Cupping Therapy

By observing the changes in body surface after cupping therapy, we infer the nature, location and relationship with the internal organs of the disease, and provide effective treatment.

“Cupping” is one of the traditional Chinese meridian regimens. Using sterilized cups and cans as tools, the air is removed by heat to produce negative pressure, which causes congestion and blood stasis on the surface of the body, stimulates the circulation of the meridians, and connects with the internal organs through the meridians. From the perspective of modern medicine, cupping is a natural, physical, and ecological therapy with the following benefits:

  • Promotes blood circulation, increases metabolism, eliminates toxins
  • Improve immunity – hemolysis after microvascular rupture, accelerate the operations of the immune system
  • Relieve local problems due to inflammation, compression, etc. that cause muscle and fascia tissue hypoxia and spasms. Cupping can enhance circulation and soothe problem areas.
  • Reduce pain – the negative pressure in the tank drives the skin’s superficial muscles and fascia to be pulled together, and the blood circulation becomes more efficient, which can effectively relieve pain and cramps

Our Cupping Types

Gas Cupping

The negative pressure is formed by the principle of mechanical pumping. According to the cupping points, there are different special treatments for diseases, such as regulating blood, dredging meridians, preventing gastrointestinal diseases, cardiovascular disease, etc.

Fire Cupping

The combustion reaction in fire cupping produces a negative pressure that regular, or gas, cupping therapies cannot achieve. These fire cupping treatments have a higher temperature, and therefore is better suited for wind-cold diseases and removing moisture, such as falling into the neck after wind or "a stiff neck", shoulder pain, back pain and leg pain.

Herbal Bamboo Cupping

In herbal bamboo cupping, the prescribed Chinese herbal medicine is cooked to the appropriate concentration, and then placed in a bamboo cupping tool to soak. The soaked bamboo cupping tool is then used for cupping while it is hot. This treatment can be used on a variety of conditions such as rheumatism, colds, cough, gastritis, etc.

Treatment methods: fire cupping, push cupping, prick cupping

Can be combined with meridian treatments: Gua Sha, Acupuncture, Medicinal Bath, Bianstone, Acupressure

Please make an appointment in advance

Please call: (718) 888 9087

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