%I #12 Aug 09 2014 23:03:39
%S 683,51828151,57154490053,128011456717,39700406579747,60867245726761,
%T 135938684703251,2681921038140191,825977153711699903,
%U 2411248431216834661,38518333422551932951,161352769633614478921,4679818035765747188623,10926823630072049689441,13158906479414390795167
%N Primes of the form m^10 - m^9 + m^8 - m^7 + m^6 - m^5 + m^4 - m^3 + m^2 - m + 1.
%C All the terms in this sequence are primes, but none are congruent to 9 mod 10.
%C The value of first few m's corresponding to primes listed in data section are: 2, 6, 12, 13, 23, 24, 26, 35, 62, 69, 91, 105, 147, 160, 163, 183, 185, 193... 469, 491, 492 .....
%H K. D. Bajpai, <a href="/A245393/b245393.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..9538</a>
%e m:=2: m^10 - m^9 + m^8 - m^7 + m^6 - m^5 + m^4 - m^3 + m^2 - m + 1 = 683, which is prime, hence appears in the sequence.
%e m:=6: m^10 - m^9 + m^8 - m^7 + m^6 - m^5 + m^4 - m^3 + m^2 - m + 1 = 51828151, which is prime, hence appears in the sequence.
%t Select[Table[n^10 - n^9 + n^8 - n^7 + n^6 - n^5 + n^4 - n^3 + n^2 - n + 1, {n, 200}], PrimeQ]
%o (PARI)
%o for(n=1,10^3,s=sum(i=0,10,(-n)^i);if(ispseudoprime(s),print1(s,", "))) \\ _Derek Orr_, Jul 30 2014
%Y Cf. A000040, A088550, A162861.
%K nonn
%O 1,1
%A _K. D. Bajpai_, Jul 21 2014