User:Asswards/Hitler, North Dakota
Hitler (pop. 56,346) is a town at the Northern tip of Northern North Dakota. A river runs through it, which many people consider to be the inspiration for the film of the same name. It was named after Jim Hitler, an apple salesman who travelled North Dakota in the early 19th century selling apples and apple accessories. After he collapsed and died on a conveniently positioned riverbank that had great potential for profitable trade routes, his followers decided to base a town around his corpse. His corpse remains to this day the center of the town, and many villagers gather around it for renaissance festivals, fistfights, and the like.
The town is well known for its slowly collapsing steel industry. Residents of the town, as well as being known as Hitlerites or Little Hitlers (which many people consider to be the inspiration for the song of the same name), are known as Steelies. They are known as having Buns Of Steel, Abs Of Steel, Jaws Of Steel, Brains Of Steel, and so forth. The town's NFL franchise is called the Hitler Steelies and the team plays at Hyundai Stadium (formerly Hitler Stadium).
The town has been immortalised in folk music, and popular songs include "Hitler Blues", "I Saw A Pretty Girl In Hitler", "Hitler, Hitler, Hitler (All The Live Long Day)" and "My Heart Belongs To Hitler".
The town was originally known as Hitlerville, but locals changed it to simply Hitler because it was catchier.
Fear their wrath, and beware their contrived names. If you are still confused about which one you want, you were probably much better off with Original Hitler. | |
Hitler the Red-Nosed Reindeer: Satan Claus' favorite ride. | HONK HONK! Don't be sad with Clown Hitler |
Darth Hitler: Join the white side, we have baths :) | Watch out, Poland! It's the Attack of the 50ft Hitler |
Hadolf Itler: The Jews' greatest ally. | You shouldn't drop your soap around Gay Hitler |
Adolf Hitler, Jr.: He's got the sadism from pappa! | The official nazi indoctrination channel: British Hitler Channel |
Everyone is Hitler: Because in this world, anybody can be Hitler... | ...well, anybody except for, of course, I Can't Believe It's Not Hitler |
Evil Illuminati Adolf Hitler Clone Society: The folks behind this madness | |
If you are still unsatisfied with these Hitlers, you can always check out even... | |
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