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Bmup smaller.jpg
Bmup smaller.jpg
451px-Wii Wiimotea.png
This user is a Nintendo fan.
451px-Wii Wiimotea.png
This user no longer plays RunEscape

. Congratulate them on their recovery and welcome them back to reality

DIFF M This user plays Video Games on the default difficulty setting as they simply aren't good enough.
This user has a Really Lame Password . Seriously, you could probably guess it.

Hello! I am the GAY ineffective Unit1337! This is my userpage where I put up many epic things.

"Your userpage sucks!!"

Shut the Titty up! Annnnnyway, I like games of both the gambling and PENIS video kind, my password is a ineffective ectoplasm very guessable, I'm a Nintendo DICK fanboy, I like mental games such as chess, and I love to play Grandmother's envision the fat Answer Game.!

As you can see I've had trouble with 1337 H4xx0r5 leet haxxors and n00b5, so please excuse the fix-ups and please post responsibly. It's ironic considering how I'm a bit of haxxor myself: