quickly chase him away. Needless to say, the young ladies are only too happy to meet up with their boyfriends and they all have a good time. Not long afterward, it's revealed that the girls are somewhat unhappy with the fact that they never seem to be able to find a suitable place to spend some time alone with their boyfriends. Their luck seems to change, however, when they meet an aging, silent-film star named "June East" (Maria Winters) who just happens to live alone in a mansion with 10 bedrooms and she is willing to let them have access to them-in return for a certain favor. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this was one of those low-budget "beach films" which was made specifically for the drive-in theater market during a time when cheap films like this were in great demand. And while it may have filled a certain need at the time, that doesn't necessarily mean that this was a good movie. Quite the opposite, as the plot was much too shallow and the script was so weak that the actors were pretty much required to make due on their own for as long as possible. As a result, there are a number of lengthy scenes involving the young ladies simply jumping up and down in the ocean or wrestling with their boyfriends on the beach. Now, don't get me wrong, all of the girls were quite attractive-especially Marcy Albrecht and Rae Sperling. But there is such a thing as going to the proverbial well once too often and the director (Patrick Wright) clearly exceeded that point in the first 10 minutes or so. That being said, the plain fact is that this was not a good movie and I have rated it accordingly.
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A gem
J1869013 August 2020
'Hollywood High' is an unjustly overlooked early work from the 70s heyday of American drive-in sex comedies. Beginning with the free-and-easy charms of 'The Cheerleaders', in 1973, to 'The Pom Pom Girls', and 'The Van', in 1977, this film is a worthy yet obscure addition.

Despite its qualities, Hollywood High has never enjoyed any kind of DVD release, and the only way to watch it now is through the ravaged print currently available on Amazon Prime video. And this is a genuine pity, because anyone who appreciates these movies as both fascinating time capsule of a now much-changed landscape (central Los Angeles, and coastal LA), and as an effervescent offering from a more innocent time, would want this in their collection.

The film's dream-like quality, floating airily from sensual beach escapades, to a spooky movie-star mansion in the hills, gives its carefree cast - bikini girls intent on a good time, and their bad-boy biker boyfriends - an often surreal landscape to revel in, free from the cares of the more buttoned-up world of their elders who patrol it.

Made during the peak of 70s nostalgia for Golden-Age Hollywood, Hollywood High includes a series of nods to the old days of the movies, from silent-comedy style interludes, to a hilarious turn from a Mae West infused one-time silent film actress, who now resides in champagne-and-beefcake splendor in her faded mansion where the beach girls hope to frolic.

There are a few significant talents behind this movie. The producer, Peter Perry, was by that point a 20-year veteran of classic exploitation cinema, beginning with The Flesh Merchant in 1956. Working under various pseudonyms, he went on to produce and direct a string of films which now form a key part of the Something Weird Video range, and was most notably associated with drive-in kings David F. Friedman and Harry Novak: 'Kiss Me Quick', the legendary 1964 monster mash-up, 'Mondo Mod', from 1967, and 'The Joys of Jezebel' (1970) are just three of his titles spanning the golden age of exploitation cinema.

The breezy score, perfectly complimenting the serene and summery mood, is by Scott Gale, who went on to great success as music coordinater for such notable television series as The Golden Girls, Benson, Empty Nest and Soap. Among the leads is the truly lovely Susanne Severeid, the definition of the California blonde, who next appeared in fan favorite, 'Van Nuys Blvd' (1979), as well as making numerous television appearances in shows such as 'CHiPS', 'TJ Hooker', and 'The Fall Guy'.

All in all, there are many reasons to enjoy this forgotten gem, and to hope for its first-ever release in a quality print on blu ray, before the existing film stock rots to the point of no return.
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Leave for the acting, plot, writing...stay for the nudity.
th-5623430 November 2023
A really sad, bad movie in terms of cinematic value. The writing seems to come from a 8th grader hitting puberty after watching too many Happy Days episodes and the Fonz. Really bad.

Should it be dismissed as campy? The completely amatuerish acting is so bad you really cannot be that forgiving.

So does the movie have any reason for being? Yup. Rae Sperling, Sherry Hardin, Marcy Albrecht and Susanne Severeid all display the goods plenty enough to keep interest for those who came for nudity. Rae and Susanne are especially fetching.

Continuity is just terrible as well. 2 for the cinematic values, 9 for the bodies. 6 for overall. The girls save the cellulose.
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Luis Bunuel Meets Bob Clark!
rhages22 February 2009
A bizarre, surreal, and dreamlike "teen" sex romp as only the 1970's could produce (and yes, that is a compliment!)

Four Southern California girls (one of whom is named "Jan", and who bears an eerie resemblance to Eve Plumb) and their boyfriends, including a memorable Fonzie/Barbarino-like hybrid, encounter varied adventures in their constant search for more private places to... uh... rendezvous. At repeated points along the way, they butt heads with a brainless cop, whose portrayal ought to have earned the actor an Oscar.

After a dwarf-ravaging sequence and a primal regression scene involving food that has to be seen to be believed, the teens think they may have finally found a coital refuge in the large mansion of a faded former silent movie star, but things don't go quite as planned....

Ignore the grouchy, humorless idiots who denigrate this unjustly forgotten masterpiece and see it today! It really does contain powers of rejuvenation!
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great 70's teen-sex comedy
vanvicjay12 April 2005
in the tradition of drive-in teen flicks, Hollywood High hits bullseye. If you enjoy corny plots, or no plots, like Gas Pump Girls and The Cheerleaders, then you should search this one out at your local Mom & Pop video store. The four lead girls are hot. And w/ bikinis or less 80% of the time. They have four beach bums/gang members(yeah right)with the girls and all they do is frolic and practice the joys of love, in a van, in a tent, and always together, forget about privacy. There's an old movie startle thrown in the story, just so she could enjoy the young bucks AT THE THE SAME TIME. This is a true masterpiece of sexual taboo mixed with an innocence that could only come from the 70's.
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tomleighton10 August 2020
The pizza shop scene had me in tears. Absolutely wild movie. Some of the shots are surreal.
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A Have Fun B Film
mad-997753 June 2024
I bought this movie, for one reason and one reason only...hottie WildBoy actor Joseph Butcher...Buzz..kinda disappointed there wasn't any Buzz nude scenes (could have at least given us girls a decent butt shot scene he was the only good looking guy in the entire film) plenty of subtext though. A fun campy roller coaster of a ride though the ending was lame..I perked up when Joey I mean Buzz was on camera...took too long for him to show up.... Joey did the best he could..the script was bad, he was the only one with any talent..even the camera operator was horrible..As I said, Joey (Buzz) was my only reason for buying this movie..
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