Ladle is a tool for developing and testing your React components in an environment that's isolated and faster than most real-world applications. It supports Component Story Format – a concept widely popular thanks to Storybook. In fact, Ladle has been developed as a drop-in replacement of Storybook – it should already work with your existing stories. Storybook ❤️At Uber, we are big fans of Storyb
Added info sections for a selected fiber: Props updates and fiber's reaction (update or bailout) on it Consumers list for a context provider fibers Used providers including paths of React.useContext() calls for function components Recomputes and changes in useMemo() and useCallback() hooks Added commit label in event log Added tracking for setState() and dispatch() callbacks of useReducer() and us
We are excited to announce a new release of the React Developer Tools, available today in Chrome, Firefox, and (Chromium) Edge! What’s changed? A lot has changed in version 4! At a high level, this new version should offer significant performance gains and an improved navigation experience. It also offers full support for React Hooks, including inspecting nested objects. Visit the interactive tuto
AlminはClient-side DDD/CQRSをしやすい構造を作ることを目的にした – いわゆるステート管理ライブラリです。 Almin 0.14.0でperformance.markベースのプロファイルを取れるようになりました。 これにより、AlminのUseCaseやStoreといったそれぞれの処理にどれぐらいかかっているかを開発者ツールのタイムラインで見ることができます。 performance.markはUser Timing Level 2で標準化されている方法なので、後述するようにReactやVueなどのライブラリと組み合わせた状態も見ることができます。 performance.markについては次の記事でも書いています。 performance.markでパフォーマンス計測する | Web Scratch 使い方 Contextを作成する際にperformancePro