Personal computing is currently in a state of transition. While traditionally users have interacted mostly with desktop applications, more and more of them are using web applications. But the latter often fit awkwardly into the document-centric interface of web browsers. And they are surrounded with controls–like back and forward buttons and a location bar–that have nothing to do with interacting
Warning: Prism is no longer developed by Mozilla Labs, although this documentation will still be useful to those using WebRunner (see next paragraph). There are now two alternatives: The Prism code was picked up by Matthew Gertner who started a company to continue its open source development under the name WebRunner. See his blog post at
stark raving finkle ramblings on software engineering: building teams, shipping faster, & breaking less I have been working on a small project that ports Python’s ctypes functionality to Mozilla’s XPCOM system. For those unfamiliar with ctypes, its a Python module that allows developers to declare and call exported methods from binary/shared libraries. Developers can then wrap these binary calls i
This is an archived page. It's not actively maintained. Support for extensions using XUL/XPCOM or the Add-on SDK was removed in Firefox 57, released November 2017. As there is no supported version of Firefox enabling these technologies, this page will be removed by December 2020. Add-ons using the techniques described in this document are considered a legacy technology in Firefox. Don't use these
CSSBeginner's tutorialsYour first website: Styling the contentCSS styling basicsWhat is CSS?Getting started with CSSChallenge: Styling a biography pageBasic CSS selectorsAttribute selectorsPseudo-classes and pseudo-elementsCombinatorsThe box modelHandling conflictsCSS values and unitsSizing items in CSSBackgrounds and bordersOverflowing contentImages, media, and form elementsStyling tablesDebuggin