

The demographics of what, though? Definitely not of the entire Japanese population.

記事への反応 -
  • Don't be so crabby. There are certainly all kinds of people out there. They may be all losers, but they are probably distributed in a way that is consistent with the demographics.

    • The demographics of what, though? Definitely not of the entire Japanese population.

      • If we extracted the Internet residents from the entire Japanese population and sampled from them, we would get something like this.

        • Nah, I don't believe so. This place is full of lame retards who think they're smart. Definitely not a good representation of the entire Japanese online community.

          • That's what happens when you try to see what you don't want to see. What can I say, let's think about X, for example. What we don't realize, because we only see what we want to see on X, is that there are actually a lot of people like here.

            • Not sure what you're trying to say

              • You are usually conveniently choosing the side of the Internet that you want to see. There are only aspects here that you do not want to see.

                • You should understand Hatena is NOT a place where any Tom, Dick, or Harry would randomly sign up. This is a very nerdy, deep, weird place, and in particular, anond is like the concentration of toxicity of these people.


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