kris kringle is a fat son of a bitch. he is the worst imployer EVER he suxs. He demoted me to ranedeer pooper scooper!!!! because i didnt make enuff gay toys this yer. Even though it wasnt my fault. i dot like him and non of the elfs do because he is fat and mean and stupid and ugly and gay. i wish he will gats shotdown by norad or stay the hell away from the north pole. he is FAT FAT FAT FAT!!!!! HE IS THE WORST BOSS EVER. HE IS SO
9:27, December 24, 2024 Santa (talk | contribs) blocked Kippy the Elf (talk | contribs) with an expiry time of infinite (I KNOW who's been naughty. Eat shit and die, lolhoho.)