Formerly SonarCloudCloud-based static analysis tool for your CI/CD workflows Formerly SonarQubeSelf-managed static analysis tool for continuous codebase inspection
Installation Requirements The Eclipse LESS plugin should run on all platforms where Eclipse and LESS are supported. Step 1: Install Base Software In order to use the Eclipse LESS plugin, you need: Eclipse Kepler (version 4.3 or later). You can download it from the Eclipse website. The LESS compiler (if you want to compile your stylesheets in CSS), version 1.5 or further. You can download it there.
Register now for Axway Summit 2024 and get energized to accelerate your digital transformation. Learn More Aptana Studio 3 is an open-source web development IDE, and while we are no longer actively maintaining the repository, it is still open-source and public so if you wish to download Aptana Studio 3 you can do so on GitHub.
Orion is an open source project under the Eclipse Cloud Development top-level project. Orion's objective is to create a browser-based open tool integration platform which is entirely focused on developing for the web, in the web. Tools are written in JavaScript and run in the browser. Unlike other attempts at creating browser-based development tools, this is not an IDE running in a single tab. Lin