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Index to OEIS: Section Gra
Index to OEIS: Section Gra
- This is a section of the Index to the OEIS®.
- For further information see the main Index to OEIS page.
- Please read Index: Instructions For Updating Index to OEIS before making changes to this page.
- If you did not find what you were looking for in this Index, you can always search the database for a particular word or phrase.
- Full list of sections:
[ Aa | Ab | Al | Am | Ap | Ar | Ba | Be | Bi | Bl | Bo | Br | Ca | Ce | Ch | Cl | Coa | Coi | Com | Con | Cor | Cu | Cy | Da | De | Di | Do | Ea | Ed | El | Eu | Fa | Fe | Fi | Fo | Fu | Ga | Ge | Go | Gra | Gre | Ha | He | Ho | Ia | In | J | K | La | Lc | Li | Lo | Lu | M | Mag | Map | Mat | Me | Mo | Mu | N | Na | Ne | Ni | No | Nu | O | Pac | Par | Pas | Pea | Per | Ph | Poi | Pol | Pos | Pow | Pra | Pri | Pro | Ps | Qua | Que | Ra | Rea | Rel | Res | Ro | Ru | Sa | Se | Si | Sk | So | Sp | Sq | St | Su | Sw | Ta | Te | Th | To | Tra | Tri | Tu | U | V | Wa | We | Wi | X | Y | Z | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]
graceful: see graphs, graceful
Graham, Ron's sequence: A006255, A066400, A066401
Gram points: A002505
grandchildren of a binary vector: A057606, A057607, A000124
graph reconstruction problem: A006652, A006653, A006654, A006655
- graphical partitions: A000569, A001130, A004250, A004251, A007721, A007722, A029889, A029890, A029891, A029892, A029893, A029894
- graphs : A000088* (unlabeled), A008406* (unlabeled); A006125* (labeled), A000664, A006896, A006897, A007111, A008406
- graphs, 2-connected: A002218*, A021103*
- graphs, 3-connected, planar: A000109*, A049337*, A000944*, A005645*, A002880*
- graphs, 3-connected, planar: see also A006445, A007083, A007084, A007085, A047051
- graphs, 3-connected: A006290*, A052444*, A005644*, A007100*
- graphs, 4-valent: A005815, A005816
- graphs, acyclic directed: A003087* (labeled), A003024 (labeled)
- graphs, asymmetric: A003400
- Graphs, balanced, A005194, A005193
- Graphs, bicolored, A007140, A007139
- graphs, biconnected: see graphs, 2-connected
- Graphs, bipartite, A006823, A006612, A005142*, A004100, A001832, A006824, A006825, A006714
- graphs, bipartite, by number of edges: A000217, A050534, A053526, A053527, A053528
- graphs, bipartite: A033995*, A005142* (connected)
- graphs, blocks: see graphs, nonseparable
- graphs, bridgeless: A007146*, A007145
- graphs, broadcast: A007192
- Graphs, by cliques, A005289
- Graphs, by cutting center, A002887
- graphs, by girth: (1) A000066, A006787, A006856, A006923, A006924, A006925, A006926, A006927, A014371, A014372, A014374, A014375
- graphs, by girth: (2) A014376, A033886, A037233, A054760, A058275, A058276, A058343, A058348, A159847
- graphs, by numbers of nodes and edges: A008406
- graphs, cage: A052453, A052454
- graphs, Cayley: A000022, A000200, A006792, A006793, A049287, A049289, A049297, A049309
- graphs, chordal: A007134*, A058862*
- graphs, claw-free: A022562* (connected), A022563, A022564
- Graphs, colored, A002027, A002031, A002032, A002028, A000684, A002029, A002030, A000685, A005333, A000683, A000686, A006201, A005334, A006202
- graphs, common symbols for: C_n: The cycle graph on n vertices
- graphs, common symbols for: D_4: The graph on 4 vertices with the edges {1,2}, {1,3}, {2,3} and {1,4}
- graphs, common symbols for: K_n: The complete graph on n vertices
- graphs, common symbols for: O_5: The K_5 graph with one edge removed
- graphs, common symbols for: O_6: The octahedral graph
- graphs, common symbols for: P_n: The path graph on n vertices
- graphs, common symbols for: S_4: The star (or complete bipartite) graph on 4 vertices with the edges {1,2}, {1,3} and {1,4}
- graphs, common symbols for: S_5: The star (or complete bipartite) graph on 5 vertices
- graphs, common symbols for: W_4: The graph on 4 vertices with the edges {1,2}, {1,3}, {2,3}, {2,4} and {3,4}
- graphs, common symbols for: W_5: The graph on 5 vertices with the edges {1,2}, {1,3}, {1,4}, {1,5}, {2,3}, {2,5}, {3,4} and {4,5}
- Graphs, complete, A000933, A000241, A007333, A006600
- Graphs, complexity of, A006237, A006235
- graphs, connected : A001349* (unlabeled), A054923*, A046742* (unlabeled); A001187* (labeled); A003094* (planar)
- graphs, connected : table of by numbers of edges and nodes: A046742*, A054923*
- graphs, connected labeled, with n edges and n+k nodes for k=0..8: A057500, A061540, A061541, A061542, A061543, A096117, A061544, A096150, and A096224
- graphs, connected regular, see graphs, regular connected
- Graphs, connected, A005703, A001429, A001437, A005636, A002905, A000226, A004108, A006290, A007112, A000368, A001436, A001435, A001866
- graphs, connected, by number of edges: A002905*, A046091 (connected planar), A066951
- graphs, crossing number of: see crossing numbers of graphs
- graphs, cubic: see graphs, trivalent
- Graphs, cutting numbers of, A002888
- Graphs, cycle, A007389, A007388, A007387, A007391, A007390, A007392, A007393, A007394
- Graphs, cycles in, A006184
- Graphs, de Bruijn, A006946
- Graphs, degree sequences of, A005155
- graphs, directed, see digraphs
- Graphs, disconnected, A000719
- Graphs, Euler, A002854
- Graphs, Eulerian, A007124, A007127, A007128, A007131, A007132, A007129, A007125, A005143, A007081, A005780, A003049, A007126, A007130, A007133
- graphs, even: A001188*
- graphs, functional: A001373
- graphs, genus of: A000933
- graphs, girth of: A000066, A006787, A006856, A006923, A006924, A006925, A006926, A006927, A014371, A014372, A014374, A014375
- graphs, graceful: A004137, A005488, A006967, A033472
- graphs, Hamiltonian cycles or paths on square grid: A003763*, A120443, A140519, A140521, A209077, A096969, A096970, A143246, A158651, A181584, A222065, A222200, A222201
- graphs, Hamiltonian cycles or paths on triangular grid: A112675, A112676
- graphs, Hamiltonian cycles or paths on other grids: A137891, A014523, A014524, A014584, A014585, A160149, A180504, A193346, A222195-A222197
- graphs, Hamiltonian: A000103, A000264, A000356, A001186, A001906, A003042, A003043, A003122, A003123, A003216, A003435, A003436
- A003437, A005144, A005389, A005390, A005391, A005979, A006069, A006070, A006791, A006795, A006796, A006797
- A006798, A006864, A006865, A007030, A007031, A007032, A007033, A007035, A007036, A007083, A007084, A007085
- A022564, A027362, A031878, A049366, A057112, A060135, A063546, A066037, A091302, A159344
- graphs, Hamiltonian, on the n-cube: see also Gray codes
- graphs, Hamiltonian: see also rook tours
- Graphs, independence number of : A006946
- graphs, independent sets in: A007386, A007385, A007384, A007391, A007383, A007382, A007390, A007392, A007393, A007394
- graphs, inseparable: see graphs, nonseparable
- graphs, interval: A005217, A007123, A005975, A007122, A005219, A005976, A005977, A005215, A005218, A005978, A005974, A005216, A005973
- graphs, interval: see also interval graphs
- graphs, irreducible: A005643
- graphs, K_4-free: A052450, A052451
- graphs, least number of edges in: A004401
- graphs, line: A003089
- graphs, mating: A006024
- graphs, misleading: see deceptive plots
- graphs, Moore: A005007*
- graphs, nonseparable (or blocks): A002218*, A003317*, A004115*, A013922*, A001072, A054316, A054317, A006290
- Graphs, of maximal intersecting sets, A007007, A007008, A007006
- Graphs, oriented, A002785, A005639, A007081, A007110, A007109
- Graphs, partition, A007269, A007268
- Graphs, path, A007381, A007380, A007386, A007385, A007384, A007383, A007382
- graphs, perfect: A052431*, A052433
- Graphs, planar, A006401, A006400, A003094, A006791, A003055, A006395, A006394, A005964
- graphs, planar: A002841 (self-dual)
- graphs, planar: A005470* (unlabeled), A066537* (labeled), A096332* (connected labeled)
- graphs, planar: A049334* and A003094* (connected), A049336* and A021103* (2-connected), A049337* and A000944* (3-connected)
- graphs, planar: see also A007083, A007084, A007085, A034889
- graphs, planar: see also maps, planar
- graphs, planar vs plane: some authors make a distinction between "plane", meaning embedded in the plane with a distinguished exterior region, and "planar", meaning embedded in the sphere (with no distinguished region). However, this distinction is not used in the OEIS.
- graphs, pointed: see graphs, rooted
- Graphs, polygonal, A002560
- Graphs, polyhedral, A007026, A002840, A007024, A006866, A007029, A006867, A006869, A000287, A007027, A007025, A007028
- Graphs, radius of, A007008
- graphs, regular connected, of degree k: A002851 (k=3); A006820 (k=4); A006821 (k=5); A006822 (k=6); A014377 (k=7); A014378 (k=8); A014381 (k=9); A014382 (k=10); A014384 (k=11)
- Graphs, regular, A005176, A005177, A006820, A006821, A006822
- graphs, rooted, triangle of: A070166
- graphs, see also: 1-factorizationsttice
- graphs, see also: A000717, A003083, A004252, A005273, A005274, A005275, A007149
- graphs, self-complementary, A000171, A002785
- graphs, self-converse, A005639
- graphs, self-dual: A002841, A004104
- graphs, series-parallel: see series-parallel networks
- graphs, series-reduced, A003514, A002935, A006289, A003515
- graphs, signed ~: A004104, A004102
- graphs, spectra of: A006608
- graphs, splittance of: A007183
- graphs, squarefree: A006786, A006855
- graphs, stable: A006545
- graphs, star: A002935
- graphs, Steinhaus: A003660, A003661
- graphs, tensor sum of: A006237
- graphs, transitive: A006799*, A006800
- graphs, triangle of numbers of, connected, unlabeled: A054924*, A046751, A076263, A054923, A046742
- graphs, triangle-free: A006785, A006903
- graphs, triangle: A000080*
- graphs, triangles in: A006600
- graphs, triangulated: A007134*
- graphs, trivalent: A005638*, A002851* (connected), A032355* (transitive), A059282* (symmetric)
- graphs, unicyclic: A006545
- graphs, valence of: A007007
- graphs, vertex-degree sequences of: A006869
- graphs, vertex-transitive: A006792, A006793
- graphs, with loops, triangle of: A070166
- graphs, with n nodes and n-k edges: A001434, A001433, A001430, A001431, A001432, A000717, A048179, A008406
- graphs, with no isolated vertices: A006648, A006649, A002494, A006647, A006651, A006650
- graphs, without endpoints: A004110
- graphs, without points of degree 2: A005637
- graphs: see also tournaments
graphs (or plots) , sequences with interesting:
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: air battle: A265910
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: alternating runs: A005132, A108620, A274647
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: arabesques: A161924, A286343
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: bats: A140263, A262895
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: beach: A260643, A281511, A284916, A284918, A285490, A285491, A285492, A285493, A285494
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: bizarre: A276457, A276769
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: blancmange curves: A004074, A233270, A249071
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: bounces: A162499, A227543, A265891, A265894
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: brick wall: A306352
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: burning: A071651, A109852
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: carpets: A056539, A059893, A059894, A081241, A129594, A234024
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: castle: A338828
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: cathedrals: A000119, A002487, A262097
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: caves: A246684
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: chaotic line: A072203, A163360, A010062 (see plots in Links section)
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: cliff erosion: A265896
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: cracked glass: A160855
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: cypresses, firs or junipers: A227184, A243499
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: D-Day: A285699
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: EKG: A064413 (see plots in Links section)
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: face (or profile): A118131
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: feather: A285687
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: fire, flames: A161511, A178609, A227183, A253563, A253565
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: flock of starlings: A229037
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: forest fire: A131813, A137655
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: fractal froth, curtain or shower: A135141, A237427, A243287, A245701, A245704
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: fuzzy: A173822, A173823, A175500, A225985
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: grass in a storm: A071168
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: hurricane: A005245, A032447, A059686, A141095
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: icicles: A075383, A113552
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: insect mandible: A281488
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: lacework: A003987, A105726, A265432
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: mountains: A249814, A279125
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: multiple lines: A064413, A106001, A133182, A173821, A153212, A122111
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: paint sprayer: A279818, A300813
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: pillars of rock: A227355, A246207, A252755
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: pollution: A246363, A284478
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: pyramids: A091926
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: ribbon: A055748
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: series of arcs: A262744
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: single line: A006886, A179243, A116700, A232221, A224853, A225571
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: steam: A032523, A051027, A064809, A072871, A114183, A226483
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: storm: A212410, A212737, A263275
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: street plan: A160855
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: tall tree: A261422
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: twisted: A285487, A288164, A288171, A288921, A288923
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: vessels: A004488, A048647, A048724, A140266, A163327
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: waves: A218789
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: wood grain: A071089, A245340, A247824
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: 2 irregular lines: A276638
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: 2 lines: A127202, A280985
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: 3 lines: A064413
- graphs (or plots), sequences with interesting: (Needs a name!): A119436, A286321
- graphs (or plots), two-sequence plots: see Plot 2, Plot pairs of sequences
grasshopper sequence: A007319
- Gray codes: A003042, A003043, A006069, A006070, A091299, A091302, A066037
- Gray codes: A005811, A003188, A014550, A006068
- Gray codes, decimal: A003100-A174025, A098488-A226134
- Gray codes, ternary: A105530-A105529, A128173
- Gray codes: see also bell ringing
- This is a section of the Index to the OEIS®.
- For further information see the main Index to OEIS page.
- Please read Index: Instructions For Updating Index to OEIS before making changes to this page.
- If you did not find what you were looking for in this Index, you can always search the database for a particular word or phrase.
- Full list of sections:
[ Aa | Ab | Al | Am | Ap | Ar | Ba | Be | Bi | Bl | Bo | Br | Ca | Ce | Ch | Cl | Coa | Coi | Com | Con | Cor | Cu | Cy | Da | De | Di | Do | Ea | Ed | El | Eu | Fa | Fe | Fi | Fo | Fu | Ga | Ge | Go | Gra | Gre | Ha | He | Ho | Ia | In | J | K | La | Lc | Li | Lo | Lu | M | Mag | Map | Mat | Me | Mo | Mu | N | Na | Ne | Ni | No | Nu | O | Pac | Par | Pas | Pea | Per | Ph | Poi | Pol | Pos | Pow | Pra | Pri | Pro | Ps | Qua | Que | Ra | Rea | Rel | Res | Ro | Ru | Sa | Se | Si | Sk | So | Sp | Sq | St | Su | Sw | Ta | Te | Th | To | Tra | Tri | Tu | U | V | Wa | We | Wi | X | Y | Z | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]