I've been on a bit of a tablet kick lately, so even if you have dinner with me—tablets are bound to come up (I only break out the SSD conversation for the truly patient). Last week I had the pleasure of having dinner with Tony Tamasi and Jim Black of NVIDIA, and of course—tablets came up. I've been thinking about device synergy, something I brought up in our PlayBook review. The problem is as foll
If you'd asked us yesterday which Android 3.0 Honeycomb tablet we were most excited about, we'd probably have said Samsung's upcoming Galaxy Tab 10.1, or maybe its smaller 8.9 sibling. Now we're not so sure. SlashGear caught up with ASUS today for the official launch of the Eee Pad Transformer, the company's 10.1-inch Tegra 2 tablet that can be optionally paired with a detachable, battery-toting k
ASUS Eee Pad MeMO Fully Detailed: 7-Inch Honeycomb Flyer Rival [Update: Video & Price] CeBIT 2011 kicks off this week in Hanover, and already we're seeing information trickling out. ASUS has quietly confirmed that the Eee Pad MeMO launched at CES 2011 back in January will indeed debut running Android 3.0 Honeycomb; jkkmobile spotted the news on the MeMO's full spec list, confirming a 1.2GHz Qualco
百変化! Asusが多彩なAndroidタブレット3モデル一挙発表2011.01.06 12:30 satomi タブレットのデザインにはあれ以上の広がりがないと思ったら大間違い! Asusはキーボードが引き出せたり、取り外せたり、なんでもございですよ! 今日(5日)開幕のCES2011はタブレット新製品が目白押しですけど、Asusは予想通りアレもコレもどっちゃり出して生き残る製品を篩い分ける戦略のようですね。それにしてもAndroidタブレ一気に3モデル投入とは...恐れ入りました。 Eee Pad Slider まず再注目は「Eee Pad Slider」―QWERTY配列のキーボードがすっぽり隠れてる10.1インチのタブレットです。Dell Inspiron Duoみたいですよね。OSはAndroid 3.0 Honeycomb。チップはNVIDIA Tegra 2。最重要な特性はデ
Also demoed today at the press conference was the ASUS Eee Pad Transformer. Bringing an ultra-versitile option to tablet fans the Transformer will provide both a tablet and notebook experience for the user. The device will feature a full size QWERTY keyboard with its Mobile Docking Station. The tablet itself is a 10.1-inch device with a 1280x800 capacitive touch screen and will run Android 3.0 (Ho
Alongside with the ASUS Transformer, the company has also announced its EeePad Slider. Being touted as a unique hybrid of tablet and mobile PC, it features a unique sliding design that exposes the keyboard when needed. The Slider will sport a NVIDIA Tegra 2 dual core processor and will also run Android Honeycomb under ASUS' MyWave overlay. The device will feature a 10.1-inch IPS multi-touch displa
あの旋風を再び! ASUSが「Eee」ブランドでキーボード搭載のAndroidタブレットなど一斉発表か...2011.01.04 11:00 いきなりタブレットに台風の目が! あの「Eee PC」で激安ネットブックブームに火をつけたASUSが、今年のCES 2011におきまして、キーボードを搭載する「Eee Pad」ブランドの各種タブレットを間もなく一斉に正式発表してきそうな勢いですよ。これまで明らかになっていたWindows 7を採用したモデルに加えて、Androidモデルも続々登場してきそうな予感です... Eee Padで大きな特長となりそうなのはキーボードとタブレットの合体コンセプト。たとえば、10インチサイズの「EP101」には着脱式のキーボードが、同じく10インチサイズの「EP102」にはスライド式のキーボードが装備されますよ。さらに、7インチモデルの「EP71」は、どちらかと