Latest from ACM Awards
2024 ACM A.M. Turing Award
ACM has named Andrew G. Barto and Richard S. Sutton as the recipients of the 2024 ACM A.M. Turing Award for developing the conceptual and algorithmic foundations of reinforcement learning. In a series of papers beginning in the 1980s, Barto and Sutton introduced the main ideas, constructed the mathematical foundations, and developed important algorithms for reinforcement learning—one of the most important approaches for creating intelligent systems.
Barto is Professor Emeritus of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Sutton is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Alberta, a Research Scientist at Keen Technologies, and a Fellow at Amii (Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute).
The ACM A.M. Turing Award, often referred to as the “Nobel Prize in Computing,” carries a $1 million prize with financial support provided by Google, Inc. The award is named for Alan M. Turing, the British mathematician who articulated the mathematical foundations of computing.
What is Reinforcement Learning?
The field of artificial intelligence (AI) is generally concerned with constructing agents—that is, entities that perceive and act. More intelligent agents are those that choose better courses of action. Therefore, the notion that some courses of action are better than others is central to AI. Reward—a term borrowed from psychology and neuroscience—denotes a signal provided to an agent related to the quality of its behavior. Reinforcement learning (RL) is the process of learning to behave more successfully given this signal.
The idea of learning from reward has been familiar to animal trainers for thousands of years. Later, Alan Turing’s 1950 paper “Computing Machinery and Intelligence,” addressed the question “Can machines think?” and proposed an approach to machine learning based on rewards and punishments.
While Turing reported having conducted some initial experiments with this approach and Arthur Samuel developed a checker-playing program in the late 1950s that learned from self-play, little further progress occurred in this vein of AI in the following decades. In the early 1980s, motivated by observations from psychology, Barto and his PhD student Sutton began to formulate reinforcement learning as a general problem framework.
They drew on the mathematical foundation provided by Markov decision processes (MDPs), wherein an agent makes decisions in a stochastic (randomly determined) environment, receiving a reward signal after each transition and aiming to maximize its long-term cumulative reward. Whereas standard MDP theory assumes that everything about the MDP is known to the agent, the RL framework allows for the environment and the rewards to be unknown. The minimal information requirements of RL, combined with the generality of the MDP framework, allows RL algorithms to be applied to a vast range of problems, as explained further below.
Barto and Sutton, jointly and with others, developed many of the basic algorithmic approaches for RL. These include their foremost contribution, temporal difference learning, which made an important advance in solving reward prediction problems, as well as policy-gradient methods and the use of neural networks as a tool to represent learned functions. They also proposed agent designs that combined learning and planning, demonstrating the value of acquiring knowledge of the environment as a basis for planning.
Perhaps equally influential was their textbook, Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction (1998), which is still the standard reference in the field and has been cited over 75,000 times. It allowed thousands of researchers to understand and contribute to this emerging field and continues to inspire much significant research activity in computer science today.
Although Barto and Sutton’s algorithms were developed decades ago, major advances in the practical applications of RL came about in the past fifteen years by merging RL with deep learning algorithms (pioneered by 2018 Turing Awardees Bengio, Hinton, and LeCun). This led to the technique of deep reinforcement learning.
The most prominent example of RL was the victory by the AlphaGo computer program over the best human Go players in 2016 and 2017. Another major achievement recently has been the development of the chatbot ChatGPT. ChatGPT is a large language model (LLM) trained in two phases, the second of which employs a technique called reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), to capture human expectations.
RL has achieved success in many other areas as well. A high-profile research example is robot motor skill learning in the in-hand robotic manipulation and solution of a physical (Rubik’s Cube), which showed it possible to do all the reinforcement learning in simulation yet ultimately be successful in the significantly different real world.
Other areas include network congestion control, chip design, internet advertising, optimization, global supply chain optimization, improving the behavior and reasoning capabilities of chatbots, and even improving algorithms for one of the oldest problems in computer science, matrix multiplication.
Finally, a technology that was partly inspired by neuroscience has returned the favor. Recent research, including work by Barto, has shown that specific RL algorithms developed in AI provide the best explanations for a wide range of findings concerning the dopamine system in the human brain.
Biographical BackGround
Andrew Barto is Professor Emeritus, Department of Information and Computer Sciences, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He began his career at UMass Amherst as a postdoctoral Research Associate in 1977, and has subsequently held various positions including Associate Professor, Professor, and Department Chair. Barto received a BS degree in Mathematics (with distinction) from the University of Michigan, where he also earned his MS and PhD degrees in Computer and Communication Sciences.
Barto’s honors include the UMass Neurosciences Lifetime Achievement Award, the IJCAI Award for Research Excellence, and the IEEE Neural Network Society Pioneer Award. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
Richard Sutton is a Professor in Computing Science at the University of Alberta, a Research Scientist at Keen Technologies (an artificial general intelligence company based in Dallas, Texas) and Chief Scientific Advisor of the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii). Sutton was a Distinguished Research Scientist at Deep Mind from 2017 to 2023. Prior to joining the University of Alberta, he served as a Principal Technical Staff Member in the Artificial Intelligence Department at the AT&T Shannon Laboratory in Florham Park, New Jersey, from 1998 to 2002. Sutton’s collaborations with Andrew Barto began in 1978 at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, where Barto was Sutton’s PhD and postdoctoral advisor. Sutton received his BA in Psychology from Stanford University and earned his MS and PhD degrees in Computer and Information Science from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
Sutton’s honors include receiving the IJCAI Research Excellence Award, a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Canadian Artificial Intelligence Association, and an Outstanding Achievement in Research Award from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Sutton is a Fellow of the Royal Society of London, a Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.
Renowned Computing Society Announces New Class of Distinguished Members
ACM has named 56 Distinguished Members for their impact in the field. All of the 2024 inductees are registered members of the prestigious scholarly society and were selected by their peers for significant technical achievements as well as volunteer service to their professional community.
“Each year we look forward to selecting a new class of ACM Distinguished Members from among our worldwide association of 110,000 colleagues,” explained ACM President Yannis Ioannidis. “ACM’s motto is ‘advancing computing as a science and profession.’ To fulfill our mission, we rely completely on our volunteers—from organizing technical conferences to editing research journals and managing professional development activities. In turn, all these efforts lay a foundation that supports computing professionals throughout their careers. The Distinguished Members Program not only celebrates innovation but also underscores the value of being part of a vibrant technical community.”
The 2024 ACM Distinguished Members work at leading universities, corporations, and research institutions in Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, China, Cyprus, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, India, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States. This year’s class of Distinguished Members made contributions in autonomous vehicles, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, mobile networks, software, and numerous other areas.
The ACM Distinguished Member program recognizes up to 10 percent of the worldwide ACM membership based on professional experience and significant achievements in computing beyond the norm. To be nominated, a candidate must have at least 15 years of professional experience in the field and five years of Professional ACM Membership in the last 10 years, and must have achieved a significant level of accomplishment or made a significant impact in the field. Also, a Distinguished Member is expected to have served as a mentor and role model to younger professionals.
2024 ACM Fellows Honored for Contributions to Computing That Are Transforming Science and Society
ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, has named 55 Fellows for transformative contributions to computing science and technology. All the 2024 inductees are longstanding ACM Members whose accomplishments were selected by their peers for making possible the computing technologies we use every day.
"Computing technology has had a tremendous impact in shaping how we live and work today,” said ACM President Yannis Ioannidis. “The ACM Fellows program honors the creativity and hard work of ACM members whose specific accomplishments drive innovation and make broader advances possible. In announcing a new class of Fellows each year, we celebrate the impact some of our community’s pioneers make, and highlight the many technical areas of computing in which they work.”
In keeping with ACM’s global reach, the 2024 Fellows represent universities, corporations, and research centers in Australia, Canada, Chile, China, Denmark, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The contributions of the 2024 Fellows run the gamut of the computing field―including computer graphics, cybersecurity, human-computer interaction, data management, machine learning, artificial intelligence, algorithms, visualization, and many more.
ACM will formally recognize the 2024 Fellows at its annual Awards Banquet on June 14, 2025, in San Francisco, California. Additional information about the 2024 ACM Fellows, as well as previously named ACM Fellows, is available through the ACM Fellows website.
Priyanka Golia Chosen as Recipient of the ACM India 2024 Doctoral Dissertation Award
The ACM India 2024 Doctoral Dissertation Award goes to Priyanka Golia for her dissertation titled "Functional Synthesis via Formal Methods and Machine Learning." Priyanka’s dissertation combines ideas from many areas—constraint sampling, machine learning, and formal methods, and based on this, she built a solver, Manthan, for synthesis of Boolean functions. Manthan is available as open-source and is currently the state-of-the-art tool for Boolean functional synthesis. Priyanka’s dissertation work was done at IIT Kanpur under the supervision of Prof. Subhajit Roy, IIT Kanpur and Prof. Kuldeep Meel of University of Toronto.
At its core, Manthan uses a data-driven approach to solve the problem. It works in four stages: (1) data generation, (2) learning an ML model, (3) translating ML model to Boolean functions, and (4) formal verification and repair. While her initial work on Manthan led to strong publications, Priyanka did not stop there. She improved Manthan via many strong algorithmic and engineering innovations: a pre-pass to identify uniquely determined Skolem functions, learning a multi-class decision tree instead of a binary classifier, and using lexicographical MaxSAT. After this, Priyanka further lifted Manthan to learning Boolean functions with explicit dependencies, addressing the well-known problem of learning Henkin functions for DQBF instances. After her stint with developing tools for functional synthesis, Priyanka explored applications for such functions, and the possibility of using similar approaches for real-world problems. Priyanka therefore receives the DDA award for her contributions to functional synthesis, building an open-source tool based on her ideas, and exploring the application of these ideas to real-world applications.
The Honorable Mention for 2024 goes to Abhijeet Awasthi for his dissertation titled "Learning Language Processing Models With Limited Labeled Data." Abhijeet’s thesis makes pioneering contributions to data-efficient NLP, including methods for collecting efficient supervision, synthetic data generation, and specialized architectures for learning with limited labeled data. These techniques have applications in question-answering over databases, grammatical-error-correction, text-to-AP! calling, and speech-recognition. Abhijeet’s dissertation work was done at IIT Bombay under the supervision of Prof. Sunita Sarawagi.
Abhijeet has made extremely valuable contributions to grammar error correction and has influenced the model that was adopted in the well-known tool, Grammarly, for error correction. His framework, PIE, obtains almost SOTA accuracy in GEC for much less computational resources, thereby addressing practical issues for real-world applications. PIE provided inference-time speed-ups of up to 1,400% relative to the then state-of-the-art Grammatical Error Correction Models from Google while also offering a slightly higher accuracy. Abhijeet has released high-quality packages that have gotten hundreds of stars on GitHub, and models that have been included in third party libraries. Almost every paper is accompanied by a public release of code and datasets. For example, the work on high-level supervision has been incorporated in three standard libraries and benchmarks: Astra (Microsoft), WRENCH (University of Washington), and Spear (IIT Bombay).
The ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award was established in 2011. This award recognizes the best doctoral dissertation in Computer Science and related disciplines from a degree-awarding institution based in India for each academic year, running from July 1 of one year to June 30 of the following year. The ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award is accompanied by a prize of ₹2,00,000. An Honorable Mention award, given to nomination(s), if any, that missed the award by a narrow margin, is accompanied by a prize of ₹1,00,000, that is shared among the recipient(s). The winning dissertation(s) will be published in the ACM Digital Library. Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS) is the founding sponsor of these awards. Please see the ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award page for additional information on current and past winners.
Please join us in congratulating Priyanka Golia and Abhijeet Awasthi for their significant achievements.
2024 ACM Gordon Bell Prize Awarded to International Team for Record-Breaking Algorithm to Advance Understanding of Chemistry and Biology
ACM named an eight-member team drawn from Australian and American institutions as the winner of the 2024 ACM Gordon Bell Prize for the project, “Breaking the Million-Electron and 1 EFLOP/s Barriers: Biomolecular-Scale Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Using MP2 Potentials.”
The members of the team are Ryan Stocks, Jorge L. Galvez Vallejo, Fiona C.Y. Yu, Calum Snowdon, Elise Palethorpe (all of Australian National University); Jakub Kurzak (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.); Dmytro Bykov (Oakridge National Laboratory); and Giuseppe M.J. Barca (University of Melbourne).
Molecular dynamics is a computer simulation method that has been developed to better understand the movements of atoms and molecules within a system. Among the different approaches taken are Ab Intio (or first principles) calculations, whereby scientists use what is known of the fundamental laws of nature to develop the algorithms they run on computers.
Accurate simulations of the properties of molecules and atoms (as well as how they interact) can lead to a wide range of societal benefits, including developing therapeutic drugs, producing biofuels, recycling plastics, and engineering medical biomaterials.
Although the use of computers for performing molecular dynamics simulations goes back several decades, many traditional approaches have been limited by the accuracy of the force fields (computational models computer scientists develop to describe the forces between atoms and molecules). These limits have undermined the accuracy of the resulting simulations.
While other approaches such as quantum mechanical methods have delivered the desired accuracy, they were not able to scale on powerful supercomputers to model the thousands of atoms within a biosystem.
To address this challenge, the Gordon Bell Prize-winning team developed a new technique combining methods called molecular fragmentation and MP2 perturbation theory.
Using their algorithmic innovations on a powerful exascale computer, the team was able to achieve a record-breaking performance of simulating more than one million electrons for a computational chemistry application, and to scale their algorithm to an EFlop/s (processing a quintillion calculations per second). The Gordon Bell Prize-winning team’s resulting simulation is 1,000 times larger in system-size than the existing state-of-the-art, and was processed 1,000 times faster than any previous model.
The Gordon Bell Prize-winning team performed several Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics (AIMD) time steps on a molecular cluster with over two million electrons utilizing 9,400 nodes on the Frontier exascale supercomputer, significantly larger than any previous AIMD or static energy and/or gradient calculation at a comparable level of accuracy. These calculations achieve 1006.7 PFLOP/s providing a throughput efficiency of 59% of attainable FP64 peak on 99.9% of the machine. In addition, the team demonstrated low time step latency of 3.4 s/timestep on a protein fragment with 1,496 atoms and over 5,500 electrons attaining a simulation throughput of 25,000 time steps per day on 1,024 nodes of Perlmutter.
In their paper, the 2024 ACM Gordon Bell Prize-winning team claims, “This leap forward is not merely incremental; it redefines the boundaries of what is computationally feasible in molecular dynamics, setting a new benchmark for accuracy and efficiency in large-scale simulations. The enhanced scalability and accuracy of our simulation techniques empowers the scientific community to tackle longstanding challenges in both chemistry and biology.”
The Frontier supercomputer, located at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, is the world’s first and fastest exascale supercomputer. It can perform a quintillion (a billion billion) operations per second. When Frontier came online in 2022, it was 2.5 times faster than the world’s second most powerful supercomputer. As of November 2024, Frontier is ranked as the world’s second most powerful supercomputer. The Perlmutter supercomputer is housed at the (US) National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC). It is used primarily in applications including climate analysis, quantum information science, clean energy technologies, as well as semiconductors and microelectronics. As of November 2024, it is ranked as the world’s 19th most powerful supercomputer.
2024 ACM Gordon Bell Prize for Climate Modelling Awarded to 12-Member Team for Developing a Technique to Provide More Accurate and Detailed Climate Change Predictions
ACM today presented a 12-member team with the ACM Gordon Bell Prize for Climate Modelling for their project “Boosting Earth System Model Outputs and Saving PetaBytes in Their Storage Using Exascale Climate Emulators.” The award recognizes innovative parallel computing contributions toward solving the global climate crisis.
The members of the team are: Sameh Abdulah, Marc G. Genton, David E. Keyes, Zubair Khalid, Hatem Ltaief, Yan Song, Greorgiy L. Stenchikov and Ying Sun (all of King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia); Allison H. Baker (NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA); George Bosilca, (NVIDIA, USA); Qinglei Cao (St. Louis University, USA); and Stefano Castruccio (University of Notre Dame, USA).
Scientists have warned that global warming, caused by the human use of fossil fuels, is reaching a crisis point. Experts assert that the prevalence of more intense storms, hurricanes, droughts, wildfires, as well as a loss of biodiversity, are signs that the crisis is worsening rapidly. They warn that, if not urgently addressed, global warming poses an existential threat to life on Earth.
Using computational tools to better understand the rate and impacts of climate change is considered a valuable tool in developing strategies to address the problem. While climate modelling has been a scientific practice since the 1950’s, recently introduced exascale supercomputers (which can process a quintillion calculations each second) offer the opportunity to understand climate change at a far more advanced level than ever before. With the use of exascale computers, computer scientists and climate scientists have developed extremely high-resolution Earth System Models (ESM’s).
ESM’s offer great promise in understanding the Earth’s climate but they are computationally expensive—i.e., they require a great deal of computation time and energy, and they require a tremendous amount of storage for the massive quantity of data they generate.
To address this problem, the prize-winning team presented the design and implementation of an exascale climate emulator for addressing the escalating computational and storage requirements of high-resolution Earth System Model simulations. In computing, emulators allow for a dynamic interplay between different computers—with one computer system (called the host) behaving like another computer system (the guest). The growing use of emulators in climate modeling has become more common as emulators can combine and enhance efficient algorithms to handle large datasets, as well as the distribution of computations across multiple processors.
Climate emulators have come to play a pivotal role in alleviating the computational burden and storage requirements associated with climate modeling and simulations. Because the resolution of a climate model is impacted by the trade-off between the computational costs and the representation of the climate system, improving both computational and data storage challenges in a high-performance computer allows for more advanced climate modeling capabilities.
The ACM Gordon Bell Prize for Climate Modelling winning team contends their emulator could save several petabytes of computing storage space. By way of comparison, one petabyte is equal to the storage capacity of approximately 170 top-end servers.
The team’s ultra-high resolution model of the earth’s climate included 54,486,360 spatial locations around the globe, as well as 318 billion hourly and 31 billion daily observations.
The team achieved its results using high performance computing methods called Spherical Harmonic Transform (SHT) and Cholesky factorization. In the introduction to their paper, the Prize-winning team wrote: “We utilize the spherical harmonic transform to stochastically model spatio-temporal variations in climate data. This provides tunable spatio-temporal resolution and significantly improves the fidelity and granularity of climate emulation, achieving an ultra-high spatial resolution of 0.034 ◦ (∼3.5 km) in Space.”
The team ran mixed-precision computations on a PaRSEC dynamic runtime system, running on 9,025 nodes on Frontier, 1,936 nodes on Alps, 1,024 nodes on Leonardo, and 3,072 nodes on Summit, with the hybrid Flop/s rates 0.976 EFlop/s, 0.739 EFlop/s, 0.243 EFlop/s, and 0.375 EFlop/s, respectively.
The team concludes that their exascale climate emulator holds significant potential for the climate community, advancing climate research and policy making. They also maintain that their work holds significant potential in advancing the development of machine learning (ML) and AI-driven methods for forecasting or prediction applications in climate science.
David A. Padua to Receive ACM-IEEE CS Ken Kennedy Award
New York, NY, September 18, 2024 – ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, and IEEE Computer Society have named David A. Padua, Donald Biggar Willett Professor Emeritus in Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, as the recipient of the 2024 ACM-IEEE CS Ken Kennedy Award. The Ken Kennedy Award recognizes groundbreaking achievements in parallel and high performance computing (HPC). Padua is cited for innovative and usable contributions to the theory and practice of parallel compilation and tools, as well as service to the computing community.
Parallel computing is a technique which involves taking a large computational task and breaking it up into smaller tasks so that it can be handled simultaneously on multiple processors. The overall goal is to reduce the amount of time required to process a task. While parallelization was initially employed as a tool in high performance computing, today it is used in almost every computing device including smartphones.
Padua has made fundamental contributions that have helped make parallel computation universally useful. He has worked at the levels of fundamental algorithms for parallelism, general tools for parallel programming (compilers and debuggers), and domain-specific languages, applications, and tools, as well as autotuning methods and compiler quality evaluation. His specific contributions include:
- Synchronization of multiple threads during computation is necessary for high performance computers to produce correct results. Two key techniques introduced by Padua and his students to enable the correct synchronization of multiple threads during parallel computing include speculative parallelism and array privatization.
- Padua and his students introduced much of the basic research that has made general parallel programming tools common today. He was directly involved in developing race detection for debugging parallel programs, as well as array tiling to improve parallelism and cache performance.
- In HPC, domain-specific parallelism has been especially effective in various special purpose applications. Padua’s contributions in this area include the development of parallel Matlab compilation, and contributions to compilation aspects of signal processing including the SPIRAL project.
- Padua and his students have made important contributions to the evaluation of compilers, including the vectorizing compiler evaluation techniques which have been used by compiler teams at Intel and other companies.
In addition to his technical contributions, Padua is recognized for outstanding service to the field. He integrated the ideas of parallel computing as editor of the Encyclopedia of Parallel Computing (Springer), a four-volume publication that is widely respected in the field. Padua has also served as editor of several esteemed parallel computing journals, chaired and/or participated in program committees for over 70 conferences, and supervised 37 PhD dissertations. His former students represent a new generation of talented individuals who have gone on to make significant contributions to both academia and industry.
The Ken Kennedy Award will be formally presented to Padua in November at The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC24).
Biographical Background
David A. Padua is the Donald Biggar Willett Professor Emeritus of Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Padua received his Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from the Universidad Central de Venezuela, and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Padua is a Fellow of ACM, IEEE, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). His honors also include receiving the Harry H. Goode Memorial Award from the IEEE Computer Society, and an honorary PhD from the University of Vallodolid, Spain.
Ke Fan and Daniel Nichols Named Recipients of the 2024 ACM-IEEE CS George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowships
New York, NY, August 14, 2024 – ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, and the IEEE Computer Society announced today that Ke Fan of the University of Illinois at Chicago and Daniel Nichols of the University of Maryland are the recipients of the 2024 ACM-IEEE CS George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowships. The George Michael Memorial Fellowship honors exceptional PhD students throughout the world whose research focus is high-performance computing (HPC) applications, networking, storage, or large-scale data analytics.
Fan is recognized for her research in three key areas of high-performance computing: optimizing the performance of MPI collectives, enhancing the performance of irregular parallel I/O operations, and improving the scalability of performance introspection frameworks. Nichols is recognized for advancements in machine-learning based performance modeling and the advancement of large language models for HPC and scientific codes.
Ke Fan
Fan’s research focuses on improving the performance of data movement associated with collective communication and parallel file I/O operations on large-scale supercomputers. Her most recent focus has been on two main areas: (1) Optimizing inter-process data movement, particularly in the context of all-to-all collectives, where all processes engage in data exchange. In this area, she has developed a new class of parameterized hierarchal algorithms that substantially improve the performance of both uniform and non-uniform all-to-all collectives. (2) Optimizing parallel I/O, targeting applications that generate unbalanced, irregular I/O workloads. Fan has specifically developed spatially aware data aggregation techniques that enhance load balancing and improve overall parallel I/O performance.
In addition to these two areas, she has made significant progress in improving the scalability of performance introspection frameworks, which help developers understand data movement capabilities in HPC systems. With these new insights, developers can identify bottlenecks and optimize performance at scale.
Daniel Nichols
Nichols’ research is broadly centered around the intersection of machine learning (ML) and high-performance computing. His most recent focus has been on two main areas: (1) developing novel ML-based performance models to make use of all available performance data when making predictions about code runtime properties, and (2) adapting state of the art large language model (LLM) techniques to HPC applications. By utilizing recent advances in representation learning and further advancing them to handle the unique challenges of performance modeling, Nichols’ research seeks to develop models that make use of all available data when predicting performance. This research has the potential to significantly improve both the quality and applicability of performance models.
By adapting LLM’s to HPC applications, Nichols’ work has improved their performance on HPC development tasks. He has created scientific and parallel code capable LLMs and methods for improving the quality of current models for HPC. This is part of his goal towards creating specialized LLMs to solve software complexities and allow scientists to focus on their domain research and less on the intricacies of HPC development.
The ACM-IEEE CS George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship is endowed in memory of George Michael, one of the founders of the SC Conference series. The fellowship honors exceptional PhD students throughout the world whose research focus is on high performance computing applications, networking, storage, or large-scale data analytics using the most powerful computers that are currently available. The Fellowship includes a $5,000 honorarium and travel expenses to attend the SC conference, where the Fellowships are formally presented.
2024 ACM - IEEE CS Eckert-Mauchly Award
ACM and IEEE Computer Society named Wen-mei W. Hwu, a Senior Distinguished Research Scientist at NVIDIA and Professor Emeritus at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, the recipient of the ACM-IEEE CS Eckert-Mauchly Award. Hwu is recognized for pioneering and foundational contributions to the design and adoption of multiple generations of processor architectures. His fundamental and pioneering contributions have had a broad impact on three generations of processor architectures: superscalar, VLIW, and throughput-oriented manycore processors (GPUs).
Hwu was one of the original architects of the High-Performance Substrate (HPS) model that pioneered superscalar microarchitecture, introducing the concepts of dynamic scheduling, branch prediction, speculative execution, a post-decode cache, and in-order retirement. He co-authored the two original 1985 HPS papers, “Critical Issues Regarding HPS, a High Performance Microarchitecture” and “HPS, A New Microarchitecture: Rationale and Introduction,” both of which received the inaugural MICRO Test-of-Time Award in 2014.
By 1987, the rapid increase in hardware execution resources created pressing needs for instruction-level parallelizing compilers. Hwu addressed the problem by constructing a revolutionary compiler infrastructure in his paper, “IMPACT: An Architectural Framework for Multiple-Instruction Issue,” which demonstrated compilers can generate code with far more parallelism than most researchers thought possible. This paper also pioneered architecture support for control speculation and received the 2006 ISCA Most Influential Paper Award.
For his work on architecture support for ILP compilers, he received ACM SIGARCH’s first Maurice Wilkes award in 1998. He published foundational papers on superblock and hyperblock structures. The superblock is a pervasive compiler technique, adopted by major vendor compilers and the GNU C Compiler. In academia, the hyperblock work influenced many projects, most notably the TRIPS project at the University of Texas. In 1999, Hwu received the ACM Grace M. Hopper Award “for the design and implementation of the IMPACT compiler.”
Since 2006, Hwu has focused on designing and deploying throughput-oriented heterogeneous parallel computing architectures. His team pioneered the programmer optimization principles in their PPoPP 2008 paper and the Pareto-optimal pruning of search space for auto-tuning in their CGO 2008 paper for GPUs. The CGO 2008 paper won the 2018 CGO Test-of-Time Award These works not only enabled wide adoption of CUDA-enabled GPUs but also helped the NVIDIA architecture team to improve the programmability of several generations of GPUs. The four editions of the textbook by Hwu and David Kirk (former Chief Scientist of NVIDIA), Programming Massively Parallel Processors, have sold more than 25,000 copies and the book has been translated into five languages.
Hwu’s contributions to education also include three offerings of the Coursera course on Heterogeneous Parallel Programming that were attended by more than 20,000 students, with 5,000 completing all exams and quizzes to receive a certificate. Hwu and Kirk are widely credited for their contributions in making the GPU the computing device of choice for the HPC/ML communities. Hwu’s architecture and compiler techniques have impacted billions of processors.
Hwu will be formally recognized with the Eckert-Mauchly Award during an awards luncheon on Tuesday, July 2, at the International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2024 ).
2023 ACM Paris Kanellakis Theory and Practice Award
Guy E. Blelloch, Carnegie Mellon University; Laxman Dhulipala, University of Maryland; and Julian Shun, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, receive the ACM Paris Kanellakis Theory and Practice Award for contributions to algorithm engineering, including the Ligra, GBBS, and Aspen frameworks which revolutionized large-scale graph processing on shared-memory machines.
Beginning in 2013, Blelloch, Dhulipala and Shun began to explore how to analyze huge graphs (billions of vertices and hundreds of billions of edges) on relatively inexpensive shared-memory multiprocessors. They built several frameworks (Ligra, Ligra +, Julienne, GBBS, and Aspen) that make it much easier for programmers to efficiently solve a wide variety of graph problems. They have obtained many truly outstanding results in which their provably efficient algorithms running on an inexpensive multi-core shared-memory machine are faster than any prior algorithms, even those running on much bigger and more expensive machines. Examples of such results include clustering, clique counting, and various forms of connectivity. These ideas and implementations are being used in industry to handle real-world problems and have also had tremendous impact on research in the field.
One important upshot of this work was the paradigm-changing demonstration that shared-memory computers are an ideal platform for analyzing large graphs. At the time Ligra was first developed, the predominant approach used to analyze large graphs was distributed systems such as Pregel (developed by Google). This was overturned when, for many important large real-world graph problems, the Ligra approach turned out to be much more efficient in terms of energy, cost, and end-to-end running time.
Their work on graph processing also allows algorithms with provable performance guarantees in the PRAM model to live up to their theoretical performance in practice. Recently, the nominees addressed the emerging setting of processing streaming graphs, which models graphs that change in real time and developed Aspen, a novel graph streaming system that uses new purely functional data structures to enable low-latency updates and snapshots on massive graph datasets.
2023 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award
Nivedita Arora of Northwestern University is the recipient of the ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award for her dissertation “Sustainable Interactive Wireless Stickers: From Materials to Devices to Applications,” which demonstrated wireless and batteryless sensor nodes using novel materials and radio backscatter.
Arora’s research envisions creating sustainable computational materials that operate by harvesting energy from the environment and, at the end of their life cycle, can be responsibly composted or recycled. Her research process involves working at the intersection of materials, methods of fabrication, low-power systems, and HCI . She actively looks to apply her work to application domains such as smart homes, health, climate change, and wildlife monitoring.
Arora’s dissertation makes truly groundbreaking contributions to the fields of Ubiquitous Computing and Human-Computer Interaction. Today’s Internet of Things (IoT) devices are bulky, require battery maintenance, and involve costly installation. In contrast, Arora shows how the computational capabilities of sensing, communication, and display can be diffused into materials and everyday objects. She builds interactive stickers that are inexpensive, and easy to deploy and sustainably operate by harvesting energy from body heat or indoor light. She demonstrates this idea over a series of projects. Her first effort, SATURN, is a thin, flexible multi-layer material that is a self-sustaining audio sensor. Specifically, it uses the vibration itself to power the ability to capture and encode the vibration sensor. SATURN was extended to ZEUSSS to use passive RF backscatter for wireless transmission on the vibration signal. She followed this up with the MARS platform that produces an extremely low-power (less than a microwatt) resonance circuit that varies its frequency based on user interaction with interfaces that create inductive or capacitive loads on the circuit. Coupling this circuit with FM passive backscatter and ambient power harvesting allows user interfaces such as touch-sensitive buttons, sliders, and vibration sensors to communicate at a distance. The result of these three projects is a flat user interface in a post-it note form factor that can be deployed in the environment simply by sticking it to a flat surface. The flat user interface and mobile design allows for applications such as light switches or audio volume sliders that can simply be pasted where they are needed without worrying about wiring the infrastructure or maintaining batteries.
The final project, VENUS, adds output in the form of low-power display technologies to provide immediate feedback on the surface of the computational material, opening a wide variety of user-facing interaction scenarios. Her work also showed that it is possible to power these circuits through the transfer of body heat when a user touches the button, which can also be used to protect privacy.
Arora is an Assistant Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering and (by courtesy) Computer Science Department, as well as the Allen K. and Johnnie Cordell Breed Jr. Professor of Design at Northwestern University. Her research involves rethinking the computing stack from a sustainability-first approach for its entire life-cycle: manufacturing, operation, and disposal. Arora received a PhD in Computer Science and an MS In Human-Computer Interaction from the Georgia Institute of Technology.
Honorable Mentions
Honorable Mentions for the ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award go to Gabriele Farina of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and William Kuszmaul of Harvard University.
Farina’s dissertation, “Game-Theoretic Decision Making in Imperfect-Information Games” was recognized for laying modern learning foundations for decision-making in imperfect-information sequential games, resolving long-standing questions, and demonstrating state-of-the-art theoretical and practical performance.
Farina is an Assistant Professor in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department (EECS) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His research interests include artificial intelligence, machine learning, optimization, and game theory. He received a PhD in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University.
Kuszmaul’s dissertation, “Randomized Data Structures: New Perspectives and Hidden Surprises,” is recognized for contributions to the field of randomized data structures that overturn conventional wisdom and widely believed conjecture.
Kuszmaul’s research focuses on algorithms, data structures, and probability. He received a PhD in Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is presently doing Post Doctoral work at Harvard University. In August, he will be starting as an assistant professor in the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University.
2023 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award
Nivedita Arora of Northwestern University is the recipient of the ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award for her dissertation “Sustainable Interactive Wireless Stickers: From Materials to Devices to Applications. Honorable Mentions for the ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award go to Gabriele Farina of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and William Kuszmaul of Harvard University.
Arora’s research envisions creating sustainable computational materials that operate by harvesting energy from the environment and, at the end of their life cycle, can be responsibly composted or recycled. Her research process involves working at the intersection of materials, methods of fabrication, low-power systems, and HCI . She actively looks to apply her work to application domains such as smart homes, health, climate change, and wildlife monitoring.
Arora is an Assistant Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering and (by courtesy) Computer Science Department, as well as the Allen K. and Johnnie Cordell Breed Jr. Professor of Design at Northwestern University. Her research involves rethinking the computing stack from a sustainability-first approach for its entire life-cycle: manufacturing, operation, and disposal. Arora received a PhD in Computer Science and an MS In Human-Computer Interaction from the Georgia Institute of Technology.
2023 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award Honorable Mention
Nivedita Arora of Northwestern University is the recipient of the ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award for her dissertation “Sustainable Interactive Wireless Stickers: From Materials to Devices to Applications. Honorable Mentions for the ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award go to Gabriele Farina of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and William Kuszmaul of Harvard University.
Kuszmaul’s dissertation, “Randomized Data Structures: New Perspectives and Hidden Surprises,” is recognized for contributions to the field of randomized data structures that overturn conventional wisdom and widely believed conjecture.
Kuszmaul’s research focuses on algorithms, data structures, and probability. He received a PhD in Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is presently doing Post Doctoral work at Harvard University. In August, he will be starting as an assistant professor in the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University.
2023 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award Honorable Mention
Nivedita Arora of Northwestern University is the recipient of the ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award for her dissertation “Sustainable Interactive Wireless Stickers: From Materials to Devices to Applications. Honorable Mentions for the ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award go to Gabriele Farina of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and William Kuszmaul of Harvard University.
Farina’s dissertation, “Game-Theoretic Decision Making in Imperfect-Information Games” was recognized for laying modern learning foundations for decision-making in imperfect-information sequential games, resolving long-standing questions, and demonstrating state-of-the-art theoretical and practical performance.
Farina is an Assistant Professor in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department (EECS) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His research interests include artificial intelligence, machine learning, optimization, and game theory. He received a PhD in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University.
2023 ACM Software System Award
Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Vrije Universiteit, receives the ACM Software System Award for MINIX, which influenced the teaching of Operating Systems principles to multiple generations of students and contributed to the design of widely used operating systems, including Linux.
Tanenbaum created MINIX 1.0 in 1987 to accompany his textbook, “Operating Systems: Design and Implementation.” MINIX was a small microkernel-based UNIX operating system for the IBM PC, which was popular at the time. It was roughly 12,000 lines of code, and in addition to the microkernel, included a memory manager, file system and core UNIX utility programs. It became free open-source software in 2000.
Beyond enabling the success of Tanenbaum’s textbook, the impact of MINIX has been phenomenal. It was an inspiration for LINUX, which has grown into the most successful open-source operating system powering cloud servers, mobile phones and IoT devices. MINIX was also the basis for the MeikOS operating system for Meikotransputer-based computers and runs inside popular microchips. A later version of MINIX, MINIX 3.0 is intended for resource-limited and embedded computers and for applications requiring high reliability. Beyond the direct impact of MINIX, Tanenbaum’s advocacy for microkernel design has impacted generations of operating system designers.
2024 ACM Presidential Award
M. Tamer Özsu has been recognized by ACM President Yannis Ioannidis for long-standing and significant contributions to the computing field and its scientific community in general, as well as to ACM in particular. In addition to his seminal research work on large-scale distributed data management and his emphasis on system building targeting grand societal challenges, he has truly dedicated himself to the education of the young generation, way beyond his own PhD and other students. The books he has co-authored, the encyclopedias he has co-edited, and the series he has curated have all been definitive resources of fundamental and application-oriented data science knowledge, nurturing and inspiring young researchers and practitioners for decades.
2024 ACM Presidential Award
Anand Deshpande has been recognized by ACM President Yannis Ioannidis for long-standing contributions to the broader computing community and to ACM, characterized by his visionary leadership, strategic collaboration, and a commitment to advancing the field of computing science and engineering. He is one of few people who have served all three pillars of the “Triangle of Knowledge” with great success. He has been a respected researcher in his early career, he has created an extremely successful and impactful company in India from scratch, and in addition to his educational efforts as a young faculty member, he has led several concerted efforts to educate the young generation in entrepreneurial thinking in technological areas and beyond.
2023 ACM Policy Award
John M. Abowd, Professor Emeritus, Cornell University, and Chief Scientist, United States Census Bureau (retired), receives the ACM Policy Award for transformative work in modernizing the US Census Bureau’s processing and dissemination of census and survey data, which serves as a model for privacy-aware management of government collected data. Abowd’s work has transformed the government’s capacity to improve the accuracy and availability of vital statistical and data resources, while at the same time, enhancing citizens’ privacy.
The decennial census data produced by the US Census Bureau, the population count of residents, is the foundation for political apportionment, redistricting, federal funding, and a range of evidence-based policy decisions. While serving as a Distinguished Senior Research Fellow at the Census Bureau, Abowd recognized that differential privacy, a specific mathematical framework used to provide statistical information about a group while protecting the confidentiality of individuals, would allow the Census to unlock crucial economics data sets that could not be previously published due to privacy requirements.
Working with students and civil servants, he helped create OnTheMap, which enabled external researchers to work with differentially private data from the Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Program. With these frameworks, government agencies have been able to link and share new data sources. For example, while he was Chief Scientist, a team in his directorate worked with the US Army to link service data to post-discharge employment data. This initiative—the Veteran Employment Outcomes data project—helps policymakers, military leaders, researchers, and the public examine the relationship between military service and professional outcomes.
Following up on this work, Abowd led the development of a disclosure avoidance system (DAS) at the Census Bureau, which succeeded in providing detailed public data that was computed from the confidential census responses, processed through a differentially private publication system, and released in recognizable tabular format to millions of diverse users. Beyond his effective use of differential privacy at the Census, Abowd has contributed to other areas. Modelling work he supervised helped anchor the bureau’s administrative data collection efforts during the 2020 Census, and he worked with other methodologists at the Census Bureau to rapidly develop methods to help the census address missing data issues caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Margaret Martonosi is the Hugh Trumbull Adams ’35 Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University. She also recently served a four-year term as the National Science Foundation (NSF) Assistant Director leading the Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE).
Martonosi earned MS and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University and a BS in Electrical Engineering from Cornell University.
Her many honors include the ACM-IEEE-CS Eckert-Mauchly Award, the Undergraduate Research Mentoring Award by the National Center for Women & Information Technology, Princeton's Graduate Mentoring Award, as well as numerous Test-of-Time and Best Paper Awards. Martonosi is a Fellow of ACM and IEEE. She is a member of the National Academy of Engineering.
2023 ACM Fran Allen Award for Outstanding Mentoring
ACM named Margaret Martonosi the recipient of the ACM Frances E. Allen Award for Outstanding Mentoring. Martonosi is recognized for outstanding and far-reaching mentoring at Princeton University, in computer architecture, and to the broader computer science community. Martonosi, the Hugh Trumbull Adams ’35 Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University, is a leader in the design, modelling, and verification of power efficient computer architecture.
The ACM Frances E. Allen Award is presented biennially to an individual who has exemplified excellence and/or innovation in mentoring, with particular attention to recognition of individuals who have shown outstanding leadership in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in computing. The award is accompanied by a prize of $25,000 to the awardee and an additional $10,000 cash contribution to an approved charity of the awardee’s choice. Financial support is provided by Microsoft Research.
Mentoring Contributions
Martonosi instituted the Discipline Specific Workshops program—an initiative of what was then the CRA-W sub-committee of the Computer Research Association and the Coalition to Diversify Computing—with the goal of increasing participation of women and members of underrepresented groups in computing by fostering professional networking within a specific computing research area.
Those attending these workshops develop professional networks with other women in their field and gain vital career guidance from successful senior role models. Martonosi and her collaborators in this work planned the workshops to be co-located with major conferences related to each specific sub-field. To date, more than 30 workshops have helped thousands of students build their collaboration networks. For example, several of the students have co-authored papers with senior researchers and peer colleagues that they met at the workshops.
At Princeton, Martonosi has advised 36 PhD students who have gone on to successful careers. In addition to her work with doctoral students, she has been recognized as a dedicated and extremely effective mentor for women and minority undergraduate and graduate students. Since 1995, she has supervised the undergraduate research of many students, including hosting undergraduate women from other colleges and universities such as Columbia, Pomona College, Georgia Tech, Hiram College, Duke, and Mt. Holyoke College to come work with her as summer research interns at Princeton.
Research Contributions
Themes in Martonosi’s work include combining theoretical underpinnings and novel algorithms with simple hardware ideas and a detailed understanding of workload behavior. Her techniques span hardware and software as well as theory and practice to produce high-impact, long-lasting results from important problems.
Martonosi’s research has made myriad contributions to power-aware architecture. Her early research on narrow bit-width operands cut arithmetic energy requirements in half by exploiting common data value patterns. This work was patented and licensed to Intel. Martonosi’s research in power-awareness originally focused on general-purpose computer architecture. She later broadened her scope to energy issues in mobile sensor networks where energy dictates system lifetime and success.
Her ZebraNet Wildlife Tracking Project established the field of mobile sensor networks. Covering large tracking areas (up to hundreds of miles) with no installed infrastructure using traditional protocols would have required very high-power, long-range radios. In contrast, ZebraNet developed the first energy-efficient protocols for opportunistic routing using low-power, short-range data transfers. The project comprehensively addressed hardware design, energy adaptation, communication protocols, and system software. ZebraNet was deployed twice in Kenya. It collected thousands of data points on Plains Zebras, provided biologists with never-before-seen animal behavior data, and established the utility of mobile sensor networks for many problems that are now adapted broadly in sensors and mobile devices.
Martonosi will be formally presented with the ACM Frances E. Allen Award for Outstanding Mentoring at the annual ACM Awards Banquet, which will be held this year on Saturday, June 22 at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco.
2023 Outstanding Contribution to ACM Award
Jack W. Davidson, Professor, University of Virginia, receives the Outstanding Contribution to ACM Award for leadership in and contributions to ACM’s Publications Program.
Davidson served as Co-Chair of the ACM Publications Board from 2010 through 2021 and has been the founding chair of the ACM Digital Library Board since 2021. In those roles, he has led several key efforts of paramount importance to ACM, its membership, and the computing community. For example, Davidson led the effort to revitalize and enhance the ACM Digital Library, including chairing ACM’s new DL Board and building a team of volunteers who are advancing the platform’s infrastructure, data services, and interfaces.
Davidson also helped guide ACM through the difficult process of moving from a subscription-based free-to-publish model towards full open access, which ACM is on track to complete within the next few years.
Concurrent with these efforts, Davidson challenged the ACM’s Publications Board to address some of the longstanding issues in academic publishing. For example, as publication ethics cases expanded from plagiarism to more extensive cases of compromised reviewing, broken confidentiality and bullying, Davidson steered the Publications Board through challenging investigations and related policy changes. Among the efforts to adopt more inclusive publications policies during Davidson’s tenure, ACM instituted a new author name change policy, which applies to transgender authors as well as authors who change their names for reasons of religion or marriage.
Davidson is also credited with expanding ACM’s publications portfolio with the addition of interdisciplinary journals, a new line of Research and Practice Journals, as well as the new Proceedings of the ACM series. To advance replication and replicability, he also built on earlier efforts to establish standards and badging for the evaluation of artifacts and effects.
2023 ACM Distinguished Service Award
Aidong Zhang, Thomas M. Linville Professor, University of Virginia, receives the ACM Distinguished Service Award for her impactful leadership and lasting service to the broad communities of bioinformatics, computational biology, and data mining.
As an ACM member for 29 years, Zhang has devoted tremendous efforts to serving her research community. In 2011, she founded the ACM Special Interest Group on Bioinformatics (ACM SIGBio) and has served in roles as Chair and advisor until 2021. During her tenure, she started SIGBio’s flagship annual conference ACMBCB and served as Steering Committee Chair of the conference until 2019. Under her leadership, SIGBio also developed featured programs such as Women in Bioinformatics, a PhD Student Forum, and a Health Informatics Symposium to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion. She also served as Steering Committee Member and Chair for ACM/IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB) from 2012-2016, and as Editor-in-Chief from 2017-2021.
In addition to SIGBio, Zhang served on the SIGMOD Executive Committee, was the EiC of ACM SIGMOD-DiSC, Associate Editor for ACM SIGMOD-DiSC, Associate Editor for ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems Journal, Technical Program Committee Co-Chair and Treasurer of ACM Multimedia, Co-chair of ACM SIGMOD Undergraduate Scholarship Program Committee, and General Co-Chair of SIGKDD 2022.
Beyond ACM, Zhang’s numerous contributions to the field have included being selected by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to be a Program Director managing federal investments in several computing-related areas from 2015-2018.
2023 ACM Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award
Alicia Nicki Washington, Professor, Duke University and Shaundra Daily, Professor, Duke University receive the Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award for their work towards changing the national computing education system to be more equitable and to combat unjust impacts of computing on society. Washington and Daily have had a critical, wide-reaching impact on educating the broader community through a novel course, a popular training program, and a national alliance.
Washington is credited with developing a Race, Gender, Class, & Computing course — a first-of-its kind course aimed at computer science majors that grounds the discipline of computing in history, sociology, and critical race and gender studies. A primary goal of the course is to ensure that students develop a deep understanding of the roots of the inequities in computing, as well as computing's impact on different groups. Washington continues to teach this course at Duke University.
Building on interest in the course material, Washington joined with Shaundra Daily and graduate student Cecilé Sadler in 2020 to launch the Cultural Competence in Computing (3C) Fellows program — a program in which faculty, staff, postdoctoral researchers, and PhD students from across North America, Africa, Europe, and Australia learn about identity, different forms of oppression, intersectionality, and how they manifest in academic computing environments and technologies.
In 2021, Washington and Daily grew the 3C Fellows program into the Alliance for Identity Inclusive Education in Computing (AiiCE), supported by a $10 million National Science Foundation INCLUDES grant. In just two years, AiiCE has impacted 1,184 K-16 educators, 9,387 undergraduate students and 104,784 K-12 students.
2023 ACM - AAAI Allen Newell Award
David Blei of Columbia University receives the ACM - AAAI Allen Newell Award.
Blei is recognized for significant contributions to machine learning, information retrieval, and statistics. His signature accomplishment is in the machine learning area of “topic modeling", which he pioneered in the foundational paper “Latent Dirichlet Allocation” (LDA). The applications of topic modelling can be found throughout the social, physical, and biological sciences, in areas such as medicine, finance, political science, commerce, and the digital humanities.
Blei has also been a leader in variational inference (VI), another research area that connects computer science to statistics. VI is an optimization-based methodology for approximate probabilistic inference. Blei’s major contribution to VI has been to develop a novel framework—stochastic variational inference (SVI)—that yielded a quantum leap in the size of problems that can be solved with VI. SVI is in wide use in the AI industry and across the sciences.
Additionally, in his work on discrete choice modelling, Blei has developed a methodology for answering counterfactual queries about changes in prices, which helps to identify complimentary and substitutable pairs of products. This work has built a bridge between computer science and econometrics and has been cited for its impactful use of machine learning modeling.
2023 ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award
Prateek Mittal, Princeton University, is the recipient of the 2023 ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award for foundational contributions to safeguarding Internet privacy and security using a cross-layer approach.
The unifying theme in Mittal’s research is to leverage foundational techniques from network science, comprising graph-theoretical mechanics, data mining, and inferential modeling for tackling privacy and security challenges. For example, his research orchestrates and exploits graph-theoretic properties of the Internet topology for protecting privacy and detecting attacks. Moreover, Mittal applies these techniques in a manner that allows for complex interactions across traditional layers and boundaries of our networked systems, i.e., a cross-layer approach.
By conducting Internet-scale experiments with over 50,000 routers, Mittal’s research showed that an adversary can exploit the insecurity of internet routing to intercept traffic from trusted certificate authorities, and then allow an adversary to obtain a cryptographic key that is vouch safe by trusted authorities. To mitigate these attacks, Mittal helped develop the ingenuous idea of trusted certificate authorities validating website domain ownership from multiple vantage points on the Internet. This technology has already led to the secure issuance of over 2.5 billion digital certificates used by 350 million websites. Taken together, his contributions are impacting the privacy and integrity of global commerce, financial services, online healthcare, and everyday communications.
Maja J. Matarić is the Chan Soon-Shiong Chair and Distinguished Professor of Computer Science at the University of Southern California, where she is the founding director of the USC Robotics and Autonomous Systems Center. She is also a Principal Scientist at Google DeepMind.
A graduate of the University of Kansas, Matarić earned an SM in Computer Science and a PhD in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence from MIT. Her many publications cover a wide range of topics, including distributed robotics, robot learning, human-robot interaction, and socially assistive robotics, and are highly cited (h-index 105; over 45600 citations) .
Matarić is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AMACAD), and Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), IEEE and ACM, and recipient of the US Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Math, and Engineering Mentoring.
2024-2025 ACM Athena Lecturer
New York, NY, May 22, 2024 – ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, today named Maja Matarić, the Chan Soon-Shiong Chair and Distinguished Professor of Computer Science at the University of Southern California , as the 2024-2025 ACM Athena Lecturer. Matarić, who is also a Principal Scientist at Google DeepMind, is recognized for pioneering the field of socially assistive robotics, including groundbreaking research, evaluation, and technology transfer, and foundational work in multi-robot coordination and human-robot interaction. Initiated in 2006, the ACM Athena Lecturer Award celebrates women researchers who have made fundamental contributions to computer science.
Autonomous Cognition and Collaborative and Distributed Robotics
Maja Matarić made fundamental contributions to autonomous cognition and interaction. Her early work was the first to demonstrate that behavior-based systems (BBS) could be endowed with representation and have the expressive power to plan and learn. Her well-known system, Toto, was the first BBS to learn maps online and optimize its behavior. It is highly cited and remains a milestone in robot control. Matarić pioneered distributed algorithms for scalable control of robot teams and swarms, enabling robot teams to collaborate on tasks including formations, exploration, and foraging. Prior to her work, nearly all research was restricted to single robots or pairs. Her pioneering contributions to the theory and practice of multi-robot coordination showed that complex collective behaviors could be composed of basis behaviors in a principled way, bringing rigor to the then nascent discipline of distributed robotics. Her work on distributed robotics and multi-robot coordination and learning is the first to provide formal analysis of robot coordination approaches, elucidating formal and practical limitations, then contributing provably correct yet scalable multi-robot task allocation algorithms.
Socially Assistive Robotics
Matarić co-pioneered and her lab named the field of socially assistive robotics (SAR). SAR focuses on assistive human-robot interaction (HRI) enabling machines to help through social rather than physical support. It aims to gain novel insights into human behavior through human-machine interaction and to develop systems that provide personalized assistive HRI in convalescence, rehabilitation, therapy, training, and education. Matarić’s work has developed innovative HRI and SAR methods that modeled user engagement, personality, group moderation, and persuasive interaction dynamics in complex and uncertain real-world environments. Her work is known for extensive evaluation studies in real-world settings (schools, rehabilitation centers, homes) with users with challenges, including in post-stroke rehabilitation, cognitive and social skills training for children with autism spectrum disorders, cognitive and physical exercise for elderly users and Alzheimer’s patients, study support for students with ADHD, and therapy support for students with anxiety.
Matarić has been a strong mentor and advocate for underrepresented groups. She has mentored early career women via CRA-W and helped to place large numbers of women and members of other underrepresented groups in graduate programs and faculty positions. Since 2019 she has also led USC Viterbi’s K-12 STEM Outreach Program, which included sending out students and faculty to mentor students in surrounding, largely low-income schools around Los Angeles, and running classes and workshops for high school teachers on campus at USC. Her book, The Robotics Prime, is geared toward K-12 students and undergraduates. The book explains both the principals of robots and offers a practical guide to building programmable hands-on robots.
2023-2024 ACM/CSTA Cutler-Bell Prize
ACM and the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) selected four high school students from among a pool of graduating high school seniors throughout the US for the ACM/CSTA Cutler-Bell Prize in High School Computing. Eligible students applied for the award by submitting a project/artifact that engages modern technology and computer science. A panel of judges selected the recipients based on the ingenuity, complexity, relevancy, and originality of their projects.
The Cutler-Bell Prize promotes the field of computer science and empowers students to pursue computing challenges beyond the traditional classroom environment. In 2015, David Cutler and Gordon Bell established the award. Cutler is a software engineer, designer, and developer of several operating systems at Digital Equipment Corporation. Bell, an electrical engineer, is Researcher Emeritus at Microsoft Research.
Each Cutler-Bell Prize winner receives a $10,000 cash prize. The prize amount is sent to the financial aid office of the institution the student will be attending next year and is then put toward each student’s tuition or disbursed. This year’s Cutler-Bell Prize recipients will be formally recognized at the Computer Science Teachers Association’s 2024 Annual Conference, July 16-19, in Las Vegas.
The winning projects illustrate the diverse applications the next generation of computer scientists is developing.
Shobhit Agarwal, Reedy High School, Frisco, Texas
Every three years, Shobhit Agarwal visits his grandparents in Jhansi, India, a town with the poorest healthcare infrastructure in northern India—where 85% of the population does not attend yearly checkups. After seeing a mental decline in his grandfather, Agarwal immersed himself in his grandparents’ hometown, interviewing local citizens and doctors. He was driven to create a low-cost system that recognizes a variety of diseases while simultaneously forecasting the progress of the disease. This system is OmniDoc, a framework that accurately predicts diagnoses, prognoses, and treatments given a patient profile. This system is currently deployed in Jhansi in two ways. First, hospital volunteers at the Naja Hospital conducted door-to-door visits to collect patient information. This data is inputted into Agarwal’s framework, and if the algorithm detects a disease, a patient books a free appointment with a local physician; the model data is subsequently forwarded to the doctor. Five hundred homes were visited, and nearly 40% of those patients were sent to clinics based on algorithm-identified risk. Hospital statistics show that 95% of the patients who arrived in the clinic due to the campaign had the algorithm’s diagnosis subsequently confirmed by a physician, indicating that the model accurately identified patient condition with minimal data. This success led to the deployment of OmniDoc at the Jhansi Orthopedic Hospital for their 15-person radiology department.
Franziska Borneff, Hidden Valley High School, Cave Spring, Virginia
During her junior year, Franziska Borneff became interested in monitoring the flow rates of Arctic rivers. Using her newly developed coding skills, she began to plot and trend analysis for climate research. Her own research aligned with the news articles about climate change, and this influenced her to continue to study these data trends. The Arctic rivers are important in the process of detecting climate change, as they directly influence ecosystems and the livelihoods of humans. Borneff researched the relationship between atmosphere and waterways, concluding that air temperature, river discharge, and sea ice concentration are the most significant data points. Her research creates a method to track critical dates related to the spring thaw of Arctic rivers and assess their impact on local populations. She collected daily temperature, river discharge, and sea ice cover data from publicly available sources for the six major Arctic rivers, finding the thaw date is earlier than ever. Borneff then connected with the students of the Yupik Eskimo Village in Marshall, Alaska, to see how the earlier thaw impacted the local community. Through this meeting, she read stories about how the familiar rhythms of nature have been disrupted and the uncertain future of the Yupik people as a result of these shifts. Borneff hopes her research will spark studies in sensitive Arctic regions and enlighten politicians to initiate government action that is informed by scientific understanding. The collaboration between quantitative data documenting warming and human narratives testifying to the accuracy of the data is essential.
Daniel Mathew, Poolesville High School, Poolesville, Maryland
Daniel Mathew’s project, MiniMesh, danced between invention and improvement. Starting out on his bedside desk, Mathew dumped out scrap electronic parts and assembled a device named PreVis to track the location of a single point on a human for movement analysis with a LiDAR mounted on a controllable servo. PreVis went everywhere, from discussing him in Congress to presenting him at research conferences. PreVis was Mathew’s first step toward human-computer interaction. PreVis then evolved into MiniProse, a free mobile application. Mathew studied the mathematics of current pose estimation solutions and then developed the core algorithm for MiniProse. The final algorithm, MiniMesh, scrapped the original two prototypes and was built from the ground up. Mathew developed a new framework. Mathematically proving optimization identities and writing machine learning algorithms, MiniMesh could reconstruct the entire human mesh with thousands of points. Mathew took this algorithm to companies for skin cancer research and military organizations for augmented-reality surgery. By predicting the location of thousands of points on the human body on portable devices, all in real-time, MiniMesh has applications in several fields. In the original biomechanical use case, MiniMesh could be used for at-home gait analysis by tracking joint locations and improving sports techniques by analyzing the metabolic cost of human movements. For assistive surgery, MiniMesh accurately and efficiently maps the human topology to aid surgeons. For animation, MiniMesh replicates expensive VFX, enabling amateur animators at no cost.
Kosha Upadhyay, Bellevue High School, Bellevue, Washington
Kosha Upadhyay watched her neighbor of eight years struggle with dementia. Following his passing, she wanted to understand the struggle of people with dementia and began volunteering at a dementia care center. Upadhyay knew she couldn’t give these patients back what they lost but wanted to preserve what they had left. This inspired her to work on creating a better therapy for those suffering from dementia. This therapy, MemSpark, is an automated end-to-end system that creates a novel brain-training therapy using virtual reality and tracks dementia progression through artificial intelligence. Upadhyay studied brain morphology and neurodegeneration to create a therapy that affected dementia at its root cause. Since decline can affect any part of the brain, she designed a novel set of games that exercised all parts of the brain. Eight serious games were designed to exercise all cognitive functions by considering a set of promotive factors (immersion, confidence, focus) and preventive factors (anxiety, frustration, self-pity). Each serious game produced a set of two features—accuracy and time which were then inputted into an AI model for profiling. The data generated by the Virtual Reality (VR) system was pre-processed and passed into an AI model. After studying multiple AI models, Upadhyay chose a multi-layer perceptron neural network due to its suitability for the mode of data, along with its high accuracy and regression adaptability. The neural network produced cognitive profiling scores across three categories: recall, reasoning, and executive function. The profiles were aligned to the ADAS-Cog test–an industry standard test for evaluating dementia. Upadhyay tested her therapy across 14 people split into experimental and control groups. Her solution was able to slow down dementia progression by 65%—which surpasses current mainstream therapies and presents the potential to enhance the way we approach dementia care.
2023 ACM Prize in Computing
ACM named Amanda Randles the recipient of the ACM Prize in Computing for groundbreaking contributions to computational health through innovative algorithms, tools, and high-performance computing methods for diagnosing and treating a variety of human diseases.
Randles is the Alfred Winborne and Victoria Stover Mordecai Associate Professor of Biomedical Sciences at Duke University’s Pratt School of Engineering. She is known for developing new computational tools to harness the world’s most powerful supercomputers to create highly precise simulations of biophysical processes. Her early work included creating accurate 3D simulations of how blood flows through the circulatory system. More recently, she and her team developed biomedical simulations that yield direct and concrete impacts on patient care, including simulations of 700,000 heart beats (the previous state-of-the-art was of 30 heart beats), the interaction of millions of cells, and cancer cells moving through the body.
The ACM Prize in Computing recognizes early-to-mid-career computer scientists whose research contributions have fundamental impact and broad implications. The award carries a prize of $250,000 from an endowment provided by Infosys Ltd., a global leader in next-generation digital services and consulting.
Simulations of Blood Flow and Heart Research
Though still early in her career, Randles has led her field in developing computational tools to enable high-accuracy 3D blood flow simulations to diagnose and treat a variety of human diseases. Her major contributions to the field have included developing the first simulation of the coronary arterial tree at the cellular level for an entire heartbeat, using 1.5 million computer processing units (CPU’s) to simulate blood flow across the scale of the whole human body, and using trained machine learning models to develop a framework for predicting key hemodynamic metrics under new conditions. She also developed a new way to model the human heart, which allowed heart simulations for a large group of patients. In turn, these simulations led to a series of papers in which she demonstrated that, to model complex flow phenomena, it is essential to take into account the full arterial tree including its side branches. Randles’s full 3D simulations can also be used by cardiologists to plan therapeutic procedures. For example, with these simulations, doctors can determine, non-invasively, which coronary artery lesions need treatment, or perhaps how coronary artery hemodynamics may be impacted by the placement of a rigid metal stint into a flexible artery.
Randles’s algorithm to simulate 700,000 heartbeats was developed using wearable data-collection devices to capture a complete profile of a person’s circulatory state during normal activity. This was a major advancement of the existing method, which relied on standalone snapshots captured in atypical environments such as a doctor’s office.
Work in Fluid Structure Interaction
As part of her broader work in using computers to better understand physiology, Randles has made specific contributions to fluid structure interaction, which studies the physics of a fluid interacting with a solid structure (such as the friction of blood with a vein wall). One of her major efforts in this area has been working with her team to develop the adaptive physics refinement (APR) framework for capturing cellular-scale interactions over the millimeter length scale. APR is a breakthrough technology that allows cellular mechanics to be captured in 3D over long length-scales, dramatically reducing computational costs (the time and energy required for the computation) and enabling simulations to capture traversal distances that were previously impossible. Importantly, APR increased the volume of fluid captured at cellular resolution by at least five orders of magnitude. In other work in fluid structure interaction, Randles’s group developed a computational method that can be tuned to specific cell types. They validated this new model by comparing data from microfluidic experiments for cancer cells and red blood cells. Randles and her team also developed novel methods to enable the movements of hundreds of millions of cells to be processed on heterogeneous architectures (advanced hardware systems that integrate computer processing units and graphics processors).
Promise for Tumor Research and Cancer Prevention
Randles’s computational tools for modeling the cardiovascular system can also be used to understand how tumors metastasize. She is working on developing simulations down to a single cell and the smallest blood vessel, which will track what organs tumor cells will reach through circulation. Oncologists will be able to use her models in decision-making. Her models will also better facilitate the testing of new implant devices that are being developed to filter metastatic cells.
Amanda Randles is the Alfred Winborne and Victoria Stover Mordecai Associate Professor of Biomedical Sciences at Duke University. A graduate of Duke University with a BA in Physics and Computer Science, Randles received a PhD degree in Applied Physics and an SM degree in Computer Science from Harvard University.
Randles’s honors include the ACM SIGHPC Emerging Woman Leader in Technical Computing Award, the NIH Pioneer Award, the NSF CAREER Award, the ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award, and the Alexandra Jane Noble Epiphany Award. Randles is a National Academy of Inventors Fellow, an ACM Distinguished Member, an IEEE Senior Member, and was named as an MIT TR35 Visionary.
2023 ACM A.M. Turing Award
ACM has named Avi Wigderson as recipient of the 2023 ACM A.M. Turing Award for foundational contributions to the theory of computation, including reshaping our understanding of the role of randomness in computation, and for his decades of intellectual leadership in theoretical computer science.
Wigderson is the Herbert H. Maass Professor in the School of Mathematics at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey. He has been a leading figure in areas including computational complexity theory, algorithms and optimization, randomness and cryptography, parallel and distributed computation, combinatorics, and graph theory, as well as connections between theoretical computer science and mathematics and science.
What is Theoretical Computer Science?
Theoretical computer science is concerned with the mathematical underpinnings of the field. It poses questions such as “Is this problem solvable through computation?” or “If this problem is solvable through computation, how much time and other resources will be required?”
Theoretical computer science also explores the design of efficient algorithms. Every computing technology that touches our lives is made possible by algorithms. Understanding the principles that make for powerful and efficient algorithms deepens our understanding not only of computer science, but also the laws of nature. While theoretical computer science is known as a field that presents exciting intellectual challenges and is often not directly concerned with improving the practical applications of computing, research breakthroughs in this discipline have led to advances in almost every area of the field—from cryptography and computational biology to network design, machine learning, and quantum computing.
Why is Randomness Important?
Fundamentally, computers are deterministic systems; the set of instructions of an algorithm applied to any given input uniquely determines its computation and, in particular, its output. In other words, the deterministic algorithm is following a predictable pattern. Randomness, by contrast, lacks a well-defined pattern, or predictability in events or outcomes. Because the world we live in seems full of random events (weather systems, biological and quantum phenomena, etc.), computer scientists have enriched algorithms by allowing them to make random choices in the course of their computation, in the hope of improving their efficiency. And indeed, many problems for which no efficient deterministic algorithm was known have been solved efficiently by probabilistic algorithms, albeit with some small probability of error (that can be efficiently reduced). But is randomness essential, or can it be removed? And what is the quality of randomness needed for the success of probabilistic algorithms?
These, and many other fundamental questions lie at the heart of understanding randomness and pseudorandomness in computation. An improved understanding of the dynamics of randomness in computation can lead us to develop better algorithms as well as deepen our understanding of the nature of computation itself.
Wigderson’s Contributions
A leader in theoretical computer science research for four decades, Wigderson has made foundational contributions to the understanding of the role of randomness and pseudorandomness in computation.
Computer scientists have discovered a remarkable connection between randomness and computational difficulty (i.e., identifying natural problems that have no efficient algorithms). Working with colleagues, Wigderson authored a highly influential series of works on trading hardness for randomness. They proved that, under standard and widely believed computational assumptions, every probabilistic polynomial time algorithm can be efficiently derandomized (namely, made fully deterministic). In other words, randomness is not necessary for efficient computation. This sequence of works revolutionized our understanding of the role of randomness in computation, and the way we think about randomness. This series of influential papers include the following three:
- “Hardness vs. Randomness” (co-authored with Noam Nisan)
Among other findings, this paper introduced a new type of pseudorandom generator, and proved that efficient deterministic simulation of randomized algorithms is possible under much weaker assumptions than previously known. - “BPP Has Subexponential Time Simulations Unless EXPTIME has Publishable Proofs” (co-authored with László Babai, Lance Fortnow, and Noam Nisan)
This paper used `hardness amplification’ to demonstrate that bounded-error probabilistic polynomial time (BPP) can be simulated in subexponential time for infinitely many input lengths under weaker assumptions. - “P = BPP if E Requires Exponential Circuits: Derandomizing the XOR Lemma” (co-authored with Russell Impagliazzo)
This paper introduces a stronger pseudo-random generator with essentially optimal hardness vs randomness trade-offs.
Importantly, the impact of these three papers by Wigderson goes far beyond the areas of randomness and derandomization. Ideas from these papers were subsequently used in many areas of theoretical computer science and led to impactful papers by several leading figures in the field.
Still working within the broad area of randomness in computation, in papers with Omer Reingold, Salil Vadhan, and Michael Capalbo, Wigderson gave the first efficient combinatorial constructions of expander graphs, which are sparse graphs that have strong connectivity properties. They have many important applications in both mathematics and theoretical computer science.
Outside of his work in randomness, Wigderson has been an intellectual leader in several other areas of theoretical computer science, including multi-prover interactive proofs, cryptography, and circuit complexity.
In addition to his groundbreaking technical contributions, Wigderson is recognized as an esteemed mentor and colleague who has advised countless young researchers. His vast knowledge and unrivaled technical proficiency—coupled with his friendliness, enthusiasm, and generosity—have attracted many of the best young minds to pursue careers in theoretical computer science.
Biographical Background
Avi Wigderson is the Herbert H. Maass Professor in the School of Mathematics at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey. He has been a leading figure in areas including computational complexity theory, algorithms and optimization, randomness and cryptography, parallel and distributed computation, combinatorics, and graph theory, as well as connections between theoretical computer science and mathematics and science.
Wigderson’s honors include the Abel Prize, the IMU Abacus Medal (previously known as the Nevanlinna Prize), the Donald E. Knuth Prize, the Edsger W. Dijkstra Prize in Distributed Computing, and the Gödel Prize. He is an ACM Fellow and a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
ACM Names 68 Fellows for Contributions to Computing That Underpin Our Daily Lives
ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, has named 68 Fellows for transformative contributions to computing science and technology. All the 2023 inductees are longstanding ACM Members who were selected by their peers for groundbreaking innovations that have improved how we live, work, and play.
“The announcement each year that a new class of ACM Fellows has been selected is met with great excitement,” said ACM President Yannis Ioannidis. “ACM is proud to include nearly 110,000 computing professionals in our ranks and ACM Fellows represent just 1% of our entire global membership. This year’s inductees include the inventor of the World Wide Web,the “godfathers of AI, and other colleagues whose contributions have all been important building blocks in forming the digital society that shapes our modern world.
In keeping with ACM’s global reach, the 2023 Fellows represent universities, corporations, and research centers in Canada, China, Germany, India, Israel, Norway, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The contributions of the 2023 Fellows run the gamut of the computing field―including algorithm design, computer graphics, cybersecurity, energy-efficient computing, mobile computing, software analytics, and web search, to name a few.
Additional information about the 2023 ACM Fellows, as well as previously named ACM Fellows, is available through the ACM Fellows website.
International Computing Society Recognizes 2023 Distinguished Members for Significant Achievements
ACM has named 52 Distinguished Members for significant contributions. All the 2023 inductees are longstanding ACM Members and were selected by their peers for work that has advanced computing, fostered innovation across various fields, and improved computer science education.
“The ACM Distinguished Members program recognizes both career achievement as well as participation in ACM,” said ACM President Yannis Ioannidis. “Many of these new 52 Distinguished Members have been selected for important technical achievements, while others have been chosen because of their service and/or work in computer science education, which lays the foundation for the future of our field. With the Distinguished Member designation, ACM also highlights how individual computing professionals maintain the health and growth of a global scientific society through membership and active engagement with their colleagues.” v vThe 2023 ACM Distinguished Members work at leading universities, corporations and research institutions in Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. This year’s class of Distinguished Members made advancements in areas including AI and economics, principles of data management, software development, human-computer interaction, developing technology for people with disabilities, mobile and wireless sensing systems, and many others.
The ACM Distinguished Member program recognizes up to 10 percent of ACM worldwide membership based on professional experience and significant achievements in the computing field. To be nominated, a candidate must have at least 15 years of professional experience in the computing field, five years of professional ACM membership in the last 10 years, and must have achieved a significant level of accomplishment or made a significant impact in the field of computing. A Distinguished Member is expected to have served as a mentor and role model by guiding technical career development and contributing to the field beyond the norm.
Pranjal Dutta Chosen as the Recipient of the ACM India 2023 Doctoral Dissertation Award
The ACM India 2023 Doctoral Dissertation Award goes to Pranjal Dutta for his dissertation titled “A Tale of Hardness, De-randomization and De-bordering in Complexity Theory.” Pranjal’s dissertation makes breakthrough contributions in the study of hardness, approximation and derandomization of algebraic circuits, and develops new mathematical tools, laying the foundation for future developments in algebraic complexity theory. Pranjal’s dissertation work was done at Chennai Mathematical Institute under the supervision of Prof. Nitin Saxena.
Pranjal Dutta’s dissertation makes multiple contributions to algebraic complexity theory. In an early result, he shows that the existence of a polynomial with a slightly largish special representation would resolve the long-standing VP vs VNP problem, and also provide non-trivial algorithms for polynomial identity testing (PIT) – effectively attacking two flagship problems in algebraic complexity theory. In the context of PIT, his dissertation provides a nearly polynomial time algorithm for derandomization of a special class of depth 4 algebraic circuits, where the top fanin is bounded and the bottom gates compute low degree polynomials. This is among the strongest results in PIT known so far. Pranjal also provides a deep understanding of the power of closure of algebraic circuits -- an important problem in the Geometric Complexity Theory approach to the P vs NP problem. Specifically, he shows that the closure (or border) of (bounded fanin) depth 3 circuits can be captured by algebraic branching programs, making it one of the first such "de-bordering" results in this area. Additionally, his work also establishes an efficient algorithm for PIT for this class, and shows a surprising exponential-gap hierarchy-theorem for depth-3 constant-top-fanin circuits.
The Honorable Mention for 2023 goes to Jogendra Nath Kundu for his dissertation titled “Self-supervised Domain Adaptation Framework for Computer Vision Tasks.” Jogendra’s dissertation makes significant and timely contributions to unsupervised domain adaptation and self-supervised learning techniques for structured prediction based vision tasks, advancing the practical deployment of intelligent machines in real-world scenarios. His dissertation work was done at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore under the supervision of Prof. Venkatesh Babu Radhakrishnan.
Jogendra Nath Kundu’s doctoral dissertation makes three important contributions. First, he considers image-like dense-prediction tasks, where he addresses shortcomings in existing classification-based domain adaptation algorithms. The content-preserving mechanisms introduced by him via cyclic consistency objectives have been shown to yield state-of-the-art performance. Next, he introduces source-side procurement stage learning, a novel approach to source-free adaptation, which significantly enhances adaptability in scenarios with restricted data-sharing. Finally, Jogendra’s thesis applies domain adaptation concepts to the complex task of 3D human pose estimation. He shows how this can be achieved by incorporation of effective prior-enforcing mechanisms alongside development of novel self-supervised techniques leveraging inter-entity relations. The insights in Jogendra’s dissertation have the potential to revolutionize the deployment of intelligent vision systems across diverse industries, from healthcare to virtual and augmented reality.
The ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award was established in 2011. This award recognizes the best doctoral dissertation in Computer Science and related disciplines from a degree-awarding institution based in India for each academic year, running from July 1 of one year to June 30 of the following year. The ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award is accompanied by a prize of ₹2,00,000. An Honorable Mention award, given to nomination(s), if any, that missed the award by a narrow margin, is accompanied by a prize of ₹1,00,000, that is shared among the recipient(s). The winning dissertation(s) will be published in the ACM Digital Library. Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS) is the founding sponsor of these awards. Please see the ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award page for additional information on current and past winners.
Please join us in congratulating Pranjal Dutta and Jogendra Nath Kundu for their significant achievements.
2023 ACM Gordon Bell Prize Awarded to International Team for Materials Simulations Which Achieve Quantum Accuracy at Scale
ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, named an eight-member team drawn from American and Indian institutions as the winner of the 2023 ACM Gordon Bell Prizefor the project, “Large-Scale Materials Modeling at Quantum Accuracy: Ab Initio Simulations of Quasicrystals and Interacting Extended Defects in Metallic Alloys.”
The members of the team are: Sambit Das (University of Michigan), Bikash Kanungo (University of Michigan), Vishal Subramanian, (University of Michigan), Gourab Panigrahi (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore), Phani Motamarri (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore), David Rogers (Oakridge National Laboratory), Paul M. Zimmerman (University of Michigan), and Vikram Gavini (University of Michigan).
Molecular dynamics is a process by which computer simulations are used to better understand the movements of atoms and molecules within a system. Ab initio (Latin for “from the beginning”) is a branch of molecular dynamics that has been shown to be an especially effective technique when applied to important problems in physics and chemistry—including efforts to better understand microscopic mechanisms, gain new insights in materials science, and prove out experimental data.
Despite the successes of ab initio approaches in a wide range of computer simulations, the team notes that efforts to employ quantum mechanical ab initio methods to predict materials’ properties has not been able to achieve quantum accuracy and scale on the powerful supercomputers needed to perform these simulations. In their abstract to their Gordon Bell Prize-winning project the authors write, “ Ab initio electronic-structure has remained dichotomous between achievable accuracy and length-scale. Quantum Many-Body (QMB) methods realize quantum accuracy but fail to scale.”
To address this challenge, the Gordon Bell Prize-winning team developed a framework that combines the accuracy provided by QMB methods with the efficiency of Density-Functional Theory (DFT) to access larger length scales at quantum accuracy—a goal that existing approaches have not been able to achieve.
The 2023 ACM Gordon Bell Prize-winning team writes, “We demonstrate a paradigm shift in DFT that not only provides an accuracy commensurate with QMB methods in ground-state energies, but also attains an unprecedented performance of 659.7 PFLOPS (43.1% peak FP64 performance) on 619,124 electrons using 8,000 GPU nodes of Frontier supercomputer.”
The ACM Gordon Bell Prize tracks the progress of parallel computing and rewards innovation in applying high-performance computing to challenges in science, engineering, and large-scale data analytics. The award was presented during the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC23), which was held in Denver, Colorado.
2023 ACM Gordon Bell Prize for Climate Modelling Awarded to a 19-Member Team
ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, presented a nineteen-member team with the inaugural ACM Gordon Bell Prize for Climate Modelling for their project, “The Simple Cloud-Resolving E3SM Atmosphere Model Running on the Frontier Exascale System.” The new award aims to recognize innovative parallel computing contributions toward solving the global climate crisis.
The members of the team are: Mark A. Taylor, Luca Bertagna, Conrad Clevenger, James G. Foucar, Oksana Guba, Benjamin R. Hillman, Andrew G. Salinger (all of Sandia National Laboratories); Peter M. Caldwell, Aaron S. Donahue, Noel Keen, Christopher R. Terai, Renata B. McCoy, David C. Bader (all of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory); Jayesh Krishna, Danqing Wu (both of Argonne National Laboratory); Matthew R. Norman, Sarat Sreepathi (both of Oakridge National Laboratory); James B. White III (Hewlett Packard Enterprise); and L. Ruby Leung (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory).
To develop the most effective carbon emission reduction policies, governments are working with scientists to better understand the relationship between carbon emissions, the earth’s atmosphere, and climate change. Because of the mind-boggling number of variables in understanding climate phenomena (e.g., temperature, humidity, precipitation), scientists have increasingly used powerful supercomputers to process all these variables in order to develop high resolution simulations.
Climate scientists are especially interested in understanding convective clouds (clouds that are formed by the process of warmer air rising above a less dense atmosphere). Deep convective clouds (which can be many kilometers thick) are particularly important to simulate correctly because they drive the tropical overturning circulation and modulate energy transfer over much of the planet.
A class of algorithmic models known as global cloud-resolving models (GCRMs) have been used to attempt to simulate deep convective clouds and have been accurate in certain instances such as providing simulations of short time periods or limited physical areas. But the Prize-winning team notes that the drawbacks of GCRM’s include the fact that running these algorithms on existing supercomputers has been slow and computationally expensive (e.g., the algorithms require too many steps).
The team proves that by using just-introduced exascale supercomputers along with a new algorithmic model they have introduced, the longstanding challenge of developing efficient and accurate simulations of deep convective clouds can be accomplished. The prize-winning team introduces the new algorithmic model, “Simple Cloud Resolving E3SM Atmosphere Model (SCREAM).“
The ACM Gordon Bell Prize for Climate Modelling aims to recognize innovative parallel computing contributions toward solving the global climate crisis. Climate scientists and software engineers are evaluated for the award based on the performance and innovation in their computational methods.
James Gregory Pauloski, Rohan Basu Roy, and Hua Huang Named Recipients of 2023 ACM-IEEE CS George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowships
New York, NY, October 26, 2023 – ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, and the IEEE Computer Society announced today that James Gregory Pauloski of the University of Chicago and Rohan Basu Roy of Northeastern University are the recipients of the 2023 ACM-IEEE CS George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowships. Hua Huang of the Georgia Institute of Technology received an Honorable Mention. Pauloski is recognized for developing systems for optimal HPC resource usage from scalable optimization methods for deep learning training to data fabrics for sophisticated applications spanning heterogeneous resources. Roy is recognized for enhancing the productivity of computational scientists and environmental sustainability of HPC with novel methods and tools exploiting cloud computing and on-premise HPC resources. Huang is recognized for contributions to high performance parallel matrix algorithms and implementations and their application to quantum chemistry calculations.
J. Gregory Pauloski
Pauloski’s aim is to build tools that are approachable and easily used by HPC novices and experts alike.
His research approaches HPC from two aspects: efficient large scale machine learning (ML) training, and data fabrics that support distributed and federated scientific applications. The rapid increase in demand for AI tools (e.g., ChatGPT, LaMDA, etc.) has promoted scalable deep learning to a core challenge for HPC. Pauloski has made advancements in system software and algorithms to efficiently use novel hardware systems for AI applications. He has also worked on the development of federated applications which span heterogeneous systems composed of specialized accelerators, edge devices, cloud compute, and HPC. Pauloski’s work on data fabrics enables autonomous actors to communicate efficiently and reliably, independent of location.
In addition to his technical contributions, Pauloski’s colleagues have cited his work as a role model and mentor for younger students.
Rohan Basu Roy
Roy designs new tools and methods for enhancing HPC programmer productivity and making large-scale computing systems more cost-effective and environmentally sustainable.
The key challenges computational scientists face include the time required to performance-tune their code and the time required to efficiently provision and utilize computing resources. To address these challenges, Roy has designed HPC performance auto-tuner tools to significantly improve the program productivity. Roy’s research contributions include the first demonstration of significant productivity and performance advantages of the serverless computing model for complex scientific workflows, including quick elasticity in the cloud (eliminating the long queue wait time), ease of use, and opportunistic co-location for better resource utilization.
Opportunistic co-location of workloads in the cloud reduces the carbon footprint of on-premise HPC cluster/supercomputer -- Roy continues to aim toward improving the environmental sustainability of HPC systems as their carbon footprint is increasing rapidly.
Hua Huang
Huang has focused on developing new algorithms and implementations for high-performance matrix computations. His research problems have mostly come from the area of quantum chemistry and electronic structure calculations. Huang’s innovations have been integrated into widely used codes such as Psi4, NWChem, and SPARC, as well as a proxy application, GTFock, from Georgia Tech.
His many contributions include developing a high-performance, multi-purpose, rank-structured matrix library for multiple scientific computing tasks, designing innovative parallel algorithms for large-scale matrix operations, etc. He also introduced new optimization strategies for constructing the Fock and density matrices in quantum chemistry calculations.
About the ACM IEEE CS George Michael Memorial Fellowship
The ACM-IEEE CS George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowshipis endowed in memory of George Michael, one of the founders of the SC Conference series. The fellowship honors exceptional PhD students throughout the world whose research focus is on high performance computing applications, networking, storage, or large-scale data analytics using the most powerful computers that are currently available. The Fellowship includes a $5,000 honorarium and travel expenses to attend the SC conference, where the Fellowships are formally presented.
Keshav Pingali to Receive ACM-IEEE CS Ken Kennedy Award
New York, NY, October 4, 2023 – ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, and IEEE Computer Society have named Keshav Pingali, the W.A. ”Tex” Moncrief Chair of Grid and Distributed Computing at the University of Texas at Austin, as the recipient of the 2023 ACM-IEEE CS Ken Kennedy Award. The Ken Kennedy Award recognizes groundbreaking achievements in parallel and high-performance computing. Pingali is cited for contributions to high-performance parallel computing for irregular algorithms such as graph algorithms. He is also cited for leadership on the Galois Project, which provides a unifying framework for parallelizing both irregular and regular algorithms.
Pingali has made deep and wide-ranging contributions to many areas of parallel computing including programming languages, compilers, and runtime systems for multicore, manycore and distributed computers. These include program transformation algorithms for cache optimization, representations for program restructuring, and symbolic analysis techniques for complex numerical algorithms. These contributions have been incorporated into most open-source and commercial compilers.
Pingali’s most recent research has focused on foundational parallel programming abstractions and implementations for irregular algorithms, which use complex data structures like sparse matrices and graphs. Traditional techniques for exploiting parallelism in regular dense matrix algorithms fail when applied to irregular algorithms. The Ken Kennedy award recognizes Pingali’s “operator formulation of algorithms,” which is a programming and execution model that is remarkably simple yet powerful enough to capture patterns of parallelism in both regular and irregular algorithms. The Galois system implements this model, and it is used in diverse areas including real-time intrusion detection in computer networks, parallel tools for asynchronous circuit design, and machine learning on graphs for drug discovery. In addition, Pingali is being recognized for his distinguished mentoring of computer science leaders and students during his career.
The award will be formally presented to Pingali in November at The International Conference for High-Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC23).
Biographical Background
Keshav Pingali is the William “Tex” Moncrief Chair of Grid and Distributed Computing at the University of Texas at Austin. Before moving to UT Austin, Pingali was the India Chair of Computing in the Department of Computer Science at Cornell University. Pingali received the Bachelor of Technology (BTech) degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, where he was awarded the President’s Gold Medal; the Master of Science (S.M.) and Electrical Engineering (E.E.) degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; and a Doctor of Science (ScD) degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), a Foreign Member of the Academia Europaea, and a Distinguished Alumnus of the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. In March 2023, he was awarded the IEEE Charles Babbage award. In 1998, the College of Arts & Sciences at Cornell University awarded him the Stephen & Margery Russell Distinguished Teaching for "superlative performance in the classroom.” He has served on the NSF CISE Advisory Committee (2009-2012), and he was co-Editor-in-Chief of the ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (2007-2010).
2023 ACM - IEEE CS Eckert-Mauchly Award
ACM and IEEE Computer Society named Kunle Olukotun, a Professor at Stanford University, as the recipient of the ACM-IEEE CS Eckert-Mauchly Award for contributions and leadership in the development of parallel systems, especially multicore and multithreaded processors.
In the early 1990s, Olukotun became a leading designer of a new kind of microprocessor known as a "chip multiprocessor"—today called a "multicore processor." His work demonstrated the performance advantages of multicore processors over the existing microprocessor designs at the time. He included these ideas in a landmark paper presented at the ACM Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS 1996), entitled "The Case for a Single-Chip Multiprocessor." This paper received the ASPLOS Most Influential Paper Award 15 years later. Olukotun’s multicore design eventually became the industry standard.
His insights on multicore processors and thread-level speculation research laid the foundation for Olukotun's work on fine-grained multithreading, a technique which improves the overall efficiency of computer processors (CPUs). These designs were the basis for Afara WebSystems, a server company Olukotun founded that was eventually acquired by Sun (and later Oracle). Sun Microsystems used Olukotun’s designs as a foundation for its Niagara chips, which were recognized for their outstanding performance and energy efficiency. The Niagara family of chips are now used in all of Oracle's SPARC-based servers.
Later, with Christos Kozyrakis and others, Olukotun was a leader in designing the Transactional Coherence and Consistency (TCC) approach to simplify parallel programming. He was a co-author of the paper, “Transactional Memory Coherence and Consistency,” which was presented at the 2004 International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA) and received the Most Influential Paper Award in 2019. Olukotun is one of only two researchers who have received the Most Influential Paper Award from both ASPLOS and ISCA.
ACM and IEEE Computer Society co-sponsor the Eckert-Mauchly Award, which was initiated in 1979. It recognizes contributions to computer and digital systems architecture and comes with a $5,000 prize. The award was named for John Presper Eckert and John William Mauchly, who collaborated on the design and construction of the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC), the pioneering large-scale electronic computing machine, which was completed in 1947.
He will be formally recognized with the Eckert-Mauchly Award during an awards luncheon on Tuesday, June 20th at the International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2023).
2022 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award
Aayush Jain is the recipient of the 2022 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award for his dissertation “Indistinguishability Obfuscation From Well-Studied Assumptions,” which established the feasibility of mathematically rigorous software obfuscation from well-studied hardness conjectures.
The central goal of software obfuscation is to transform source code to make it unintelligible without altering what it computes. Additional conditions may be added, such as requiring the transformed code to perform similarly, or even indistinguishably, from the original. As a software security mechanism, it is essential that software obfuscation have a firm mathematical foundation.
The mathematical object that Jain’s thesis constructs, indistinguishability obfuscation, is considered a theoretical “master tool” in the context of cryptography—not only in helping achieve long-desired cryptographic goals such as functional encryption, but also in expanding the scope of the field of cryptography itself. For example, indistinguishability obfuscation aids in goals related to software security that were previously entirely in the domain of software engineering.
Jain’s dissertation was awarded the Best Paper Award at the ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2021) and was the subject of an article in Quanta Magazine titled “Scientists Achieve Crown Jewel of Cryptography.”
Jain is an Assistant Professor at Carnegie Mellon University. He is interested in theoretical and applied cryptography and its connections with related areas of theoretical computer science. Jain received a BTech in Electrical Engineering, and an MTech in Information and Communication Technology from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. He received a PhD in Computer Science from the University of California, Los Angeles.
Honorable Mentions
Honorable Mentions for the 2022 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award go to Alane Suhr whose PhD was earned at Cornell University, and Conrad Watt, who earned his PhD at the University of Cambridge.
Suhr’s dissertation, “Reasoning and Learning in Interactive Natural Language Systems,” was recognized for formulating and designing algorithms for continual language learning in collaborative interactions, and designing methods to reason about context-dependent language meaning. Suhr’s dissertation made transformative contributions in several areas of Natural Language Processing (NLP).
Suhr is an Assistant Professor at the University of California, Berkeley. Suhr’s research is focused on natural language processing, machine learning, and computer vision. Suhr received a BS in Computer Science and Engineering from Ohio State University, as well as a PhD in Computer Science from Cornell University.
Watt’s dissertation, “Mechanising and Evolving the Formal Semantics of WebAssembly: the Web’s New Low-Level Language,” establishes a mechanized semantics for WebAssembly and defines its concurrency model. The model will underpin current and future web engineering. His dissertation is considered a stand-out example of developing and using fully rigorous mechanized semantics to directly affect and improve the designs of major pieces of our industrial computational infrastructure.
Watt is a Research Fellow (postdoctoral) at the University of Cambridge, where he focuses on mechanized formal verification, concurrency, and the WebAssembly language. He received a MEng in Computer Science from Imperial College London and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Cambridge.
2022 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award
Aayush Jain is the recipient of the 2022 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award for his dissertation “Indistinguishability Obfuscation From Well-Studied Assumptions.” Honorable Mentions for the 2022 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award go to Alane Suhr whose PhD was earned at Cornell University, and Conrad Watt, who earned his PhD at the University of Cambridge.
Jain's dissertation established the feasibility of mathematically rigorous software obfuscation from well-studied hardness conjectures.The central goal of software obfuscation is to transform source code to make it unintelligible without altering what it computes. Additional conditions may be added, such as requiring the transformed code to perform similarly, or even indistinguishably, from the original. As a software security mechanism, it is essential that software obfuscation have a firm mathematical foundation.
Jain’s dissertation was awarded the Best Paper Award at the ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2021) and was the subject of an article in Quanta Magazine titled “Scientists Achieve Crown Jewel of Cryptography.”
Jain is an Assistant Professor at Carnegie Mellon University. He is interested in theoretical and applied cryptography and its connections with related areas of theoretical computer science. Jain received a BTech in Electrical Engineering, and an MTech in Information and Communication Technology from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. He received a PhD in Computer Science from the University of California, Los Angeles.
2022 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award Honorable Mention
Aayush Jain is the recipient of the 2022 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award for his dissertation “Indistinguishability Obfuscation From Well-Studied Assumptions.” Honorable Mentions for the 2022 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award go to Alane Suhr whose PhD was earned at Cornell University, and Conrad Watt, who earned his PhD at the University of Cambridge.
Suhr’s dissertation, “Reasoning and Learning in Interactive Natural Language Systems,” was recognized for formulating and designing algorithms for continual language learning in collaborative interactions, and designing methods to reason about context-dependent language meaning. Suhr’s dissertation made transformative contributions in several areas of Natural Language Processing (NLP).
Suhr is an Assistant Professor at the University of California, Berkeley. Suhr’s research is focused on natural language processing, machine learning, and computer vision. Suhr received a BS in Computer Science and Engineering from Ohio State University, as well as a PhD in Computer Science from Cornell University.
2022 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award Honorable Mention
Aayush Jain is the recipient of the 2022 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award for his dissertation “Indistinguishability Obfuscation From Well-Studied Assumptions.” Honorable Mentions for the 2022 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award go to Alane Suhr whose PhD was earned at Cornell University, and Conrad Watt, who earned his PhD at the University of Cambridge.
Watt’s dissertation, “Mechanising and Evolving the Formal Semantics of WebAssembly: The Web’s New Low-Level Language,” establishes a mechanized semantics for WebAssembly and defines its concurrency model. The model will underpin current and future web engineering. His dissertation is considered a stand-out example of developing and using fully rigorous mechanized semantics to directly affect and improve the designs of major pieces of our industrial computational infrastructure.
Watt is a Research Fellow (postdoctoral) at the University of Cambridge, where he focuses on mechanized formal verification, concurrency, and the WebAssembly language. He received a MEng in Computer Science from Imperial College London and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Cambridge.
2022 ACM Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award
Michael E. Caspersen, Managing Director of It-vest and Honorary Professor, Aarhus University, receives the Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award for his contributions to computer science education research, his policy work at the national and international levels to advance the teaching of informatics for all, and his outstanding service to the computing education community.
Caspersen has authored almost 70 papers on computer science education. He is also co-author of a two-volume textbook on programming, and co-editor of Reflections on the Teaching of Programming—published by Springer-Verlag in 2008—which is a novel and innovative collection of contributions that address all aspects of teaching programming.
Since 2008, Caspersen has been heavily involved in the development of the new informatics subjects for Danish high schools and associated teacher education. By personal invitation of the Minister of Education he has served in pivotal roles as chair and co-chair of groups developing an informatics curriculum for primary and lower secondary education.
He is co-founder and chair of the steering committee for the Informatics for All coalition, Co-Chair of Informatics Europe's permanent education research working group, and was Co-Chair of the Committee on European Computing Education established jointly by ACM Europe and Informatics Europe. Recently, he also served as special advisor on digital education and skills to the Executive Vice President of the European Commission.
2022 ACM Distinguished Service Award
Ramesh Jain, Professor, University of California, Irvine, receives the ACM Distinguished Service Award for establishing the ACM Special Interest Group on Multimedia Systems (SIGMM), and for outstanding leadership and sustained services to ACM and the computing community for the past four decades.
In 1993, Jain organized the first NSF workshop on visual information management systems. He was one of the organizing committee members of the first ACM Multimedia conference and gave a tutorial at that conference, which was held in conjunction with ACM SIGGraph that year. All these activities paved the way for the successful establishment of ACM SIGMM.
Since then, Jain has remained an active contributor to ACM Multimedia Computing. He has been on the organizing committees of almost all the past 25 ACM Multimedia Conferences. Additionally, he organized special issues of Communications of the ACM on visual computing, served as founding Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Multimedia magazine, organized numerous workshops, served on editorial boards of almost all multimedia-related journals, and helped SIGMM in many ways including chairing it from 2003 to 2007.
For his contributions and service, Jain has received numerous awards and has been recognized as a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), SPIE (an international society for optics and photonics), and the International Association of Pattern Recognition (IAPR).
2022 Outstanding Contribution to ACM Award
Joseph A. Konstan, Professor, University of Minnesota, receives the Outstanding Contribution to ACM Award for 25 years of dedicated service and leadership in support of ACM's mission and operation, and the advancement of ACM's research, education, and practitioner communities.
Konstan has been involved in ACM’s activities for over 25 years: participating in, developing, and nurturing new technical areas, serving on key task forces and committees, and leading several of ACM’s major boards and working groups. He has demonstrated a volunteer spirit that has been an example and inspiration for others who have had the opportunity to work with him. His long involvement in and deep insight into ACM’s operation and governance has made him a trusted source of advice for ACM’s elected leadership, volunteers, and staff.
Konstan’s service started in 1994 within ACM SIGCHI’s conferences, eventually becoming SIGCHI’s President (2003-2006) and Chair of the SIG Governing Board (2006-2008), and as a member of ACM’s Executive Committee. During that time, he served on a task force on the future of ACM-W.
As Co-Chair of the Publications Board (2013-2022), Konstan served on ACM’s Extended Executive Committee, providing insightful advice and recommendations to the elected leadership. In that regard, he chaired ACM’s Strategic Planning Workgroup (2013–2014), which set the priorities and roadmap for ACM’s continued growth and development. He also worked on the task force on the future of the Journal of the ACM (JACM) and chaired the task force on ACM’s future directions in Health and Medical Informatics.
Konstan is hailed by colleagues for his efforts to bring people together to make the best decisions for ACM and the communities it serves. His many contributions to ACM have been, and no doubt will continue to be, outstanding.
2022 ACM Eugene L. Lawler Award for Humanitarian Contributions Within Computer Science and Informatics
Jelani Nelson, Professor, University of California, Berkeley, receives the ACM Eugene L. Lawler Award for Humanitarian Contributions Within Computer Science and Informatics for founding and developing AddisCoder, a nonprofit organization which teaches programming to underserved students from all over Ethiopia. AddisCoder has led many students to higher education and successful careers.
In 2011, Nelson founded AddisCoder to provide a free intensive summer program for high school students in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The program has shown exemplary efficacy in fostering the academic and professional development of over 500 high school students. AddisCoder’s student body is 40% female and includes students from each of the 11 regions in Ethiopia, students from ethnic minorities, and students living in poverty.
Upon joining the program, many of the participating students have little or no background in programming or algorithms. In just four short weeks, the students gain significant knowledge. The program rigorously covers college-level material in algorithms such as binary search and sorting, dynamic programming, and graph exploration. Alumni have matriculated in programs at universities including Harvard, MIT, and Princeton, and some students have joined well-known companies such as Google.
Nelson has not only been an AddisCoder instructor himself, but he has recruited a large team of teachers and raised money from government, industry, and academic institutions to fund the initiative. He recently expanded the program to Jamaica.
2022-2023 ACM/CSTA Cutler-Bell Prize
ACM and the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) selected four high school students from among a pool of graduating high school seniors throughout the US for the ACM/CSTA Cutler-Bell Prize in High School Computing. Eligible students applied for the award by submitting a project/artifact that engages modern technology and computer science. A panel of judges selected the recipients based on the ingenuity, complexity, relevancy, and originality of their projects.
The Cutler-Bell Prize promotes the field of computer science and empowers students to pursue computing challenges beyond the traditional classroom environment. In 2015, David Cutler and Gordon Bell established the award. Cutler is a software engineer, designer, and developer of several operating systems at Digital Equipment Corporation. Bell, an electrical engineer, is researcher emeritus at Microsoft Research.
Each Cutler-Bell Prize recipient receives a $10,000 cash prize. The prize amount is sent to the financial aid office of the institution the student will be attending next year and is then put toward each student’s tuition or disbursed.
These projects illustrate the diverse applications being developed by the next generation of computer scientists.
Okezue Bell, Moravian Academy, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
With only 1% of the computer science space being Black, the innovation landscape within the field is reflective of that. There are few race- and class-responsible solutions built effectively for communities that have been historically discriminated against. “Fidutam” is a novel, putative first effort to foster a needs-responsive approach to providing financial accounts for unbanked populations. Bell uses state-of-the-art encryption to ensure the safety of user’s data, creating private signatures using a selfie, name and personal data, and location. The solution focuses on financial documentation, which is proven to be the biggest barrier to entry for the unbanked, Bell created Fidutam not only to provide financial access to unbanked individuals but to develop a platform to enable the upward mobilization of the global poor to revive their community’s economy. This increases their share in the global development landscape of computer science and also encourages and enables those whose voices are often underrepresented in CS to penetrate or quality control the field to ensure the existing products have utility in their milieus.
Nathan Elias, Liberal Arts and Sciences Academy, Austin, Texas
In his project, “A Novel Method for Automated Identification and Prediction of Invasive Species Using Deep Learning,” Elias developed InvasiveAI, a service that helps farmers, agricultural workers, and average citizens in the fight against invasive species. He designed an app that utilizes Artificial Intelligence and machine learning methods to accurately detect, predict, and visualize invasive species growth. Using the app, 200 unique invasive plants, wildlife, insects, and pathogens, can be identified. Elias also created a 3D image detection algorithm to identify over 75 invasive species aerially. Elias envisions that InvasiveAI will contribute to the field of computer science by expanding CS’ reach in environmental and citizen science systems, while also furthering advancements in geospatial and AI-based tracking toolkits. This project was inspired by the loss of Elias’ grandfather’s farm in Southern India to the invasive species Kariba.
Hannah Guan, BASIS San Antonio Shavano, San Antonio, Texas
Guan’s project, “Multi-Dimensional Interpretable Interaction Network (MDiiN) for Modeling Aging Heath and Mortality” was inspired by the retired military population of the city of San Antonio. She wanted to create an efficient and affordable system that would be able to diagnose and find remedies for highly pervasive age-related diseases like cancer or Alzheimer’s. Guan’s research can influence elders’ quality and equity of life worldwide. MDiiN is a computation and affordable predictive model that evaluates health risk factors for elders. It’s the first three-dimensional interaction network to uncover high-dimensional interactions among health variables during the aging process. Doctors can use MDiiN to predict the onset of age-related diseases, which would significantly increase the quality and longevity of life across the grid. It’s fast and easy to run, taking less than a second to get results. This research contributes to computer science by strengthening health equality in our society, improving global health security, and leading to tremendous public health benefits.
Sirihaasa Nallamothu, University High School, Normal, Illinois
In her project, Predicting and Identifying Relevant Features of Vasovagal Syncope in Patients with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) using machine learning methods and physiological data, was inspired from a TikTok that led Nallamothu down a rabbit hole about POTS. To her surprise, there were no research studies or consumer solutions to predict syncope on real-world data, and she was determined to use her machine learning skills to predict syncopal episodes. Nallamothu is the first person to conduct an IRB research study and collect human subject field data on POTS patients in the real world using non-invasive technologies. She wrote a Python script to extract the 15-minute window signal data of heart rate, blood volumetric pressure, EDA, temperature, and accelerometer data. Nallamothu also uses the concept called “late fusion” in temporal multimodal machine learning. This research is providing a starting point for future research into real-time prediction and integration into a smartwatch, which will help millions who experience vasovagal syncope research a safe and comfortable position before fainting. After completing her research, Nallamothu plans to work toward creating a consumer product and pairing her algorithm with a smart watch.-->{C}
2022 ACM - AAAI Allen Newell Award
Bernhard Schölkopf, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and ETH Zurich, and Stuart J. Russell, University of California at Berkeley, receive the ACM - AAAI Allen Newell Award.
Schölkopf is recognized for his widely used research in machine learning, advancing both mathematical foundations and a broad range of applications in science and industry.
Schölkopf has made fundamental contributions to kernel methods and causality. His contributions to kernel PCA and kernel embeddings have advanced fundamental statistical methodology in dimensionality reduction and hypothesis testing. Professor Schölkopf and his team have advanced numerous areas of applied machine learning, including applications to astronomy, biology, computer vision, robotics, neuroscience, and cognitive science. Schölkopf’s pioneering work in causal machine learning has laid the foundation for a novel understanding of learning causal relationships from data, with implications for all areas of science.
Russell is recognized for a series of foundational contributions to Artificial Intelligence, spanning a wide range of areas such as logical and probabilistic reasoning, knowledge representation, machine learning, reinforcement learning, and the ethics of AI.
Early in his career, Russell defined and studied the concept of bounded optimality, for which he received the 1995 IJCAI Computers and Thought Award. His book, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (co-authored with Peter Norvig), is the preeminent textbook for AI. It has been used for decades to train AI students in more than 1,500 universities all over the world. Russell’s work on BLOG (Bayesian Logic) led to the creation of the NETVISA global seismic monitoring algorithm that has the capability to reliably detect and accurately localize nuclear explosions. In recent years he has also become an influential figure in addressing ethical issues in AI.
2022 ACM Paris Kanellakis Theory and Practice Award
Michael Burrows, Google; Paolo Ferragina, University of Pisa; and Giovanni Manzini, University of Pisa, receive the ACM Paris Kanellakis Theory and Practice Award for inventing the BW-transform and the FM-index that opened and influenced the field of Compressed Data Structures with fundamental impact on Data Compression and Computational Biology.
In 1994, Michael Burrows and his late coauthor David Wheeler published their paper describing revolutionary data compression algorithm based on a reversible transformation of the input. This transformation, which became known as the “Burrows-Wheeler Transform” (BWT), was used as the core of the compressor bzip2. bzip2 achieved compression performance superior to the standard of the time.
A few years later, Paolo Ferragina and Giovanni Manzini showed that, by orchestrating the BWT with a new set of mathematical techniques and algorithmic tools, it became possible to build a “compressed index,” later called the FM-index. Before the FM-index, it seemed unavoidable to incur a significant space penalty for achieving efficient queries. With the FM-index, Ferragina and Manzini were able to disprove this common belief. In addition to being a theoretical breakthrough, the simplicity and effectiveness of the FM-index has made it a premier indexing choice for software tools working on large collections of unstructured data, with the most impressive applications in the field of DNA alignment and Computational Biology in general.
The introduction of the BW Transform by Burrows and Wheeler, and then the development of the FM-index by Ferragina and Manzini, have had a profound impact on the theory of algorithms and data structures with fundamental advancements—first and foremost to Data Compression and Computational Biology, but also to a number of applications in many other areas, including Databases and Information Retrieval at large.
2022 ACM Software System Award
Gernot Heiser, University of New South Wales; Gerwin Klein, Proofcraft; Harvey Tuch, Google; Kevin Elphinstone, University of New South Wales; June Andronick, Proofcraft; David Cock, ETH Zurich; Philip Derrin, Qualcomm; Dhammika Elkaduwe, University of Peradeniya; Kai Engelhardt; Toby Murray, University of Melbourne; Rafal Kolanski, Proofcraft; Michael Norrish, Australian National University; Thomas Sewell, University of Cambridge; and Simon Winwood, Galois, receive the ACM Software System Award for the development of the first industrial-strength, high-performance operating system to have been the subject of a complete, mechanically-checked proof of full functional correctness.
In 2009, the Software System Awardees presented the seL4 microkernel, which became the first ever industrial-strength, general-purpose operating system with formally proved implementation correctness. In subsequent years, the team further added proofs that seL4 enforces the core security properties of integrity and confidentiality, extended the proof to the binary code of the kernel, and performed the first sound and complete worst-case execution-time analysis of a protected mode OS.
The seL4 high-assurance microkernel has fundamentally changed the research community’s perception of what formal methods can accomplish: it showed that not only is it possible to complete a formal proof of correctness and security for an industrial-strength operating system but that this can be accomplished without compromising performance or generality. The continuously maintained and growing proofs on seL4 have helped to give rise to a new discipline of proof engineering—the art of proof process modelling, effort estimation, and the systematic treatment of large-scale proofs.
2022 ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award
Mohammad Alizadeh, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is the recipient of the 2022 ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award for pioneering and impactful contributions to data center networks.
Alizadeh has fundamentally advanced how data centers communicate efficiently in transporting data. One of his key contributions is the control of data center network congestion and packet loss with a groundbreaking Data Center Transport Control Protocol (DCTCP). DCTCP significantly increases performance in data center environments where state-of-the-art TCP protocols fall short.
The theoretical foundation upon which DCTCP is built and the empirical analyses, novel algorithms, and explicit congestion notification techniques it leverages enable data packets to circumvent congestion while using significantly less buffer space. In essence, DCTCP changes the way that network endpoints process congestion signals obtained from within the network, enabling traffic bursts to be tolerated better and leading to reduced transport latency, higher data throughput, and greater network utilization.
2023-2024 ACM Athena Lecturer
New York, NY, April 26, 2023 – ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, today named Margo Seltzer, a Professor at the University of British Columbia, as the 2023-2024 ACM Athena Lecturer. Seltzer is recognized for foundational research in file and storage systems, pioneering research in data provenance, impactful software contributions in Berkeley DB, and tireless dedication to service and mentoring. Initiated in 2006, the ACM Athena Lecturer Award celebrates women researchers who have made fundamental contributions to computer science.
Database Software
In 1992, while studying at the University of California at Berkeley, Seltzer, along with Keith Bostic and Mike Olson, introduced BerkeleyDB, a database software library. Berkeley DB underpinned a range of first-generation Internet services including account management, mail servers, and online trading platforms. This software has been a part of many popular operating systems including Linux, FreeBSD, Apple's OSX, and the GNU standard C library (glibc). Originally developed as an open-source library, Seltzer and Bostic founded Sleepycat Software in 1996 to continue the development of Berkeley DB and provide commercial support. Berkeley DB was an early and influential example of the NoSQL movement and pioneered the "dual license" approach to software licensing.
Data Provenance and Log-Structured File Systems
Seltzer later pioneered whole-system data provenance, a paradigm that provides system support for assessing the quality of information by understanding where the data comes from, who is using the data, and how it was obtained. Her research demonstrated how provenance could be practically supported at the system level to implement important applications in security and compliance. Her subsequent work focused on applications of provenance, including intrusion detection, data loss prevention and attack attribution, and computational reproducibility.
She is also known for her careful and nuanced work in log-structured file systems, where she adapted various approaches for use in the UNIX file systems and updates of file system metadata.
Teaching and Service
Seltzer has received several awards for excellence in teaching and leadership for her work broadening participation in computer science. She is deeply involved in mentoring, and several of her former students have become leaders in academia and industry. She has served as program chair for conferences in systems and databases and serves on numerous advisory boards for scientific and national boards.
“To be selected for the ACM Athena Award, a candidate must pass a very high bar,” said ACM President Yannis Ioannidis. “She must be a person who has both made fundamental technical contributions and impacted the computing community through service. Margo Seltzer not only meets these criteria but sets the bar extremely high. Regarding the former, her work on Berkeley DB and data provenance has broken new ground and has been very impactful in the data management and systems communities, both in academia and industry. Regarding the latter, in addition to her teaching and mentoring awards, she is known for her efforts to broaden participation in computer science among traditionally underrepresented groups. When considering all that Margo is involved in, one question that comes to mind is ‘Where does she find the time?’ Having overlapped with her at Harvard for a year, I think I have the answer: `She doesn’t find it. She creates it!’ We congratulate Margo Seltzer on being named the ACM Athena Lecturer and we look forward to celebrating her work at the ACM Awards Banquet.”
Seltzer will be formally presented with the ACM Athena Lecturer Award at the annual ACM Awards Banquet, which will be held this year on Saturday, June 10 at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco. The ACM Athena Lecturer Award carries a cash prize of $25,000, with financial support provided by Two Sigma.
Margo Seltzer is the Canada 150 Research Chair and the Cheriton Family Chair in Computer Science at the University of British Columbia. She is also the Director of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University.
Seltzer earned a PhD degree in Computer Science from the University of California at Berkeley, and an AB degree in Applied Mathematics from Harvard/Radcliffe College. She has authored more than 194 publications on a wide range of topics related to computer systems including systems for capturing and accessing data provenance, file systems, databases, and storage.
Her honors include receiving the UBC CS Awesome Instructor Award, the ACM SIGMOD Systems Award, the USENIX Lifetime Achievement Award, the CRA-E Undergraduate Research Mentoring Award, and the ACM Software System Award (for BerkeleyDB), among many others. She is a Fellow of ACM, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the National Academy of Engineering.
2022 ACM Charles P. "Chuck" Thacker Breakthrough in Computing Award
ACM named David B. Papworth, formerly of Intel (retired), as the recipient of the ACM Charles P. “Chuck” Thacker Breakthrough in Computing Award. Papworth is recognized for fundamental groundbreaking contributions to Intel’s P6 out-of-order engine and Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) processors.
Papworth was a lead designer of the Intel P6 (sold commercially as the Pentium Pro) microprocessor, which was a major advancement over the existing state-of-the-art not just for Intel but for the broader computer design community. P6 introduced a new microarchitectural paradigm of decomposing complex x86 instructions into sequences of micro-operations that flowed through a micro data flow engine, constrained only by true data dependencies and machine resources. Surprising to many, this scheme, which is still in use today, also enabled significantly higher clock rates.
With his own broad understanding of all facets of a computer system, including hardware, software, operating systems, compilers, languages, algorithms, and microcode, Papworth encouraged the Intel team developing the new processor to embrace an integrated approach. The P6 team successfully navigated the thousands of design tradeoffs required of a modern processor in a timely way while striking competitive balances among cost, performance, power, and schedule. Papworth was also the ultimate judge of how and when to use P6’s new microcode-patch facility to deal with any design errata that might turn up. That P6 was a runaway success for Intel is clear in that Intel’s cores today, 30+ years later, still use the same paradigm along with many of the architectural improvements shepherded by Papworth in 1992.
Just prior to joining Intel in 1990, Papworth was a lead designer and system architect at a startup called Multiflow. Multiflow co-founder Josh Fisher had invented the Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) style of system design. Papworth re-engineered Fisher’s design to be implementable in 1985 hardware while carefully maintaining those aspects of Fisher’s VLIW scheme that were essential to performance. VLIWs are also now well-established in graphic processing units (GPUs), AI accelerators, and digital signal processors (DSPs)—a tribute to Josh Fisher’s original vision and to Dave Papworth’s ability to juggle extreme complexity and come up with economically viable, industry-influencing solutions.
The ACM Charles P. “Chuck” Thacker Breakthrough in Computing Award recognizes individuals or groups who have made surprising, disruptive, or leapfrog contributions to computing ideas or technologies. Recipients of the award are expected to give the ACM Breakthrough Lecture at a major ACM conference. The award is accompanied by a $100,000 cash prize, with financial support provided by Microsoft.
David B. Papworth was employed at Intel Corporation from 1990 to 2020, having served in positions including Principal Processor Architect, and Intel Fellow. He has broad experience in CPU microarchitecture, the software/hardware interface, and is listed as co-inventor on more than 50 issued patents for his work.
Papworth received a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. His honors include receiving the Intel Achievement Award for Microarchitecture, and the Intel Achievement Award for producing a microprocessor chip in record time.
2022 ACM Prize in Computing
ACM named Yael Tauman Kalai the recipient of the 2022 ACM Prize in Computing for breakthroughs in verifiable delegation of computation and fundamental contributions to cryptography. Kalai’s contributions have helped shape modern cryptographic practices and provided a strong foundation for further advancements.
The ACM Prize in Computing recognizes early-to-mid-career computer scientists whose research contributions have fundamental impact and broad implications. The award carries a prize of $250,000, from an endowment provided by Infosys Ltd.
Verifiable Delegation of Computation
Kalai has developed methods for producing succinct proofs that certify the correctness of any computation. This method enables a weak device to offload any computation to a stronger device in a way that enables the results to be efficiently checked for correctness. Such succinct proofs have been used by numerous blockchain companies (including Ethereum) to certify transaction validity and thereby overcome key obstacles in blockchain scalability, enabling faster and more reliable transactions. Kalai's research has provided essential definitions, key concepts, and inventive techniques to this domain.
More specifically, Kalai's work pioneered the study of “doubly efficient” interactive proofs, which ensure that the computational overhead placed on the strong device is small (nearly linear in the running time of the computation being proved). In contrast, previous constructions incurred an overhead that is super-exponential in the space of the computation. Kalai’s work transformed the concept of delegation from a theoretical curiosity to a reality in practice. Her subsequent work used cryptography to develop certificates of computation, eliminating the need for back-and-forth interaction. This work used insights from quantum information theory, specifically "non-signaling" strategies, to construct a one-round delegation scheme for any computation. These schemes have led to a body of work on delegation including theoretical advancements, applied implementations, and real-world deployment.
Additional Contributions to Cryptography
Kalai’s other important contributions include her breakthrough work on the security of the "Fiat-Shamir paradigm," a general technique for eliminating interaction from interactive protocols. This paradigm is extensively utilized in real-world applications including in the most prevalent digital signature scheme (ECDSA) which is used by all iOS and Android mobile devices. Despite its widespread adoption, its security has been poorly understood. Kalai's research established a solid foundation for understanding the security of this paradigm. In addition, she co-pioneered the field of leakage resilient cryptography and solved a long-standing open problem in interactive coding theory, showing how to convert any interactive protocol into one that is resilient to a constant fraction of adversarial errors while increasing the communication complexity by at most a constant factor and the running time by at most a polynomial factor. Kalai's extensive work in the field of cryptography has helped shape modern cryptographic practices and provided a strong foundation for further advancements.
“As data is the currency of our digital age, the work of cryptographers, who encrypt and decrypt coded language, is essential to keeping our technological systems secure and our data private, as necessary,” said ACM President Yannis Ioannidis. “Kalai has not only made astonishing breakthroughs in the mathematical foundations of cryptography, but her proofs have been practically useful in areas such as blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Her research addresses complex problems whose solution opens new directions to where the field is heading—focusing on keeping small computers (such as smartphones) secure from potentially malicious cloud servers. A true star all around, she has also established herself as a respected mentor, inspiring and cultivating the next generation of cryptographers.”
“We are pleased to see one of the world’s leading cryptographers recognized,” said Salil Parekh, Chief Executive Officer, Infosys. “Kalai’s technical depth and innovation of her work has definitely made a tremendous mark in this field and will inspire aspiring cryptographers. We are thankful for her contributions to date and can only imagine what she has in store in the coming years. Infosys has been proud to sponsor the ACM Prize since its inception. Recognizing the achievements of young professionals is especially important in computing, as bold innovations from people early in their careers have a tremendous impact on our field.”
Kalai will be formally presented with the ACM Prize in Computing at the annual ACM Awards Banquet, which will be held this year on Saturday, June 10 at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco.
Yael Tauman Kalai is a Senior Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research and an Adjunct Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Kalai earned a BSc in Mathematics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, an MS in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics from The Weizmann Institute of Science, and a PhD in Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Kalai’s honors include the George M. Sprowls Award for Best Doctoral Thesis in Computer Science (MIT, 2007), an IBM PhD Fellowship (2004-2006), an MIT Presidential Graduate Fellowship (2003-2006), and an Outstanding Master’s Thesis Prize (Weizmann Institute of Science, 2001). She is a Fellow of the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR). Additionally, Kalai gave an Invited Talk at the International Congress of Mathematics (ICM, 2018).
2022 ACM A.M. Turing Award
ACM has named Bob Metcalfe as recipient of the 2022 ACM A.M. Turing Award for the invention, standardization, and commercialization of Ethernet.
Metcalfe is an Emeritus Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at The University of Texas at Austin and a Research Affiliate in Computational Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL).
Invention of The Ethernet
In 1973, while a computer scientist at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), Metcalfe circulated a now-famous memo describing a “broadcast communication network” for connecting some of the first personal computers, PARC’s Altos, within a building. The first Ethernet ran at 2.94 megabits per second, which was about 10,000 times faster than the terminal networks it would replace.
Although Metcalfe’s original design proposed implementing this network over coaxial cable, the memo envisioned “communication over an ether,” making the design adaptable to future innovations in media technology including legacy telephone twisted pair, optical fiber, radio (Wi-Fi), and even power networks, to replace the coaxial cable as the “ether.” That memo laid the groundwork for what we now know today as Ethernet.
Metcalfe’s Ethernet design incorporated insights from his experience with ALOHAnet, a pioneering computer networking system developed at the University of Hawaii. Metcalfe recruited David Boggs (d. 2022), a co-inventor of Ethernet, to help build a 100-node PARC Ethernet. That first Ethernet was then replicated within Xerox to proliferate a corporate internet.
In their classic 1976 Communications of the ACM article, “ Ethernet: Distributed Packet Switching for Local Computer Networks ,” Metcalfe and Boggs described the design of Ethernet. Metcalfe then led a team that developed the 10Mbps Ethernet to form the basis of subsequent standards.
Standardization and Commercialization
After leaving Xerox in 1979, Metcalfe remained the chief evangelist for Ethernet and continued to guide its development while working to ensure industry adoption of an open standard. He led an effort by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), Intel, and Xerox to develop a 10Mbps Ethernet specification—the DIX standard. The IEEE 802 committee was formed to establish a local area network (LAN) standard. A slight variant of DIX became the first IEEE 802.3 standard, which is still vibrant today.
As the founder of his own Silicon Valley Internet startup, 3Com Corporation, in 1979, Metcalfe bolstered the commercial appeal of Ethernet by selling network software, Ethernet transceivers, and Ethernet cards for minicomputers and workstations. When IBM introduced its personal computer (PC), 3Com introduced one of the first Ethernet interfaces for IBM PCs and their proliferating clones.
Today, Ethernet is the main conduit of wired network communications around the world, handling data rates from 10 Mbps to 400 Gbps, with 800 Gbps and 1.6 Tbps technologies emerging. Ethernet has also become an enormous market, with revenue from Ethernet switches alone exceeding $30 billion in 2021, according to the International Data Corporation.
Metcalfe insists on calling Wi-Fi by its original name, Wireless Ethernet, for old times’ sake.
Biographical Background
Robert Melancton Metcalfe is Emeritus Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) after 11 years at The University of Texas at Austin. He has recently become a Research Affiliate in Computational Engineering at his alma mater, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). Metcalfe graduated from MIT in 1969 with Bachelor degrees in Electrical Engineering and Industrial Management. He earned a Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics in 1970 and a PhD in Computer Science in 1973 from Harvard University.
Metcalfe’s honors include the National Medal of Technology, IEEE Medal of Honor, Marconi Prize, Japan Computer & Communications Prize, ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award, and IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal. He is a Fellow of the US National Academy of Engineering, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the National Inventors, Consumer Electronics, and Internet Halls of Fame.
Siddharth Sandipkumar Bhandari Chosen as Recipient of ACM India 2022 Doctoral Dissertation Award
Siddharth Sandipkumar Bhandari is the recipient of the ACM India 2022 Doctoral Dissertation Award for his dissertation titled “Exact Sampling and List Decoding” that develops new techniques and tools in sampling graph colourings and contributes to improved analyses for understanding list-decodability of codes. Siddharth’s doctoral dissertation work was done at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai under the supervision of Prahladh Harsha.
Siddharth’s dissertation makes fundamental contributions to two different areas of theoretical computer science: (a) sampling colourings of graphs and (b) list-decoding error-correcting codes. Sampling a random k-colouring of a given graph is a classic problem in theoretical computer science and statistical physics. The problem of perfect sampling is to construct a polynomial time randomised algorithm that generates a perfect sample from the uniform distribution of k-colourings. Siddharth’s work improves on a two-decade old algorithm for solving this problem using novel techniques that are likely to have wider applicability. In the area of list-decoding, Siddharth’s dissertation focuses on three problems. The first problem is the zero-error capacity of the q/(q 1) channel. Prior work on perfect hashing shows that as the list-size is reduced, the channel capacity decreases from an inverse-polynomial form to an inverse-exponential form, and it has been an open problem to understand where this transition occurs. By showing that the channel follows a coupon-collector like behaviour, Siddharth’s work demonstrates that there is an almost sharp transition near O(q log q). The other two results in this part are related to list-decodability of algebraic codes and lead to a better understanding of the list-decoding of these codes all the way up to capacity.
Pritish Mohapatra shares the Honorable Mention for his dissertation titled “Optimization for and by Machine Learning” that makes significant contributions towards the design of efficient optimization methods for machine learning, including key results for optimizing ranking metrics used in information retrieval systems. Pritish’s doctoral dissertation work was done at International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad under the supervision of C. V. Jawahar.
Pritish’s dissertation addresses the problem of making optimization of complicated loss functions efficient and practical. Specifically, he designs a practically efficient optimization algorithm for a category of non-decomposable ranking metrics that greatly improve the feasibility of using such sophisticated metrics for learning in information retrieval tasks. Pritish also provides a concrete theoretical analysis that proves the superiority of the proposed algorithm for optimization, providing a fine balance between the theoretical soundness and practical utility of the algorithms. Pritish’s work also makes an interesting contribution in the use of the classical optimization technique of partial-linearization for efficient learning of large-scale classification models. This holds special significance for learning of models with structured output spaces. Finally, Pritish’s dissertation contributes to the problem of using learning for optimization. He proposes a novel framework that uses a learnable model for doing rounding for combinatorial optimization algorithms. This is based on a key insight that randomized rounding procedures can be visualized as sampling from latent variable models.
Sruthi Sekar shares the Honorable Mention for her dissertation titled “Near-Optimal Non-Malleable Codes and Leakage Resilient Secret Sharing Schemes” that makes fundamental contributions in our understanding of cryptographic primitives such as non-malleable codes, secret sharing schemes and randomness extractors. Sruthi’s doctoral dissertation work was done at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore under the supervision of Bhavana Kanukurthi.
The goal of non-malleable codes (NMCs) is to enable encoding of messages so that an adversary cannot tamper it into the encoding of a related message. An open problem in this area is to build 1/2-rate NMCs in 2-split state model where a codeword consists of two independently tamperable states. Sruthi’s dissertation makes fundamental contributions to this area. Specifically, she builds on her earlier work to introduce new two-state non-malleable codes for random messages with rate 1/2. This work also introduces a new primitive called "Non-malleable randomness encoders". Her dissertation also shows how to build a near-optimal rate 1/3, 2-state NMC, thereby taking us a step closer to solving the main open problem in this area. In addition, Sruthi’s dissertation introduces a new pseudorandomness primitive called "Adaptive Extractors" and shows their applicability to building constant-rate leakage resilient secret sharing schemes.
Deepika Yadav shares the Honorable Mention for her dissertation titled “Supporting Ongoing Training of Community Health Workers through Mobile-based Solutions in Rural India” that combines the knowledge of Computer System research and HCI to produce systems that are deployed in fields. Her work resulted in deployment of a mobile based training platform for ASHA workers that has been used to train hundreds of ASHA workers. Deepika’s doctoral dissertation work was done at Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi under the supervision of Pushpendra Singh.
Deepika’s dissertation develops a low-cost mobile-based training platform called “Sangosthi” that allows a geographically distributed group of community health workers (CHWs) to connect over a conference call and receive training in a structured manner. The developed system uses a hybrid architecture to use Interactive Voice Response for facilitating online audio training sessions, enabling CHWs to access training from anywhere through their feature phones. Her work contributes to (i) testing the feasibility and efficacy of a low-cost technology intervention through a controlled field experiment (ii) unpacking the training needs of CHWs in the field and mapping it back to the existing reference material through a large-scale deployment on 500 CHWs, (iii) investigating the potential for peer-to-peer learning models to address the challenge of experts’ availability through a controlled field experiment, and (iv) exploring the potential for automated techniques in this domain by proposing a semi-automated natural language processing approach for curating generated learning content and exposing CHWs and women to Chatbot-based education for the first time. By using a range of mixed methods and field experiments, Deepika’s dissertation expands the focus of HCI4D and mHealth research on CHW competence development in low-resource settings.
The ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award was established in 2011. This award recognizes the best doctoral dissertation from a degree-awarding institution based in India for each academic year, running from August 1 of one year to July 31 of the following year. The ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award is accompanied by a prize of ₹2,00,000. An Honorable Mention award is accompanied by a prize of ₹1,00,000 which is shared amongst the recipients. The dissertation(s) will be published in the ACM Digital Library. Financial support for both the award and honorable mention is provided by Tata Consultancy Services (TCS). Please see the ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award page for additional information on current and past winners.
ACM Awards by Category
Career-Long Contributions
Early-to-Mid-Career Contributions
Specific Types of Contributions
ACM Charles P. "Chuck" Thacker Breakthrough in Computing Award
ACM Eugene L. Lawler Award for Humanitarian Contributions within Computer Science and Informatics
ACM Frances E. Allen Award for Outstanding Mentoring
ACM Gordon Bell Prize
ACM Gordon Bell Prize for Climate Modeling
ACM Luiz André Barroso Award
ACM Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award
ACM Paris Kanellakis Theory and Practice Award
ACM Policy Award
ACM Presidential Award
ACM Software System Award
ACM Athena Lecturer Award
ACM AAAI Allen Newell Award
ACM-IEEE CS Eckert-Mauchly Award
ACM-IEEE CS Ken Kennedy Award
Outstanding Contribution to ACM Award
SIAM/ACM Prize in Computational Science and Engineering
ACM Programming Systems and Languages Paper Award -
Student Contributions
Regional Awards
ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award
ACM India Early Career Researcher Award
ACM India Outstanding Contributions in Computing by a Woman Award
ACM India Outstanding Contribution to Computing Education Award
IPSJ/ACM Award for Early Career Contributions to Global Research
CCF-ACM Award for Artificial Intelligence -
SIG Awards
How Awards Are Proposed
Andrew Barto and Richard Sutton Receive 2024 ACM A.M. Turing Award
Andrew G. Barto and Richard S. Sutton received the 2024 ACM A.M. Turing Award for deve loping the conceptual and algorithmic foundations of reinforcement learning. In a series of papers beginning in the 1980s, Barto and Sutton introduced the main ideas, constructed the mathematical foundations, and developed important algorithms for reinforcement learning—one of the most important approaches for creating intelligent systems. Barto is Professor Emeritus of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Sutton is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Alberta, a Research Scientist at Keen Technologies, and a Fellow at Amii (Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute).
ACM Names 2024 Distinguished Members
ACM has named 56 Distinguished Members for outstanding contributions to the field. All 2024 inductees are longstanding ACM members and were selected by their peers for significant technical achievements as well as volunteer service to their professional community. The ACM Distinguished Member program recognizes up to 10 percent of ACM worldwide membership based on professional experience and significant achievements in computing.
ACM Names 2024 Fellows
ACM has named 55 members ACM Fellows for significant contributions in areas including computer graphics, cybersecurity, human-computer interaction, data management, machine learning, artificial intelligence, algorithms, visualization, and many more. The ACM Fellows program recognizes the top 1% of ACM Members for their outstanding accomplishments in computing and information technology and/or outstanding service to ACM and the larger computing community.
David A. Padua Recognized with Ken Kennedy Award
ACM has named David A. Padua, Donald Biggar Willett Professor Emeritus of Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, the recipient of the 2024 ACM-IEEE CS Ken Kennedy Award. The Ken Kennedy Award recognizes groundbreaking achievements in parallel and high performance computing. Padua is cited for innovative and usable contributions to the theory and practice of parallel compilation and tools, as well as service to the computing community. The award will be formally presented at The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC24).
ACM Announces 2024 ACM-IEEE CS George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship Recipients
Ke Fan of the University of Illinois at Chicago and Daniel Nichols of the University of Maryland are the 2024 ACM-IEEE CS George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship recipients.The George Michael Memorial Fellowship honors exceptional PhD students throughout the world whose research focus is high-performance computing (HPC) applications, networking, storage, or large-scale data analytics. The Fellowships will be formally presented at the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC24) in November.
Wen-mei Hwu Receives 2024 Eckert-Mauchly Award
Wen-mei Hwu, a Senior Distinguished Research Scientist at NVIDIA and Professor Emeritus at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, is the recipient of the ACM-IEEE CS Eckert-Mauchly Award. Hwu is recognized for pioneering and foundational contributions to the design and adoption of multiple generations of processor architectures. His fundamental and pioneering contributions have had a broad impact on three generations of processor architectures: superscalar, VLIW, and throughput-oriented manycore processors (GPUs).
Prateek Mittal Receives ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award
Prateek Mittal, Princeton University, is the recipient of the 2023 ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award for foundational contributions to safeguarding Internet privacy and security using a cross-layer approach. The unifying theme in Mittal’s research is to leverage foundational techniques from network science, comprising graph-theoretical mechanics, data mining, and inferential modeling for tackling privacy and security challenges. Taken together, his contributions are impacting the privacy and integrity of global commerce, financial services, online healthcare, and everyday communications.
Software System Award Goes to Andrew S. Tanenbaum for MINIX
Andrew S. Tanenbaum receives the ACM Software System Award for MINIX, which influenced the teaching of Operating Systems principles to multiple generations of students and contributed to the design of widely used operating systems, including Linux. MINIX was a small microkernel-based UNIX operating system for the IBM PC, which was popular at the time. It was roughly 12,000 lines of code, and in addition to the microkernel, included a memory manager, file system and core UNIX utility programs. It became free open-source software in 2000.
Contributors to Algorithm Engineering Receive Kanellakis Award
Guy E. Blelloch, Carnegie Mellon University; Laxman Dhulipala, University of Maryland; and Julian Shun, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, receive the ACM Paris Kanellakis Theory and Practice Award for contributions to algorithm engineering, including the Ligra, GBBS, and Aspen frameworks which revolutionized large-scale graph processing on shared-memory machines. They have obtained many truly outstanding results in which their provably efficient algorithms running on an inexpensive multi-core shared-memory machine are faster than any prior algorithms, even those running on much bigger and more expensive machines.
ACM, AAAI Recognize David Blei for Significant Contributions to Machine Learning
David Blei of Columbia University receives the ACM - AAAI Allen Newell Award. Blei is recognized for significant contributions to machine learning, information retrieval, and statistics. His signature accomplishment is in the machine learning area of “topic modeling", which he pioneered in the foundational paper “Latent Dirichlet Allocation” (LDA). The applications of topic modelling can be found throughout the social, physical, and biological sciences, in areas such as medicine, finance, political science, commerce, and the digital humanities.
Doctoral Dissertation Award Recognizes Young Researchers
Nivedita Arora is the recipient of the ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award for demonstrating wireless and batteryless sensor nodes using novel materials and radio backscatter in her dissertation “Sustainable Interactive Wireless Stickers: From Materials to Devices to Applications.” Honorable Mentions for the ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award go to Gabriele Farina, whose PhD was earned at Carnegie Mellon University, for his dissertation “Game-Theoretic Decision Making in Imperfect-Information Games”; and William Kuszmaul, whose PhD was earned at MIT, for his dissertation “Randomized Data Structures: New Perspectives and Hidden Surprises.”
Karlstrom Educator Award Goes to Alicia Nicki Washington and Shaundra Daily
Alicia Nicki Washington, Professor, Duke University and Shaundra Daily, Professor, Duke University receive the Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award for their work towards changing the national computing education system to be more equitable and to combat unjust impacts of computing on society. Washington and Daily have had a critical, wide-reaching impact on educating the broader community through a novel course, a popular training program, and a national alliance.
ACM Honors John M. Abowd with Policy Award
John M. Abowd, Professor Emeritus, Cornell University, and Chief Scientist, United States Census Bureau (retired), receives the ACM Policy Award for transformative work in modernizing the US Census Bureau’s processing and dissemination of census and survey data, which serves as a model for privacy-aware management of government collected data. Abowd’s work has transformed the government’s capacity to improve the accuracy and availability of vital statistical and data resources, while at the same time, enhancing citizens’ privacy.
ACM Recognizes Jack W. Davidson for Outstanding Contributions
Jack W. Davidson, Professor, University of Virginia, receives the Outstanding Contribution to ACM Award for leadership in and contributions to ACM’s Publications Program. Davidson served as Co-Chair of the ACM Publications Board from 2010 through 2021 and has been the founding chair of the ACM Digital Library Board since 2021. In those roles, he has led several key efforts of paramount importance to ACM, its membership, and the computing community.
ACM Honors Aidong Zhang with Distinguished Service Award
Aidong Zhang, Thomas M. Linville Professor, University of Virginia, receives the ACM Distinguished Service Award for her impactful leadership and lasting service to the broad communities of bioinformatics, computational biology, and data mining. As an ACM member for 29 years, Zhang has devoted tremendous efforts to serving her research community. Beyond ACM, Zhang’s numerous contributions to the field have included being selected by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to be a Program Director managing federal investments in several computing-related areas from 2015-2018.
ACM President Honors Anand Deshpande With 2023 Presidential Award
ACM President Yannis Ioannidis has recognized Anand Deshpande, Managing Director, Persistent Systems, with the ACM Presidential Award for long-standing contributions to the broader computing community and to ACM. Deshpande has been a major asset of the computing ecosystem of India, having a tangible, technological, economic, and intellectual impact in his country. He has made significant contributions to the local innovation and educational environments through think tanks and professional support foundations, but has also contributed to technology policy issues, advising the Indian government on critical topics.
ACM President Honors M. Tamer Özsu With 2023 Presidential Award
ACM President Yannis Ioannidis has recognized M. Tamer Özsu, Professor, University of Waterloo with the ACM Presidential Award for long-standing contributions to the broader computing community and to ACM. Özsu is known for his research work on large-scale distributed data management and his emphasis on system building targeting grand societal challenges. In addition, Özsu has truly dedicated himself to the education of the younger generation, nurturing and inspiring young researchers and practitioners.
Margaret Martonosi Receives 2023 ACM Fran Allen Award
ACM named Princeton University's Margaret Martonosi the recipient of the ACM Frances E. Allen Award for Outstanding Mentoring. Martonosi is recognized for outstanding and far-reaching mentoring at Princeton University, in computer architecture, and to the broader computer science community. Martonosi, the Hugh Trumbull Adams ’35 Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University, is a leader in the design, modeling, and verification of power efficient computer architecture. She also recently served as the National Science Foundation Assistant Director leading the Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering.
ACM Names Maja Matarić 2024-2025 Athena Lecturer
ACM has named Maja Matarić, the Chan Soon-Shiong Chair and Distinguished Professor of Computer Science at the University of Southern California, as the 2024-2025 ACM Athena Lecturer. Matarić is recognized for pioneering the field of socially assistive robotics, including groundbreaking research, evaluation, and technology transfer, and foundational work in multi-robot coordination and human-robot interaction. Matarić is also the founding director of the USC Robotics and Autonomous Systems Center, and a Principal Scientist at Google DeepMind.
ACM, CSTA Announce Cutler-Bell Prize Student Recipients
ACM and the Computer Science Teachers Association have announced the 2023-2024 recipients of the ACM/CSTA Cutler-Bell Prize in High School Computing. The award recognizes computer science talent in high school students and comes with a $10,000 prize, which they will receive at CSTA's annual conference in July. The recipients are Shobhit Agarwal, Reedy High School, Frisco, Texas; Franziska Borneff, Hidden Valley High School, Cave Spring, Virginia; Daniel Mathew, Poolesville High School, Poolesville, Maryland; and Kosha Upadhyay, Bellevue High School, Bellevue, Washington
Amanda Randles Receives 2023 ACM Prize in Computing
ACM has named Amanda Randles, Alfred Winborne and Victoria Stover Mordecai Associate Professor of Biomedical Sciences at Duke University, the recipient of the 2023 ACM Prize in Computing for groundbreaking contributions to computational health through innovative algorithms, tools, and high-performance computing methods for diagnosing and treating a variety of human diseases. She is known for developing new computational tools to harness the world’s most powerful supercomputers to create highly precise simulations of biophysical processes.
2023 Gordon Bell Climate Modelling Prize Awarded
A 19-member research team was awarded the ACM Gordon Bell Prize for Climate Modelling for their project, "The Simple Cloud-Resolving E3SM Atmosphere Model Running on the Frontier Exascale System,” proving that by using exascale supercomputers along with a new algorithmic model they have introduced, the longstanding challenge of developing efficient and accurate simulations of deep convective clouds can be accomplished. The award was bestowed during the SC23 conference.
2023 Gordon Bell Prize Awarded
An eight-member team drawn from American and Indian institutions was named the winner of the 2023 ACM Gordon Bell Prize for the project, “Large-Scale Materials Modeling at Quantum Accuracy: Ab Initio Simulations of Quasicrystals and Interacting Extended Defects in Metallic Alloys,” which presented a framework that combines the accuracy provided by QMB methods with the efficiency of Density-Functional Theory (DFT) to access larger length scales at quantum accuracy. The award was bestowed during the SC23 conference.
Jelani Nelson Receives 2022 ACM Eugene L. Lawler Award
Jelani Nelson, Professor, University of California, Berkeley, receives the ACM Eugene L. Lawler Award for Humanitarian Contributions Within Computer Science and Informatics for founding and developing AddisCoder, a nonprofit organization which teaches programming to underserved students from all over Ethiopia. AddisCoder has led many students to higher education and successful careers. Nelson has not only been an AddisCoder instructor himself, but he has recruited a large team of teachers and raised money from government, industry, and academic institutions to fund the initiative.
ACM Breakthrough in Computing Award Goes to David Papworth
ACM has named David B. Papworth, formerly of Intel (retired), as the recipient of the ACM Charles P. “Chuck” Thacker Breakthrough in Computing Award. Papworth is recognized for fundamental groundbreaking contributions to Intel’s P6 out-of-order engine and Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) processors. Papworth was a lead designer of the Intel P6 (sold commercially as the Pentium Pro) microprocessor, which was a major advancement over the existing state-of-the-art, not just for Intel but for the broader computer design community.
List of ACM Awards
Career-Long Contributions
Early-to-Mid-Career Contributions
Specific Types of Contributions
ACM Charles P. "Chuck" Thacker Breakthrough in Computing Award
ACM Eugene L. Lawler Award for Humanitarian Contributions within Computer Science and Informatics
ACM Frances E. Allen Award for Outstanding Mentoring
ACM Gordon Bell Prize
ACM Gordon Bell Prize for Climate Modeling
ACM Luiz André Barroso Award
ACM Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award
ACM Paris Kanellakis Theory and Practice Award
ACM Policy Award
ACM Presidential Award
ACM Software System Award
ACM Athena Lecturer Award
ACM AAAI Allen Newell Award
ACM-IEEE CS Eckert-Mauchly Award
ACM-IEEE CS Ken Kennedy Award
Outstanding Contribution to ACM Award
SIAM/ACM Prize in Computational Science and Engineering
ACM Programming Systems and Languages Paper Award -
Student Contributions
Regional Awards
ACM India Doctoral Dissertation Award
ACM India Early Career Researcher Award
ACM India Outstanding Contributions in Computing by a Woman Award
ACM India Outstanding Contribution to Computing Education Award
IPSJ/ACM Award for Early Career Contributions to Global Research
CCF-ACM Award for Artificial Intelligence -
SIG Awards
How Awards Are Proposed