New year, new you. Create a custom self-portrait in Notion, the workspace shaped by you.
This release marks v1 of Jimp and there are some notable breaking changes. Removed some odd api and made the main api easier to reason about Rewrote it in TypeScript Support for ESM/CJS/Browser All methods have been refactored to an options object for easier readability 🎉 This release contains work from a new contributor! 🎉 Thank you, Juan Pablo Garcia Ripa (@Sarabadu), for all your work! 💥 Bre
The latest news from Google on open source releases, major projects, events, and student outreach programs. The internet has changed the way we live, work, and communicate. However, it can turn into a source of frustration when pages load slowly. At the heart of this issue lies the encoding of images. To improve on this, we are introducing Jpegli, an advanced JPEG coding library that maintains hig
Important We are about to release a number of new things, and they are ready for testing! We uploaded to pypi a release candidate for v0.6.0 (e.g., magika 0.6.0rc3), it's ready for testing! Please report any problems here: #798. You can install the latest release candidate with pip install --pre magika. A new ML model with support for 200+ content types. A new CLI written in Rust. This will replac
cloudflare workers routes を利用するので、cloudflare が ns を持つドメインを持っている必要があります。 import { Hono } from "hono"; import { createMiddleware } from "hono/factory"; import { optimizeImage } from "wasm-image-optimization"; import { cache } from "hono/cache"; const app = new Hono(); const via = createMiddleware((c, next) => { if (c.req.header("via")) { console.log("pass through", c.req.raw.url); return fetch(c.req
Required parameter: searchterm, string: searchterm Keywords: palette, boolean: Filter icons by palette. Example queries: "arrow palette=false", "car palette=true". style, "fill" or "stroke": Filter icons by style. Example queries: "arrow style=fill", "car style=stroke". prefix, string: Icon set prefix if you want to get result only for one icon set. Example queries: "arrow prefix=mdi", "car prefix
Search Engine for IconsOpen Source Icons: Search Fast. Edit Freely. Download Instantly.
What is alt text? Alternative text (or alt text, in short) is the text you can use to describe an image when you publish it on your website or social media. Why is alt text important? Imagine, for a moment, that your browser stopped showing you images. You would still see them referenced in articles, you’d read conversations about them, people making jokes. What would this experience be like for y
TL;DR: You can now use Sharp - a high-performance image processing library for Node.js, in WebContainers! Try it live on StackBlitz! WebContainers is an environment that allows you to run Node.js directly in your browser. It can easily handle any JavaScript, including npm modules. However, when it comes to image processing and optimisation, users of toolchains such as Gatsby, Astro, Next.js and ot
ライブラリのアプリ化 現代のニュースをくずし字で読んでみませんか?内容がわかるテキストをくずし字で読んでみると、くずし字に対する印象が変わるかもしれません。 edomi ニュース その他の事例については、活用事例を参照してください。 構成 古活字とくずし字 そあん(soan)で用いる「古活字」とは、今から400年ほど前に使われた印刷技術に由来する言葉です。一方「くずし字」とは、くずして書かれた文字を指す言葉です。くずし字は、印刷では古活字版だけでなく整版印刷にも使われましたし、写本などの手書きの文字(草書体)も、その多くはくずし字です。一方、古活字の中には、文字を崩していないものもあります。このように、古活字は印刷技術を指す言葉、くずし字は文字の形を指す言葉、という違いがあります。 そあん(soan)は、テキストをくずし字画像に変換する方法として、古活字画像を組み合わせる方法を用いるサービ
AVIF is a new image format that is quickly gaining popularity on the web because of its high compression rates, efficient performance, and broad adoption. AVIF is an open, royalty-free image format that is based on the AV1 video codec standardized by the Alliance for Open Media. This blog post will provide an overview of how AVIF is adopted in the ecosystem, and what kind of performance and qualit