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$200K 1 10th birthday 4 abusive ads 1 abusive notifications 2 accessibility 3 ad blockers 1 ad blocking 2 advanced capabilities 1 android 2 anti abuse 1 anti-deception 1 background periodic sync 1 badging 1 benchmarks 1 beta 83 better ads standards 1 billing 1 birthday 4 blink 2 browser 2 browser interoperability 1 bundles 1 capabilities 6 capable web 1 cds 1 cds18 2 cds2018 1 chrome 35 chrome 81
Electron 8.0.0 has been released! It includes upgrades to Chromium 80, V8 8.0, and Node.js 12.13.0. We've added Chrome's built-in spellchecker, and much more! The Electron team is excited to announce the release of Electron 8.0.0! You can install it with npm via npm install electron@latest or download it from our releases website. The release is packed with upgrades, fixes, and new features. We ca
$200K 1 10th birthday 4 abusive ads 1 abusive notifications 2 accessibility 3 ad blockers 1 ad blocking 2 advanced capabilities 1 android 2 anti abuse 1 anti-deception 1 background periodic sync 1 badging 1 benchmarks 1 beta 83 better ads standards 1 billing 1 birthday 4 blink 2 browser 2 browser interoperability 1 bundles 1 capabilities 6 capable web 1 cds 1 cds18 2 cds2018 1 chrome 35 chrome 81
$200K 1 10th birthday 4 abusive ads 1 abusive notifications 2 accessibility 3 ad blockers 1 ad blocking 2 advanced capabilities 1 android 2 anti abuse 1 anti-deception 1 background periodic sync 1 badging 1 benchmarks 1 beta 83 better ads standards 1 billing 1 birthday 4 blink 2 browser 2 browser interoperability 1 bundles 1 capabilities 6 capable web 1 cds 1 cds18 2 cds2018 1 chrome 35 chrome 81
This web browser looks and works like Chrome–if Chrome were built to shield your data from prying eyes. Google’s Chrome is the world’s most popular web browser, with an estimated global market share of over 66% as of April 2018, according to Statista. And for the most part, it’s easy to see why Chrome dominates. It doesn’t hog resources; it’s got an attractive, minimalist interface; and it’s incre
Microsoft is officially giving up on an independent shared platform for the internet. By adopting Chromium, Microsoft hands over control of even more of online life to Google. This may sound melodramatic, but it’s not. The “browser engines” — Chromium from Google and Gecko Quantum from Mozilla — are “inside baseball” pieces of software that actually determine a great deal of what each of us can do
週明けに出回った、Microsoft EdgeがChromiumベースになるという話について、Microsoftからアナウンスがあった。 Microsoft Edge: Making the web better through more open source collaboration - Windows Experience Blog For the past few years, Microsoft has meaningfully increased participation in the open source software (OSS) community, becoming one of the world’s largest supporters of OSS projects. Today we’re announcing that we intend to ado
For the past few years, Microsoft has meaningfully increased participation in the open source software (OSS) community, becoming one of the world’s largest supporters of OSS projects. Today we’re announcing that we intend to adopt the Chromium open source project in the development of Microsoft Edge on the desktop to create better web compatibility for our customers and less fragmentation of the w
CompanyEngineeringProductSunsetting AtomWe are archiving Atom and all projects under the Atom organization for an official sunset on December 15, 2022. January 30, 2023 Update: Update to the previous version of Atom before February 2 On December 7, 2022, GitHub detected unauthorized access to a set of repositories used in the planning and development of Atom. After a thorough investigation, we hav
$200K 1 10th birthday 4 abusive ads 1 abusive notifications 2 accessibility 3 ad blockers 1 ad blocking 2 advanced capabilities 1 android 2 anti abuse 1 anti-deception 1 background periodic sync 1 badging 1 benchmarks 1 beta 83 better ads standards 1 billing 1 birthday 4 blink 2 browser 2 browser interoperability 1 bundles 1 capabilities 6 capable web 1 cds 1 cds18 2 cds2018 1 chrome 35 chrome 81
$200K 1 10th birthday 4 abusive ads 1 abusive notifications 2 accessibility 3 ad blockers 1 ad blocking 2 advanced capabilities 1 android 2 anti abuse 1 anti-deception 1 background periodic sync 1 badging 1 benchmarks 1 beta 83 better ads standards 1 billing 1 birthday 4 blink 2 browser 2 browser interoperability 1 bundles 1 capabilities 6 capable web 1 cds 1 cds18 2 cds2018 1 chrome 35 chrome 81
$200K 1 10th birthday 4 abusive ads 1 abusive notifications 2 accessibility 3 ad blockers 1 ad blocking 2 advanced capabilities 1 android 2 anti abuse 1 anti-deception 1 background periodic sync 1 badging 1 benchmarks 1 beta 83 better ads standards 1 billing 1 birthday 4 blink 2 browser 2 browser interoperability 1 bundles 1 capabilities 6 capable web 1 cds 1 cds18 2 cds2018 1 chrome 35 chrome 81
要約 ヘッドレス Chrome は Chrome 59 でリリースされています。これは、ヘッドレス環境で Chrome ブラウザを実行する方法です。つまり、Chrome なしで Chrome を実行することになります。Chromium と Blink レンダリング エンジンが提供する最新のウェブ プラットフォーム機能をすべてコマンドラインにもたらします。 なぜこれが有用なのでしょうか? ヘッドレス ブラウザは、可視 UI シェルが必要ない自動テストやサーバー環境に最適なツールです。たとえば、実際のウェブページに対してテストを実行したり、その PDF を作成したり、ブラウザが URL をレンダリングする方法を確認したりできます。 ヘッドレスの開始(CLI) ヘッドレス モードを開始する最も簡単な方法は、コマンドラインから Chrome バイナリを開くことです。Chrome 59 以降がインス
$200K 1 10th birthday 4 abusive ads 1 abusive notifications 2 accessibility 3 ad blockers 1 ad blocking 2 advanced capabilities 1 android 2 anti abuse 1 anti-deception 1 background periodic sync 1 badging 1 benchmarks 1 beta 83 better ads standards 1 billing 1 birthday 4 blink 2 browser 2 browser interoperability 1 bundles 1 capabilities 6 capable web 1 cds 1 cds18 2 cds2018 1 chrome 35 chrome 81