Health systems strengthening


    Health systems strengthening refers to initiatives and strategies that improve one or more of the functions of the health system and that leads to better health through improvements in access, coverage, quality, or efficiency, ensuring it can address health threats. A well-functioning health system is built on having trained and motivated health workers, a well-maintained infrastructure, and a reliable supply of medicines and technologies, appropriate service delivery approaches, backed by adequate funding, all these articulated in strong health plans and evidence-based policies.  

    Strengthening of health systems involves the development and implementation of primary health care oriented health policies and realistic strategic plans that focuses on improving the institutional and organizational capacity of a country to provide health services to the whole population. These policies and strategies are prepared within the context of national socio - economic development, and the improvement of health services performance in terms of quality safety, effectiveness, efficiency, coverage and equitable access and use. This contributes to the attainment of the goal of Health for All, where the healthcare system is responsive to the needs of all members of society, regardless of their socioeconomic status, ethnicity, culture, gender or other factors.

    Health systems governance refers to the processes, structures , institutions, legal frameworks and partnerships that are in place to oversee and manage a country's healthcare system. The public sector/government is entrusted with oversight responsibilities that includes managing the relationships between different actors and stakeholders (state and non-state) involved in healthcare. These include government agencies, public institutions involved in health care and training, funding/donor agencies/initiatives, private sector institutions/initiatives, patients and their families, people and communities and civil society organizations. Effective health systems governance enables a county’s healthcare system to optimally provide health care services that are are accessible, equitable, efficient, affordable, acceptable and of high quality for all.

    Health systems governance ensures that strategic policy frameworks exist that guide healthcare delivery, and mechanisms for monitoring, evaluating and reviewing the health system’s performance. This is combined with effective oversight, coalition-building, provision of appropriate regulations, incentives, attention to system design, organizational structures and accountability. Health systems governance enables the different actors and stakleholders to work in a complementary mannerand ensure efficient use of resources and mutual accountability for results.  

    WHO Response

    In the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) agenda, WHO is committed to supporting countries to exercise effective health systems governance, with a specific focus on strengthening the capacity of governments to formulate and implement policies/strategies that will lead to the realization of UHC by 2030. 


    In line with the Thirteenth General Programme of Work 2019–2023, WHO works collaboratively across its three organizational levels, adopting a horizontal approach to pursue the following key objectives:


    call upon countries to strengthen the governance of their health systems for UHC

    provide guidance on ways to enhance health systems governance

    support regions and countries in strengthening their health systems governance as needed.

    WHO’s work on the health systems governance not only supports countries in advancing the UHC agenda but has an impact on reaching the targets beyond SDG 3. Improvements in health systems governance will support achieving results in both health and non-health-related SDGs, such as ending poverty (SDG 1), achieving gender equality (SDG 5), reducing inequalities (SDG 10), building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions (SDG 16), etc.

    General Information

    Regional Forum on Strengthening Health Systems for the SDGs and UHC, 8-13 December 2016, Windhoek, Namibia

    Statement on the First Regional Forum for Strengthening Health Systems for UHC and SDGs

    Health systems resilience toolkit English [pdf]

    Harmonization in Health for Africa

    Investing in Health for Africa
    The Case for Strengthening Systems for Better Health Outcomes


    Download the document [pdf 4MB]

    Investing in African health systems is an opportunity to drive economic development and growth forward, move countries closer to achieving objectives of national poverty reduction strategies (the Millennium Development Goals, or MDGs), and ensure social and political stability by saving millions of lives and preventing life-long disabilities. Existing evidence provides us with clear guidance on what to invest in, how much to invest, and what can be achieved with this level of investment.

    This document brings this information together to present the case for Investing in Health for Africa: the case for strengthening systems for better health outcomes. It has been prepared by the Harmonization for Health in Africa (HHA) group, working in close collaboration with The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health;National Ministries of Health on the continent, and focuses on countries of Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).4 It is also based on a recognition that this investment case needs to support the ongoing work within the health sectors already underway in individual countries.

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