全50種類、PNGもPSDも揃ってるシンプルなデザインのピクセルベースのアイコン素材 -50 Crisp Web UI Icons
全50種類、PNGもPSDも揃ってるシンプルなデザインのピクセルベースのアイコン素材 -50 Crisp Web UI Icons
Noun Project is the World's Most Diverse and Extensive Collection of Icons and Mission-Driven Photos.
Icons play a critical role in UI design, offering a simple yet effective way of presenting information and direction while improving user experience. Luckily, most icon sets are free for designers to use in many different types of projects, including web and mobile app design. It’s just a matter of finding the icon set that best suits the requirements of your project. That’s where this collection
CCライセンスで提供されており、個人利用ならフリーのアイコンセットがこの「Legendora Icon Set」です。ゴミ箱がクリスタルで表現されていたり、ファンタジーRPGでよく出てくるようないかにもそれっぽいアイテムの数々がくっついてフォルダアイコンが揃っていたり、Firefoxのアイコンがあったり、見た目のかわいさと実用性とを兼ね備えた使いやすくバランスの取れたアイコンセットとなっています。 ダウンロードとその他の同じような雰囲気のアイコンいろいろは以下から。 Legendora Icon Set by *Raindropmemory on deviantART http://raindropmemory.deviantart.com/art/Legendora-Icon-Set-118999011 作者はRaindropmemoryさんで、以下がアイコンセットの中身を紹介した画像で
Just send an email. I’d love to join your design team for the next project to build great products together! –Stefan Dziallas Copyright © iconwerk 1999–2024. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Imprint. If actual people, companies, bands, or animals are referred to, it’s in the spirit of tribute and free advertising. EU: Intra-Community supply. Ap
Introducing 80+ ridiculously rad social networking icons, made by deft-fingered Haitian refugees, not really… but really. I’ve developed over 80 refined, amazing social networking icons for the top networks around. They’re all the rage with you crazy newsk00l intarweb kids. Use them on your blogs. Put them on t-shirts, coffee mugs, your face-space or whatevs. Here’s whats you get The Social Networ
The most important aspect of designing an individual icon is that it has to be instantly recognizable, you have to know its function, and you need to know exactly what it is. If you are designing a set, the actual design becomes a lot harder, the designer has to face two initial challenges: each icon they design has to be individual and distinctive from the other, and, they also have to have simil
フジテレビ / めざましテレビ 2013-2015 Logo Type, Corner Logo & Telop Design SUZUKI / Tokyo Motor Show 2011 Monitor Motion Graphics Design Cybozu / kintone 2012 Logo, Web Application UI Design 株式会社三階ラボ 3flab inc. 沿革 2008/4 株式会社スリーフローを設立 2012/4 株式会社三階ラボに社名変更 資本金 3,000,000円(2014/8現在) 取引銀行 東京三菱UFJ銀行 〒151-0073 東京都渋谷区笹塚2-2-3 エヴァーグリーン笹塚503 Evergreen Sasazuka #503, 2-2-3 Sasazuka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0073, Japan
フジテレビ / めざましテレビ 2013-2015 Logo Type, Corner Logo & Telop Design SUZUKI / Tokyo Motor Show 2011 Monitor Motion Graphics Design Cybozu / kintone 2012 Logo, Web Application UI Design 株式会社三階ラボ 3flab inc. 沿革 2008/4 株式会社スリーフローを設立 2012/4 株式会社三階ラボに社名変更 資本金 3,000,000円(2014/8現在) 取引銀行 東京三菱UFJ銀行 〒151-0073 東京都渋谷区笹塚2-2-3 エヴァーグリーン笹塚503 Evergreen Sasazuka #503, 2-2-3 Sasazuka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0073, Japan
Preview Hlvticons Basic 245 icons Preview $279 Purchase Extras 232 icons Preview $259 Purchase Additional 123 icons Preview $159 Purchase Complete 600+ icons All icon packs $499 Purchase Read license agreement. 7 file formats Seven file formats of which six are in scalable vector format. The set contains a lot of different file format, such as .gs for Omnigraffle icons, and .chs for Photoshop shap