Update I am currently participating in an Art+Feminism event (2021).

Update My page has been fairly neglected, but I am still here making edits on pages as I go along. I have also completed my PhD (as of the summer of 2018) and have a new full time job. This page will probably never be cleaned up because it is a historical record of my messy life, and I don't really want to change it.

Update It has been quite some time since my last appearance, and I have earned a master's degree and I am currently working on my PhD. I will still be a relative stranger to Wikipedia until I'm done with school, and I will hopefully clean this page up, because it's more than a little cluttered.

New Note: This is the first time I've been on my account since 2008. I have had a daughter, completed a year of graduate school (and I am currently working on finishing up my second year), and have since lost my mother on December 22, 2009. The challenges of motherhood, being a student, and being a Graduate Teaching Associate who is trying to complete a master's thesis is going to keep me away from my Wikipedia editing duties for an extended period of time. I will make occasional edits, but I hope to be back to editing more someday (maybe once I've become a PhD).

Please Note: Life has taken some unexpected turns for me in 2008. I had some unexpected troubles with the reliability of others for letters of recommendation for graduate school to only have that dwarfed by the sudden and unexpected death of my grandmother on January 6th. The capper to this zany month has been finding out that I am expecting my first child in late August. I'm making my return to Wikipedia slowly and I don't know when I'll be back to full capacity.

New Edit: I managed to get into graduate school after all, but as things have not settled down yet, I will be on Wikipedia infrequently.

I'm new to this whole writing-about-myself thing, so bear with me.

My name is Kay, I'm in my late 20s, I just finished my Masters in Library and Information Science, and I spend too much time on the Internet and not enough on real-life things, like sleep. I'm in the process of applying to go back to grad school to, ultimately, earn a PhD, so I'll be a bit more rare and a lot more stressed than usual.

I usually go around in Wikipedia and edit existing articles, since I don't have the time to write any of the articles I would like to see in Wikipedia.

Keep your fingers crossed for me [or pray, or do what is most comfortable for you] as I embark on my attempt to continue my education. The GRE is the first hurdle that I must overcome, but there are others.

I'll add more as I think of it...



I would list what I've done, but most of my edits are either minor or the article gets edited so often that you'd have to dig to find what I've done. I hope to do more when I have the time, but until then I will edit until the cows come home (and add more user boxes along the way!).



I'm happy that my hometown was today's (March 29, 2007) featured article! Huzzah! Besides, it's my userpage and I can be happy about it if I want.

 This user knows that her userboxes are disorganised but has decided that she doesn't really care.



I just found out that the great people at the GRE board have decided to add new verbal question types to the exam in November. How am I supposed to prepare for these things? I'm having a hard enough time as it is and....

I just need to calm down. Yes, this sucks, but I need not vent here (and, for that, I apologize).

I'm just glad that I checked the Wikipedia article about that, or I would've never known about the test's changes.