Talk:Upload (TV series)

Latest comment: 2 years ago by AndyFielding in topic "Comedy-drama"?



স্বামী আর স্ত্রী বেড়াতে গেল। চিড়িয়াখানায়। তারা দেখল একটি বানর তার সঙ্গীনির সাথে খেলছে, খুনসুটি করছে। স্ত্রী দৃশ্যটা দেখে মুগ্ধ হয়ে স্বামীকে বলল: কী চমৎকার ভালোবাসার দৃশ্য! এরপর তারা গেল সিংহদের খাঁচার কাছে। দেখল: সিংহ খাঁচার একপাশে চুপচাপ বসে আছে। সিংহীটাও অদূরে অন্য দিকে ফিরে বসে আছে। স্ত্রী দেখে বলল: আহ! ভালোবাসার কী নির্মম পরিণতি! স্বামী এতক্ষণ চুপচাপ স্ত্রীর পাশে হাঁটছিল। এবার নীরবতা ভঙ্গ করে বললেন: ধরো! এই কাঁচের টুকরাটা সিংহীর দিকে ছুঁড়ে মারো, আর দেখো কী ঘটে! মহিলাটি যখন কাঁচের টুকরোটা ছুঁড়ে মারল, সিংহ ক্ষিপ্ত হয়ে গেল। সঙ্গীনিকে বাঁচানোর জন্য গর্জে উঠল। এবার মেয়ে বানরটার দিকে ছুঁড়ে মারো। দেখ কী ঘটে। পুরুষ বানরটার আচরণ লক্ষ্য কর। স্ত্রী কাঁচের টুকরোটা বানরীর দিকে ছুঁড়ে মারল। দেখা গেল ছুঁড়ে মারার আগেই বানরটা আত্মরক্ষার্তে ছুটে পালিয়ে গেল। সঙ্গীনির দিকে ফিরেও তাকাল না। স্বামী বলল: মানুষ তোমার সামনে যা প্রকাশ করে তা দেখে প্রভাবিত হয়ে যেয়ো না। অনেক মানুষ আছে যারা তাদের বানোয়াট লোক দেখানো আবেগ-অনুভূতি প্রকাশ করে অন্যকে প্রতারিত করে। আবার অনেক মানুষ আছে যারা তাদের ভেতরে গভীর অনুরাগ- ভালবাসা লুকিয়ে রাখে। আর বর্তমানে সিংহদের চেয়ে বানরদের সংখ্যাই বেশি।

  1. সংগৃহীত (talk) 15:53, 15 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

This is the English Wikipedia, please use English here. PizzaMan ♨♨♨ 13:16, 23 January 2022 (UTC)Reply

Like, এই সমগ্র বিষয় হাস্যকর।, man. – AndyFielding (talk) 11:54, 9 April 2022 (UTC)Reply

The elevator guy....


How did they upload the creep from the elevator when his head was smashed all over the place? Don't you technically still have to be alive to be uploaded??? 2600:387:F:4A36:0:0:0:7 (talk) 16:41, 12 March 2022 (UTC)Reply

Just guessing here—but because it's based on nonsensical things, things needn't make sense? – AndyFielding (talk) 11:50, 9 April 2022 (UTC)Reply

So it just ends with his nose bleeding?


Did they just run out of money to finish the series? (talk) 16:17, 5 April 2022 (UTC)Reply

Pretty sure that's supposed to be a cliffhanger since the last guy who downloaded also had nose bleeds before his head exploded. While a third season was not yet announced, it's more likely than not that the cliffhanger will be resolved if and when the next season is released. Regards SoWhy 07:17, 8 April 2022 (UTC)Reply
God, really? With that interminable, water-treading, busy-work Season 2, they think they can keep stretching out that lame premise for a third season? It's a one-joke show: People are uploaded to virtual reality, where anything can happen, so it does (plus the ubiquitous "A.I. Guy", a wackier male version of Janet in The Good Place). It's carte blanche for lazy writing—and they still turned the actors loose in one long, tangential improv exchange after another. It was so bad, so derivative, so pointless, so unfocused, it was fascinating. Sure, it's a farce, but there's no cohesion between episodes, no sustainable logic, no principle that couldn't be contradicted. It was all over the place. It didn't even know if it was supposed to be funny or serious, or take itself seriously or not, from one moment to the next. I'd be very surprised if they considered any sort of story or character arcs at all. I'm guessing they just had a story meeting for each episode, drank a lot of coffee and/or smoked a lot of weed, and thought up ways to fill the time. Oh, and did I mention the two-dimensional female lead, amateurIshly dropping her voice to a croak at the ends of lines, stuck in there with real, expressive actors—people with stage experience, where you can't fake it—struggling to hold up the whole mess? Anyway, wow, Season 3… People must be desperate for content these days, that's all I can think. – AndyFielding (talk) 12:34, 9 April 2022 (UTC)Reply



Rahul Gujar dailog 2405:205:118C:9FA:0:0:25CA:70AD (talk) 06:38, 8 April 2022 (UTC)Reply

Please phrase comments in English. Regards SoWhy 07:25, 8 April 2022 (UTC)Reply



Sorry, but in what universe (virtual or otherwise) could this be considered a "comedy-drama"? Are you thinking of the stultifying, gratuitous, time-filling sequences with the rebellious off-the-grid (except they weren't, really, were they?) "Luddites", whose tedious, comedy-devoid plotting results in a bunch of—how ironic!—wild, anything-goes comedy (once they were finally offscreen, that is, so something funny could happen)? No, those cut-out cardboard cliché characters were just added so the writers could take a break from doing gags, and on the slim chance of adding something—anything—of substance to that wafer-thin show concept in case anyone was still watching who had any kind of life away from their TV.
Anyway, "comedy-drama"? Nope—just a meandering, messy farce with some bland, pointless, humorless bits thrown in. Story that's not comedy isn't automatically "dramatic"—to be that, it has to mean something. – AndyFielding (talk) 12:57, 9 April 2022 (UTC)Reply