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Lingua gilaki

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گیلکی Giləki
Falado en: Irán
Rexións: Provincia de Gilan, Provincia de Mazandaran e Qazvin
Total de falantes: 4 milllóns (2006)
Familia: Indoeuropea
   Irania occidental
    Irania do noroeste
Códigos de lingua
ISO 639-1: --
ISO 639-2: ---
ISO 639-3: glk

O gilaki está clasificado como "en estado seguro" polo Libro Vermello das Linguas Ameazadas da UNESCO[1]

O gilaki é unha lingua caspia e un membro das linguas Irania do noroeste, falada na Provincia de Gilan, en Irán.[2][3] O gilaki está estreitamente relacionado co mazanderani e as dúas linguas teñen un vocabulario semellante. A linguas gilaki e mazanderani (pero non outras linguas iranias) comparten certos trazos tipolóxicos coas linguas caucásicas,[4][5] reflectindo a historia, a identidade étnica e a relación da rexión do Cáucaso cos pobos gilaki e mazanderani.

  1. Moseley, Christopher e Nicolas, Alexandre. "Atlas of the world's languages in danger". Consultado o 11 de xullo de 2022. 
  2. Coon, "Iran:Demography and Ethnography" in Encyclopedia of Islam, Volume IV, E.J. Brill, pp. 10,8. Excerpt: "The Lurs speak an aberrant form of Archaic Persian" See maps also on page 10 for distribution of Persian languages and dialect
  3. Kathryn M. Coughlin, "Muslim cultures today: a reference guide," Greenwood Publishing Group, 2006. p. 89: "...Iranians speak Persian or a Persian dialect such as Gilaki or Mazandarani"
  4. Nasidze, I; Quinque, D; Rahmani, M; Alemohamad, SA; Stoneking, M (April 2006). "Concomitant Replacement of Language and mtDNA in South Caspian Populations of Iran". Curr. Biol. 16: 668–73. PMID 16581511. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2006.02.021. Consultado o 4 de abril de 2014. 
  5. Academic American Encyclopedia By Grolier Incorporated, page 294

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  • Christensen, Arthur Emanuel. 1930. Dialect Guiläki de Recht [The Gilaki dialect of Rasht]. In Contributions à la dialectologie iranienne. Series: Kgl. danske videnskabernes selskab. Historisk-filologiske meddelelser; 17, 2. (translated into Persian 1995)
  • Purriyahi, Masud. 1971. Barresi-ye dastur-e guyesh-e Gilaki-ye Rasht [A Grammatical Study of the Gilaki dialect of Rasht]. Dissertation, Tehran University.
  • Sartippur, Jahangir. 1990/1369 A.P. Vižegihā-ye Dasturi va Farhang-e vāžehā-ye Gilaki [Grammatical Characteristics and Glossary of Gilaki]. Rasht: Nashr-e Gilakan. Dictionary.
  • Shokri, Giti. 1998. Māzi-ye Naqli dar Guyeshhā-ye Gilaki va Mazandarāni [Present perfect in Gilani and Mazandarāni Dialects]. Nāme-ye Farhangestān 4(4(16)):59–69. (quarterly journal of Iranian Academy of Persian Language and Literature) Article abstract in English.
  • Rastorgueva, V., Kerimova, A., Mamedzade, A., Pireiko, L., Edel’man, D. & Lockwood, R. M. 2012. The Gilaki Language. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.