Soviet bio?


I wonder who wrote this strange Soviet version of Vasil Bykau's biography, with Lenin-prize listings, Red Army "hero acts", etc. His biggest worry, his biggest concern, his biggest love was Belarus and its independence, and that's what his life was devoted to. And he was not in France, but in Finland. And the details of pro-Soviet and pro-Russian Lukashenka's attacks on him are not mentioned, although this was very important part of his late years. And it's not mentioned that he was one of the co-founders of the Belarusan National Front, and its spiritual leader in many ways... Did you copy his bio from some Russian-Soviet encyclopedia? --Rydel 03:26, 8. Mai 2006 (CEST)Beantworten

...Боже,что вы натворили с Быковым....


Уважаемые мои немцы.

Ради Бога,бросьте это неблагодарное занятие и не занимайтесь такими вот "переводами" с русского , от которых покойный Быков в гробу перевернулся бы.....Сделали с белоРУССКОГО писателя какого-то...."румына"... "Быкау","вобласть"...=дальше уже некуда... Лучше переводите с "американосного" ихних "писателей" , это сейчас в WBZ стало очень модно, такое подчас впечатление, что 99 % СМИ ФРГ(кроме Anstallt von ZDF) ...белены наелись...Комисарова (Diskussion) 20:51, 4. Mai 2014 (CEST)Beantworten