Showing posts with label JSX. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JSX. Show all posts

Friday, May 9, 2014





  • コード
  • テスト
  • ドキュメント




  • プルリクエストはコード/テスト/ドキュメントの3点セットで構成すること注4
  • そのために、すべてのドキュメントをレポジトリ本体の一部として管理すること



publish: publish-test
        npm publish
        $(MAKE) doc-publish

doc-publish: doc
        (cd doc/ && ../../tool/git-pushdir -m "`git log --format='doc at commit %h' | head -1`"

似たようなことはgit subtreeを使っても可能注3ですが、subtreeの定義やpullした場合のconflictに絡む問題がない点がgit-pushdirの優位性になるかと思います。


注1: テストを書くコストが見合わない、あるいはドキュメントなど不要というケースもあるとは思います
注2: jsxdoc(javadocライクなツール)が出力するAPIリファレンスではなく、言語仕様に関わる文書のようなものについて述べています
注3: 参照: git subtreeで自動生成ドキュメントをGitHub Pagesに連携してみた - Life goes on
注4: コードとテストのレビュー完了 → ドキュメント加筆更新 → merge というフローでいいと思います

Friday, February 7, 2014

Why asm.js sometimes runs faster than hand-written JavaScript (and the changes in JSX 0.9.77)

I have released an update (version 0.9.77) of JSX - a statically-typed altJS programming language with an optimizing compiler to JavaScript, with the following changes:

  • the definition of int has been changed to strict 32-bit signed integer
  • introduce Promise class in conformance to the ECMAScript 6 draft

The second change should be obvious. Let me explain the reasoning behind the first one.


Until now, definition of int in JSX has been: a number that is at least possible to represent integers between -231 to 231-1, or may or may not become NaN or +-Infinity.

This was based on our understanding that enforcing integer arithmetic in JavaScript (i.e. using | 0) would lead to slower execution speed. We wanted the int type of JSX to represent some kind of integral numbers without sacrificing execution speed. And the type had been defined as such.

But the advent of asm.js has changed the game. Such enforced integer arithmetic is one of the most common patterns found in JavaScript generated by Emscripten (since it compiles C/C++ code), and it would be natural to expect that existing JavaScript runtimes would optimize against such patterns.

The Benchmark:

So I decided to take time to run a tiny benchmark that compares the execution speed of ordinary arithmetic vs. enforced integer arithmetic on fib-using-int - jsPerf, and the results are interesting.

The benchmark compares three functions calculating Fibonacci numbers using loops.

// original
function fib(n) {
  var value = 1, prev = 1;
  for (var i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
    var t = prev;
    prev = value;
    value += t;
  return value;

// core operation is enforced integer arith.
function fib(n) {
  var value = 1, prev = 1;
  for (var i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
    var t = prev;
    prev = value;
    value = (value + t) | 0;                <--- HERE
  return value;

// core operation and loop are integer arith.
function fib(n) {
  n = n | 0;                                <--- HERE
  var value = 1, prev = 1;
  for (var i = 1; i < n; i = (i + 1) | 0) { <--- HERE
    var t = prev;
    prev = value;
    value = (value + t) | 0;                <--- HERE
  return value;

Looking at the results below (please refer to the benchmark page for the latest numbers) the fact is that code runs about 10% faster on Chrome and Firefox when explicitly specifying an extra operation (i.e. | 0).

This is not a surprise for people with the understanding of how the JIT (just-in-time-compile) engines of the runtimes work. The engines compile arithmetic operations in the original function of the benchmark into integer arithmetics with guards, so that the calculation can be changed to use floating-point operations once the numbers goes out of the 32-bit integer range. But if | 0 is added to the statement it becomes clear that the result of the arithmetic should be a module of 232 and thus that the guards become no longer necessary.

The Problem and the Solution:

The problem being left is how to write code that takes benefit from such optimizations. It is hard to add | 0 all over the source code, and there would be a negative performance impact unless you succeed in marking all of them correctly. It is once again clear that some kind of automated code generator is desirable for JavaScript, and this is the reason why we are happily applying the described change to JSX :-)

To summarize, JSX as of version 0.9.77 supports strict 32-bit integer arithmetic; and it is easy for the users to benefit from the described optimizations within the JavaScript runtimes. It's just a matter of marking some variables as : int. And the results of assignment to the variable as well as additions, subtractions, and multiplication between such variables would be int.

PS. I have also written the Fibonacci calculator in asm.js, but have excluded the numbers from the benchmark since it was too slow. It seems that there exists a non-marginal overhead when calling asm.js code from JavaScript.

Monday, January 27, 2014

JSX - experimental support for NPM

Based on @shibukawa-sans work, I have added experimental support for NPM-based packages in JSX 0.9.75. It is now possible to publish libraries for JSX using NPM (or use such packages from JSX).

A tiny example would be the following:

  "dependencies": {
    "nodejs.jsx": "~ 0.1.1"

import "nodejs.jsx/*.jsx";

class _Main {
  static function main(args : string[]) : void {
    fs.appendFileSync("/dev/fd/1", "hello npm!\n");

Running npm install would install nodejs.jsx (JSX binding for node.js) which is specified as a dependency in package.json. And when the compiler is executed (e.g. jsx hello-npm.jsx) it would automatically search for the imported files and use them in the node_modules directory.

For the time being, file specified in the main section of package.json is used if the name of a module is an argument to the import statement (e.g. import "npm-module-name"). Or the directory designated by the dependencies/lib section is searched if a file within an npm module is specified (e.g. import "npm-module-name/filename").

If you have any comments / suggestions please file a issue at the GitHub issues page.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013





(new RegExp("abc")).exec(s)  // リテラルを使わない場合
/abc/.exec(s)                // リテラルを使った場合
new RegExp("\\\\n");  // リテラルを使わない場合
/\\n/                 // リテラルを使った場合


new RegExp("(abc")  // 実行時例外
/(abc/              // コンパイル(起動)時にエラー検出


new RegExp("abc").exec(s) // 実行する度に正規表現がコンパイルされる
/abc/.exec(s)             // 正規表現のコンパイルは実行回数に関係なく1回








/^\s*abc/   // 先頭に空白、続いてabc




■補遺 (2013/12/19追記):



たとえば、PHP等に存在するtrim関数(文字列の前後の空白を削除)は、同等の正規表現(s.replace(/^\s*(.*)\s*$/, "$1"))よりも簡潔です。文字列処理のうち、頻出するパターンについて、適切な名前をもつ関数を提供することで可読性を向上させるというアプローチは理に適っています。


文字列処理を実装していると、文字列の末尾から改行文字を1つ(のみ)削除したいこともあれば、末尾の改行文字を全て削除したいこともあります。正規表現を使えば、この種の需要に対応することは簡単です(/\n$/ あるいは /\n*$/)が、これらの需要に対応する文字列処理関数をいちいち言語処理系で提供することは現実的ではありません。



注1: この問題は、エスケープシーケンスの衝突を回避できる言語(例: Perl)、raw文字列リテラルが存在する言語(例: Python)では問題になりません
注2: 多くのインタプリタ型処理系の場合は起動時
注3: プログラムのソースコードであれ正規表現であれ、コンパイル後にVMで(場合によっては機械語にコンパイルして)実行される以上、速度差はその変換処理の優劣の問題だと理解すべきです
注4: 正規表現は使い方に制約がなさすぎて嫌、という考え方もあるかと思います

Saturday, December 7, 2013


本日、福岡で開催されたプログラミング言語のパフォーマンスを考えるイベント「ぷろぐぱ」で、「JSX 速さの秘密 - 高速なJavaScriptを書く方法」という演題で講演しました。



※本記事はJSX Advent Calendar 2013の一部です。