ハートに響くUIを生み出すためのデザインプロセス / 体験から発想する意思決定・行動デザイン(UXD)... / つくらない ものづくり ~明日からできるリーンス...他...全10件
Goodbyes aren't our thing, but exciting new tools are! 🙌 “Avocode” was sunset on October 1st, 2023 Here at Ceros, we're no good at goodbyes. But one thing we've always excelled at? Embracing new beginnings and creating awesome new solutions. That's why we're kicking off a new era of tools crafted just for you: This transition means we’ve bid a fond farewell to all products offered by the Avocode
Is Skeleton for you? You should use Skeleton if you're embarking on a smaller project or just don't feel like you need all the utility of larger frameworks. Skeleton only styles a handful of standard HTML elements and includes a grid, but that's often more than enough to get started. In fact, this site is built on Skeleton and has ~200 lines of custom CSS (half of which is the docking navigation).
Saale-Unstrut Weine von Kloster Pforta – Startseite2025-01-07T10:48:01+01:00 Wir selbst sind zwar keine Mönche, aber ihre legitimen Nachfahren: Denn unser Weingut blickt auf eine Geschichte zurück, die im Jahr 1138 mit der Gründung des Klosters Pforta beginnt. Sie dauert bis heute an – und gerne noch weitere Jahrhunderte.
Get started with responsive Web design! In this article, you’ll find how to respond to the user’s behavior and environment based on screen size, platform and orientation. Almost every new client these days wants a mobile version of their website. It’s practically essential after all: one design for the BlackBerry, another for the iPhone, the iPad, netbook, Kindle — and all screen resolutions must
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portfolio and musings of nicholas coates, a Drupal developer in Durham, North Carolina“I recall thinking that the computer would never advance much further than this. Call me naïve, but I seemed to have underestimated the universal desire to sit in a hard plastic chair and stare at a screen until your eyes cross.”
Hi! I'm Chris. Technical Engineer located in Alberta, Canada Audio Technologist macOS Administrator Coder, Creator & Tinkerer I'm Chris Morris, a Technical Engineer based in Alberta, Canada. I build solutions to complex technical problems and develop tools to help people express their creativity. Since 2009 I've managed the technical operations for the Department of Music at the University of Leth
Web Design Trends in 2011 [ad#ad-2] 以下、各ポイントを意訳したものです。 1. HTML5 + CSS3 2. シンプルなカラースキーム 3. モバイル対応 4. 視差効果 5. タッチスクリーン 6. 奥行き 7. 大きい写真の背景 8. 素敵なドメイン名 9. QRコード 10. サムネイルデザイン 11. Life Stream 1. HTML5 + CSS3 HTML5とCSS3はリリースされてから今日まで、あまり多くは使用されませんでした。しかし、この2011年、多くのサイトで採用されるようになるはずです。 多くのデザイナーはFlashから離れてはじめています。次の2つのサイトを見てみてください。 Scribblertoo(Flash) ここで注意してほしいのは、FlashとHTML5は敵対するものではないことを理解しておいてください。問題は、
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Wildfire_Exception' with message 'Response objects not initialized.' in /home/rgacom/rgacom.com.br/rits/_library/Zend/Wildfire/Channel/HttpHeaders.php:321 Stack trace: #0 /home/rgacom/rgacom.com.br/rits/_library/Zend/Wildfire/Channel/HttpHeaders.php(187): Zend_Wildfire_Channel_HttpHeaders->getResponse() #1 /home/rgacom/rgacom.com.br/rits/_library/Rits/Exceptio
UI elements – user interface elements – are a really important part of the design process. They are what we can call the face of interaction between your site and its users. Everything need to be well designed, positioned and planned. Drop downs, menus, search boxes, forms…all these elements need to be clear, easy to see and use and also beautiful, everything to get the viewers attention and get t
CSS3で何ができるの? という時にみておきたいサイト集 ベーシックなものから実践的なテクニックまで、サンプルやコードなど実装例が掲載されているサイトをご紹介。
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