Displaying 1-6 of 6 results found.
Primes p such that both p-2 and p+2 are not squarefree.
2, 47, 173, 277, 727, 839, 929, 1181, 1423, 1447, 1523, 1627, 1811, 1847, 1861, 1973, 2207, 2297, 2423, 2693, 3323, 3701, 3719, 3877, 4327, 4363, 4457, 4673, 4691, 4903, 5227, 5573, 5821, 5927, 6173, 6221, 6323, 6473, 6577, 6653, 7027, 7103, 7477, 7823
lst={}; Do[p=Prime[n]; If[ !SquareFreeQ[p-2]&&!SquareFreeQ[p+2], AppendTo[lst, p]], {n, 7!}]; lst
Primes of the form 2*p+1 where p is prime and p+1 is squarefree.
5, 11, 59, 83, 227, 347, 563, 1019, 1283, 1307, 1523, 2459, 2579, 2819, 2963, 3803, 3947, 4259, 4547, 5387, 5483, 6779, 6827, 7187, 8147, 9587, 10667, 10883, 11003, 12107, 12227, 12539, 12659, 13043, 13163, 14243, 14387, 15683, 16139, 16187
For p = 2 (the only case with p+1 odd), 2*p+1 = 5 is prime and p+1 = 3 is squarefree, so 5 is in the sequence. For p = 3, 2*p+1 = 7 is prime and p+1 = 4 is not squarefree, so 7 is not in the sequence.
lst = {}; Do[p = Prime[n]; If[PrimeQ[Floor[p/2]] && SquareFreeQ[Ceiling[p/2]], AppendTo[lst, p]], {n, 7!}]; lst
Select[2#+1&/@Select[Prime[Range[2000]], SquareFreeQ[#+1]&], PrimeQ] (* Harvey P. Dale, Aug 02 2024 *)
(Magma) [ q: p in PrimesUpTo(8100) | IsSquarefree(p+1) and IsPrime(q) where q is 2*p+1 ];
Primes of the form 2*p+1 where p is prime and p+1 is not squarefree.
7, 23, 47, 107, 167, 179, 263, 359, 383, 467, 479, 503, 587, 719, 839, 863, 887, 983, 1187, 1319, 1367, 1439, 1487, 1619, 1823, 1907, 2027, 2039, 2063, 2099, 2207, 2447, 2879, 2903, 2999, 3023, 3119, 3167, 3203, 3467, 3623, 3779, 3863, 4007, 4079, 4127
For p = 2 (the only case with p+1 odd), 2*p+1 = 5 is prime but p+1 = 3 is squarefree, so 5 is not in the sequence. For p = 3, 2*p+1 = 7 is prime and p+1 = 4 is not squarefree, so 7 is in the sequence.
lst = {}; Do[p = Prime[n]; If[PrimeQ[Floor[p/2]] && !SquareFreeQ[Ceiling[p/2]], AppendTo[lst, p]], {n, 7!}]; lst
2#+1&/@Select[Prime[Range[400]], !SquareFreeQ[#+1]&&PrimeQ[2#+1]&] (* Harvey P. Dale, Mar 17 2019 *)
(Magma) [ q: p in PrimesUpTo(2100) | not IsSquarefree(p+1) and IsPrime(q) where q is 2*p+1 ];
Primes of the form 2*p-1 where p is prime and p-1 is squarefree.
3, 5, 13, 61, 157, 277, 421, 661, 733, 877, 997, 1093, 1213, 1237, 1381, 1933, 2797, 3253, 3517, 3733, 4021, 4261, 4621, 5413, 6037, 6133, 6637, 6781, 6997, 7213, 7477, 7933, 8053, 8221, 9013, 9133, 9277, 9661, 10357, 10453, 10861, 10957, 11317, 11677
For p = 2 (the only case with p-1 odd), 2*p-1 = 3 is prime and p-1 = 1 is squarefree, so 3 is in the sequence. For p = 19, 2*p-1 = 37 is prime and p-1 = 18 is not squarefree, so 37 is not in the sequence.
lst={}; Do[p = Prime[n]; If[SquareFreeQ[Floor[p/2]] && PrimeQ[Ceiling[p/2]], AppendTo[lst, p]], {n, 7!}]; lst
(Magma) [ q: p in PrimesUpTo(5900) | IsSquarefree(p-1) and IsPrime(q) where q is 2*p-1 ];
Primes p such that none of p-2, p-1, p+1, and p+2 is squarefree.
727, 1423, 1861, 3719, 6173, 9749, 11321, 13183, 19073, 20873, 23227, 23473, 23827, 26981, 27883, 34351, 35323, 41263, 42677, 44449, 45127, 45523, 47527, 48751, 49727, 52391, 53623, 53849, 68749, 71993, 72559, 78823, 83609, 89227, 92779
<< NumberTheory`NumberTheoryFunctions` lst={}; Do[p=Prime[n]; If[ !SquareFreeQ[p-1]&&!SquareFreeQ[p+1]&&!SquareFreeQ[p-2]&&!SquareFreeQ[p+2], AppendTo[lst, p]], {n, 4*7!}]; lst
Primes p such that p+-2 and p+-3 are not squarefree.
47, 1447, 1847, 3701, 6653, 11273, 14947, 15727, 17053, 18493, 21661, 24923, 26647, 29153, 32789, 33023, 38873, 39323, 42437, 42923, 44053, 47527, 47977, 49853, 52027, 52153, 56747, 56873, 59929, 71147, 74189, 79427, 80953, 99277, 99713
lst={}; Do[p=Prime[n]; If[ !SquareFreeQ[p-2]&&!SquareFreeQ[p+2]&&!SquareFreeQ[p-3]&&!SquareFreeQ[p+3], AppendTo[lst, p]], {n, 3*7!}]; lst
Select[Prime[Range[10000]], NoneTrue[#+{-3, -2, 2, 3}, SquareFreeQ]&] (* Requires Mathematica version 10 or later *) (* Harvey P. Dale, Aug 27 2019 *)
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