GitHub # grd   A CSS grid framework using Flexbox. - **Simple**: Provides just 2 base classes `Grid` and `Cell` and some modifiers. - **Light-weight**: Only 321 bytes (Gzipped). - **Flexible**: Easy to use Flexbox features. [Flexible Box Layout Module]( and [`cal
LESS & SCSS Support, Fully Scaleable, Lovingly Crafted... FREE - 44 Effects Joomla Module EXTENDED - 216 Effects Follow me on Twitter Imagehover.css is a lovingly crafted CSS library allowing you to easily implement scaleable image hover effects. Choose from over 40 hover effect classes from a CSS library weighing in at a minified size of only 19KB.
Simple tooltips made of pure CSS. Github Project Download CSS Balloon.css lets you add tooltips to elements without JavaScript and in just a few lines of CSS. See how easy it is: Positioning For positioning, use data-balloon-pos attribute with one of the values: up, down, left, right, up-left, up-right, down-left or down-right.
HTML/CSS We take your design files and convert them into a neat, hand-coded, SEO optimized markup, thoroughly tested in all modern browsers. Starting at $192 website We will provide you with an easy-to-update and feature-rich website based on WordPress, Drupal, Magento, Shopify, Joomla! and others. Starting at $231 email We will convert your design to an HTML email template, compatible with all mo
var scene = new voxelcss.Scene(); scene.rotate(-Math.PI / 8, Math.PI / 4, 0); scene.attach(document.body); var world = new voxelcss.World(scene); var editor = new voxelcss.Editor(world); editor.enableAutoSave(); if (editor.isSaved()) { editor.load(); } else { editor.add(new voxelcss.Voxel(0, 0, 0, 100, { mesh: voxelcss.Meshes.grass })); } View in JSFiddle var voxel = new voxelcss.Voxel(0, 0, 0, 10
A tiny (<1kb gzipped!) library for recreating Instagram filters with CSS filters and blend modes. Choose a sample image: Take a photo! Or paste in a link to your own photo: Use snapshot Hovering over any of these images (or clicking on mobile) will remove the filter effect to visualize the changes. #nofilter 1977 Aden Brannan Brooklyn Clarendon Earlybird Gingham Hudson Inkwell Kelvin Lark Lo-Fi Ma
Insanely Tiny At 1.8kb minified + gzip it features all the bells and whistles. You can get it down to 1kb by just including the basic essentials. Built Responsibly From phone to tablet to desktop web, Lotus was designed to work on a variety of mediums with no extra fuss. Fast and Extendable Rules are set at low specificity levels making the styles easy to override. Lotus is stylish yet unopinionat
Furtive A forward-thinking, CSS micro-framework (2.47kB gzipped). Why Furtive? Furtive is truly mobile-first and nearly all dimensions are done in rem. It also has a small footprint, cutting down on the bandwidth necessary for downloading CSS. Furtive is intended to be just that, furtive. It's the perfect starting point to get your project up and running. Furtive remains lightweight because it doe
Milliseconds matter. Amazon found that each 100ms delay cost them over a billion dollars in sales. Google found that 1/3 of this hit remained after decreasing loading times. Your CSS framework is costing you money. Tried and tested. Min is used by over 65,000 people in 195+ countries, from North Korea to South Sudan to Mongolia to Somalia. Think your software is critical? Try a webapp keeping you
Swiss in CSS is a homage to the International Typographic Style and the designers that pioneered the ideas behind the influential design movement. All posters were recreated and animated with CSS by Jon Yablonski. Special thanks to Jordan O'Leary for dropping the Javascript wisdom. Share this Project on Twitter
Metro UI is an free, open source, html-first toolkit for developing web sites with HTML, CSS, and JS. With Metro UI, you can easily and quickly make a site from prototype to production. Metro UI includes general styles, responsive grid, layouts, typography, 100+ components and javascript routines, 800+ built-in icons.
Spark is a lightweight web design framework based on the mobile-first approach to responsive web design. Using media queries powering a responsive grid, Spark makes it easy to build professional looking pages in minutes. It’s designed to be simple to use with intuitive class names and easy to customize with a nonintrusive approach: with the exception of some basic styling and resets, you only add