We’re in the process of porting a significant portion of the network I/O code in EdgeDB from Python to Rust, and we’ve been learning a lot of very interesting lessons in the process. We’ve been working on a new HTTP fetch feature for EdgeDB, using reqwest as our HTTP client library. Everything was going smoothly: the feature worked locally, passed tests on x86_64 CI runners, and seemed stable. But
Check out the discussion of this post on Hacker News. See the recording of the live launch event on YouTube. Today, just under 6 months after the release of 1.0 🏁, we’re excited to announce EdgeDB 2.0. Since our 1.0 release in February, we’ve published 3 minor versions in the 1.x line, started a Discord (750 members and counting!), accumulated a few thousand more GitHub stars, and grown to thousa
Check out the discussion of this post on Hacker News. See the recording of the live launch event on YouTube. Today, after several years of building (and a long list of prereleases) we are extremely proud to announce the release of EdgeDB 1.0, the first open source, graph-relational database! 🎊 A brief Q&A is in order. What are the killer features? Modern, lean query language designed to surpass S
The questions we often hear are “Why create a new query language?” and “What’s wrong with SQL?”. This post contains answers to both. Before we begin, let’s overview some of the history of how the relational model came to be, and how SQL was created. The relational model was introduced by Edgar F. Codd in a seminal 1970 paper “A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks” [4]. There, Codd
In a few weeks we will release the first public technology preview of EdgeDB—a new open-source object-relational database. This post is a brief introduction and the first in the series. Before diving in, let’s take a look what motivated us to build EdgeDB. Databases have always been and will always be the defining piece of any technological stack. In the last decade there has been a lot of activit
N+1, solvedEdgeDB solves the problems that ORMs exist to workaround. A comparison that speaks for itself: SELECT movie.title, ( SELECT avg(rating) FROM reviews WHERE movie_id = movie.id ) AS avg_rating, (SELECT array_agg(q.v) FROM (SELECT person.name AS v FROM actors INNER JOIN persons AS person ON (actors.person_id = person.id) WHERE actors.movie_id = movie.id ) AS q WHERE q.v IS NOT NULL ) AS ac
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