I keep seeing twenty-nine year olds and getting shocked because they look old, or older than I imagine, which means I look old too, because I am. Or getting there. In my head I’m ageless, like thread. I think about when I was younger and how far away that feels, like echoes, green fields, the word yesterday. I think how about such and such was ten years ago, such and such was five years ago, but even this week to last feels like an age. In all this thinking about time and how much has passed I have been mulling over the space I inhabited here, what I accomplished and what I spent, over all of you have come and gone or are still going, what you and I knew of me then and what we had.
In recent years a part of me has died and I’m doing my best to tend to the rest of her. This requires patience, like tilling, which I’ve never been good at. I have been in study, determining the size of it - (all) - working things out. There have been days I have done well and days that I haven’t. In all this, falling short, I wanted to reach out. I wanted to say that I’m thinking of all of you who have been and passed through like here like comets. I hope you’re all fine. I hope you’re all doing well. I hope that you have found what you needed or that you’re on your way to it, fast. I hope you’re all settled. I hope you’re all getting on.
For those who haven’t, there is a moon in the sky tonight at her thinnest. Soon she will she be full and she will be sound.