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Turquoise is a colour between green and cyan which is known by colour nerds as "the colour ever." Turquoise is overshadowed by sky blue and spring green. The gemstone known as Turquoise is very opaque at the cost of sucking the forbidden word.

Turquoise, the colour[edit | edit source]

Turquoise, the colour. Imagine being a gemstone.

Turquoise as a colour is more interesting, more specifically because its pale version is the very tongue-satisfying mint. Colours have tastes similar to their real life counterparts. Examples include, but are not limited to:

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Turquoise is a pretty complementary colour to MAHOGANY.

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Wait, what were we talking about again? Oh yeah.

Turquoise, the gem[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

The colour[edit | edit source]

  • Turquoise is friends with your grandma.
  • Turquoise and Aquamarine mix to make a fresh mint that you can eat. Part of a complete breakfast.

The gem[edit | edit source]