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The Prejudice Map According to Google, people in the world are known for... Some feedback I received on the Prejudice Map shows not everyone knows the meaning of the word "prejudice." However, knowledge of this word is crucial in understanding the map. So to continue to the map, please prove you know how "prejudice" is defined (for example, here's a definition): A prejudice is something like a fac
The unfortunately named GookBox (Google + Jukebox, I suppose?) syncs and retrieves your music to your Gmail account, allowing you to access and play it anywhere. When you are almost online most of your time on a high speed internet, It becomes imperative to centralise almost everything important. Gookbox helps you do just that. Gookbox maintains your music collection in your gmail account, streams
I’ve been watching the del.icio.us Popular Page quite closely lately. I’m fascinated by the list for many reasons – for one it’s a great source of content ideas and links, secondly it helps keep a finger on the pulse of what people are into at any given time and thirdly it’s a highly trafficked page that has the potential to send out large quantities of traffic very quickly and is increasingly bei
(e.target !== $refs.button && e.target.closest('button') !== $refs.button) && close($refs.button)" :class="{ 'border border-black': toggled }"> Copied by Keith Robinson Search Engine Optimization (SEO) should be at the top of your Web publishing priority list. If Web surfers can't find your site, they can't read it, use it or share it with others. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is often touted a
Google Base blog import instructions Search/GoogleSoftware/Weblog platforms/Six Apart Google Base launched last Tuesday as a new repository of information for distribution across Google's network of sites including Google search, Froogle, and Google Local. You can add your existing content to the Google Base for broad distribution with only a few easy steps. I'll show you how. You need a Google ac
We’re proud to announce that del.icio.us has joined the Yahoo! family. Together we’ll continue to improve how people discover, remember and share on the Internet, with a big emphasis on the power of community. We’re excited to be working with the Yahoo! Search team - they definitely get social systems and their potential to change the web. (We’re also excited to be joining our fraternal twin Flick
A look inside the world of search from the people at Yahoo! I've been a big fan of del.icio.us, the social bookmarking service Joshua Schachter created, for quite a while now. So much so that when Dave Taylor recently asked for "experts" to help explain What's so cool about del.icio.us?, I was glad to masquerade as an expert. If you've heard about del.icio.us but never tried it or weren't quite su
クオカードはコンビニやガソリンスタンドそしてドラッグストアなどのお店使用できる商品券のことで、全国どこでも使うことが出来る共通商品券となっています。 店頭にクオカードのマークがあれば使用できるお店ということが一目瞭然ですのでわかりやすいと思います。クオカードの加盟店は全国で約49000店舗となっていますから、とても身近で使い勝手の良い商品券だと言えます。 クオカードの購入方法は様々あって販売店で購入できるのはもちろんのこと、インターネットの通販サイトやコンビニエンスストアの情報端末などで購入することが可能となっています。 コンビニエンスストアで購入する場合は少しお得となっていて、5千円券ですと70円分そして1万円券ですと180円分のお得となっています。コンビニ以外でもデニーズや一部書店などでも同じようなお得なサービスを実施しています。 またネット販売ですと自分の好きな画像をカードにしてくれ
Since we launched Performancing Firefox last year, the app has just gone from strength to strength. With the lastest 1.2 release and the integration of Metrics, I think we’re finally getting close to the blogging app nirvana we envisioned when Jed and I first talked about it. Initially there was a lot of talk about it being a “Flock killer” (for those that dont know, Flock is a browser forked off
“Composing’s one thing, performing’s another, listening’s a third. What can they have to do with each other?” —John Cage Jason Freeman is a Professor of Music at Georgia Tech. His artistic practice and scholarly research focus on using technology to engage diverse audiences in collaborative, experimental, and accessible musical experiences. He also develops educational interventions in K-12, unive