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See also: čađo and Ĉado




  • IPA(key): /ħaˈdo/ [ħʌˈdɔ]
  • Hyphenation: ca‧do



cadó f (singulative cadóyta m, plural cadoodá f)

  1. meat
  2. flesh


Declension of cadó
absolutive cadó
predicative cadó
subjective cadó
genitive cadó
Postpositioned forms
l-case cadól
k-case cadók
t-case cadót
h-case cadóh


  • E. M. Parker, R. J. Hayward (1985) “cado”, in An Afar-English-French dictionary (with Grammatical Notes in English), University of London, →ISBN
  • Mohamed Hassan Kamil (2015) L’afar: description grammaticale d’une langue couchitique (Djibouti, Erythrée et Ethiopie)[1], Paris: Université Sorbonne Paris Cité (doctoral thesis)




  • IPA(key): /ˈ
  • Rhymes: -ado
  • Hyphenation: cà‧do

Etymology 1


Borrowed from Latin cadus, from Ancient Greek κάδος (kádos, jar).



cado m (plural cadi)

  1. (historical) a kind of clay vase used to store liquids
    Hypernym: vaso

Further reading

  • cado in – Vocabolario Treccani on line, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana

Etymology 2


See the etymology of the corresponding lemma form.




  1. first-person singular present indicative of cadere







From Proto-Italic *kadō, from Proto-Indo-European *ḱh₂d- (to fall).

Compare Old Armenian ցածնում (cʻacnum), Old Irish casar (hail, lightning), Welsh cesair (hail), Breton kazerc'h, Cornish keser.





cadō (present infinitive cadere, perfect active cecidī, supine cāsum); third conjugation, impersonal in the passive

  1. to fall, to fall out
    Synonyms: corruō, accidō, incidō, incurrō, occidō, ruō
    Antonym: orior
  2. to fall in battle, die, be slain, fall so as to be unable to rise
    Synonym: concidō
    • 8 CE, Ovid, Fasti 2.212–213:
      sīc iterum, sīc saepe cadunt
      Again in this way, and thus so often, they fall [in the battle].
  3. to be frustrated, fail, to be or remain fruitless
    Synonyms: discēdō, dēficiō, dēsum, dēlinquō
  4. to lose all one's strength, worth, value, perish, vanish, cease, decay
    Synonyms: concidō, senēscō, ēlanguēscō, languēscō, dēgenerō, dēsīdō, prōlābor
  5. to abate, to subside, to die away
    Synonyms: morior, pereō, occumbō, dēfungor, exspīrō, dēcēdō, occidō, discēdō, intereō, dēficiō
    • 29 BCE – 19 BCE, Virgil, Aeneid 1.154:
      sīc cūnctus pelagī cecidit fragor
      In this way all the clamor of the sea subsided
  6. to suit, to be suitable for (+ in + accusative)
  7. to fall under, to come under (+ in or sub + accusative)
  8. (impersonal) to happen, occur, befall, fall upon, fall to, turn out come to pass
    Synonyms: incidō, ēveniō, interveniō, expetō, incurrō, ēvadō, accēdō, accidō


   Conjugation of cadō (third conjugation, impersonal in passive)
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present cadō cadis cadit cadimus caditis cadunt
imperfect cadēbam cadēbās cadēbat cadēbāmus cadēbātis cadēbant
future cadam cadēs cadet cadēmus cadētis cadent
perfect cecidī cecidistī cecidit cecidimus cecidistis cecidērunt,
pluperfect cecideram ceciderās ceciderat ceciderāmus ceciderātis ceciderant
future perfect ceciderō cecideris ceciderit ceciderimus cecideritis ceciderint
passive present caditur
imperfect cadēbātur
future cadētur
perfect cāsum est
pluperfect cāsum erat
future perfect cāsum erit
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present cadam cadās cadat cadāmus cadātis cadant
imperfect caderem caderēs caderet caderēmus caderētis caderent
perfect ceciderim ceciderīs ceciderit ceciderīmus ceciderītis ceciderint
pluperfect cecidissem cecidissēs cecidisset cecidissēmus cecidissētis cecidissent
passive present cadātur
imperfect caderētur
perfect cāsum sit
pluperfect cāsum esset,
cāsum foret
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present cade cadite
future caditō caditō caditōte caduntō
non-finite forms active passive
present perfect future present perfect future
infinitives cadere cecidisse cāsūrum esse cadī cāsum esse
participles cadēns cāsūrus cāsum cadendum,
verbal nouns gerund supine
genitive dative accusative ablative accusative ablative
cadendī cadendō cadendum cadendō cāsum cāsū

Derived terms




Reflexes of the Late Latin variant cadēre:




  1. dative/ablative singular of cadus



Further reading

  • cado”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • cado”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • cado in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
  • Carl Meißner, Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book[2], London: Macmillan and Co.
    • the wind dies down, ceases: ventus cadit, cessat
    • to fall to the earth: in terram cadere, decidere
    • to come within the sphere of the senses: sub sensum or sub oculos, sub aspectum cadere
    • whatever happens; in any case: utcumque res ceciderit
    • what will be the issue, end, consequence of the matter: quorsum haec res cadet or evadet?
    • the result has surprised me; I was not prepared for this development: res aliter cecidit ac putaveram
    • it is incompatible with the nature of a wise man; the wise are superior to such things: hoc in sapientem non cadit
    • to suffer reproof; to be criticised, blamed: in vituperationem, reprehensionem cadere, incidere, venire
    • a subject becomes matter for reflection: aliquid cadit in deliberationem (Off. 1. 3. 9)
    • to be at variance with: in controversiam cadere
    • the point at issue: id, de quo agitur or id quod cadit in controversiam
    • to have a rhythmical cadence: numerose cadere
    • a piece is a failure, falls flat: fabula cadit
    • his style has a well-balanced cadence: oratio numerose cadit
    • this word ends in a long syllable: haec vox longa syllaba terminatur, in longam syllabam cadit, exit
    • their courage is ebbing: animi cadunt
    • to lose courage; to despair: animo cadere, deficere
    • expectation is overthrown: spes ad irritum cadit, ad irritum redigitur
    • a suspicion falls on some one: suspicio (alicuius rei) cadit in aliquem, pertinet ad aliquem
    • to become the object of suspicion: in suspicionem vocari, cadere
    • it is my custom: aliquid cadit in meam consuetudinem
    • to lose one's case: causā or lite cadere (owing to some informality)
    • about a hundred of our men fell: nostri circiter centum ceciderunt
    • this can be said of..., applies to..: hoc cadit in aliquid
    • (ambiguous) affairs are desperate; we are reduced to extremeties: res ad extremum casum perducta est
  • cado in Ramminger, Johann (2016 July 16 (last accessed)) Neulateinische Wortliste: Ein Wörterbuch des Lateinischen von Petrarca bis 1700[3], pre-publication website, 2005-2016


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Learned borrowing from Latin cadus, from Ancient Greek κάδος (kádos, jar).



  • Rhymes: -adu
  • Hyphenation: ca‧do



cado m (plural cados)

  1. cade; cask; barrel
  2. (historical) cadus (measure for liquids containing three "urnas", or ~39 liters.)







cado f

  1. vocative singular of cadă




  • IPA(key): /ˈkado/ [ˈka.ð̞o]
  • Rhymes: -ado
  • Syllabification: ca‧do



cado m (plural cados)

  1. (Aragon) den; hideout

Further reading
