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const month = dateString.slice(4, 6); const day = dateString.slice(6, 8); // Create a new Date object using the extracted parts const date = new Date(year, month - 1, day); // Convert the Date object to an ISO 8601 formatted string return date.toISOString(); } } } function hidePlusSymbol() { let userInfo = window.epSubs.getUserInfo(); let user_has_no_access = (window.epSubs.getUserSubStatus().subscriptionType !== "access" && window.epSubs.getUserSubStatus().subscriptionType !== "conductor"); //if user is not logged in or does not have any access if(userInfo.id.length === 0 || user_has_no_access){ $('head').prepend(``) } } function checkIfPipaOrOptimizerHardwallIsOpen(){ let hardwallOpen = 0; let pipaModalOpen = $('.micromodal-slide.is-open'); if (pipaModalOpen.length === 1 && pipaModalOpen.find('.modal__close:visible').length === 0) { hardwallOpen = 1; et_write_log("pipa hardwall open"); } let optimizerModalOpen = $('.arcanum-widget.widget-popup'); if (optimizerModalOpen.length === 1 && optimizerModalOpen.find('.modal-close:visible').length === 0) { hardwallOpen = 1; 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return false; } } } // the function is called like this: // handleCopyRefShareUrl().then(function (result) { // if (result === true) { // et_write_log("Copy worked"); // } else { // et_write_log("Copy failed"); // } // }); async function handleCopyRefShareUrl() { const copyResult = await copyRefShareUrl(); if (copyResult === true) { // Clipboard operation was successful return true; } else { // Clipboard operation failed return false; } } function convertToStrictlyText(param) { const str = "" + param; let result = ''; for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { if (['>', '<', '{', '}', '"', '\\', '\n'].includes(str[i])) { result += '-'; } else { result += str[i]; } } result = result.split('---').join(' - '); return `len(${result.length}): ${result.slice(0, 206)}` + (result.length > 206 ? '...' : ''); } function addTrackingToLinks () { try { //Adds tracking to all anchors within a selected element excluding anchors within other elements (rejects) function addElementAnchorsTracking(selected, trackingCode, rejects, pageType) { let previousValue = ""; let duplicates = 0; //Select elements, find all descendant anchors, exclude anchors within rejects, append tracking code $(selected).find('a').not($(rejects).find('a')).attr('href', function(index, currentValue) { if(typeof currentValue == "string" && currentValue.startsWith('http')) { if (currentValue == previousValue) { ++duplicates; } previousValue = currentValue; let newValue = currentValue + '?ea_src=' + pageType + '&ea_pos=' + trackingCode + (index + 1 - duplicates); return newValue; } }); } //Adds the different tracking codes to all anchors by category function addTrackingByCategory (categoryTrackingPairs, pageType) { categoryTrackingPairs.map(value => { addElementAnchorsTracking(value[0], value[1], value[2], pageType); }); } if (window.eet_page_type === 'home') { let categoriesAndTrackingCodes = [ ['#schlagzeilen-container-desktop', 'col-left&ea_elmt=latest-news&ea_cnt=' , ''], ['#schlagzeilen-container-mobile', 'col-left&ea_elmt=latest-news-mobile&ea_cnt=', ''], ['#tradition-side', 'col-left&ea_elmt=live-tradition&ea_cnt=' , ''], ['#top10', 'col-left&ea_elmt=most-read&ea_cnt=' , ''], ['#gedichtdestages-side', 'col-left&ea_elmt=poems&ea_cnt=' , ''], ['#klassikdestages-side', 'col-left&ea_elmt=classic&ea_cnt=' , ''], ['#etd-hb-1', 'col-middle&ea_elmt=top-article&ea_cnt=' , ''], ['#top-news', 'col-middle&ea_elmt=promote-topic&ea_cnt=' , ''], ['.top-aktuell', 'col-middle&ea_elmt=main-articles&ea_cnt=' , '#epochtv-banner-mobile, #schlagzeilen-container-mobile'], ['#redaktionsempfehlung', 'col-right&ea_elmt=editors-pick&ea_cnt=' , ''], ['#shenyun-side', 'col-right&ea_elmt=shen-yun&ea_cnt=' , ''], ['#term-wrapper-deutschland', 'bottom-categories&ea_elmt=term-deutschland&ea_cnt=' , ''], ['#term-wrapper-ausland', 'bottom-categories&ea_elmt=term-ausland&ea_cnt=' , ''], ['#term-wrapper-meinung', 'bottom-categories&ea_elmt=term-meinung&ea_cnt=' , ''], ['#term-wrapper-wirtschaft', 'bottom-categories&ea_elmt=term-wirtschaft&ea_cnt=' , ''], ['#term-wrapper-gesellschaft', 'bottom-categories&ea_elmt=term-gesellschaft&ea_cnt=' , ''], ['#term-wrapper-china', 'bottom-categories&ea_elmt=term-china&ea_cnt=' , ''], ['#term-wrapper-feuilleton', 'bottom-categories&ea_elmt=term-feuilleton&ea_cnt=' , ''], ['#term-wrapper-gesundheit', 'bottom-categories&ea_elmt=term-gesundheit&ea_cnt=' , ''], ['#term-wrapper-wissen', 'bottom-categories&ea_elmt=term-wissen&ea_cnt=' , ''], ]; addTrackingByCategory(categoriesAndTrackingCodes, 'frontpage'); } if (window.eet_page_type === 'post') { let categoriesAndTrackingCodes = [ ['#top10', 'col-right&ea_elmt=most-read&ea_cnt=' , ''], ['#redaktionsempfehlung', 'col-right&ea_elmt=editors-pick&ea_cnt=' , ''], ['#etd21-news-content .related-articles', 'col-middle&ea_elmt=related-articles&ea_cnt=', ''], ['#epochtv_under_article', 'col-middle&ea_elmt=epochtv&ea_cnt=' , ''], ['#health_under_article', 'col-middle&ea_elmt=epochtv&ea_cnt=' , ''], ]; addTrackingByCategory(categoriesAndTrackingCodes, 'article'); } }catch (e) { et_write_log(e); } } function addTrackingToElements(){ try { $('a[data-elements_detail]').click(function(event) { try { let data_elements = $(this).attr("data-elements"); let data_elements_detail = $(this).attr("data-elements_detail"); window.mp.track('Element Link Clicked', { elements: data_elements, elements_category: "ArticlePage", elements_type: "link-sharing", elements_detail: data_elements_detail }); }catch (e) { et_write_log(e); } }); }catch (e) { et_write_log(e); } } async function addUserDebugPopup () { try { if (window.location.href.indexOf('debug_customer') !== -1) { await new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { function detectUserBrowser () { //https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5916900/how-can-you-detect-the-version-of-a-browser class Browser { constructor() { this.spec_string = navigator.userAgent; this.name = this.get_name(); this.version = this.get_version(); } get_name() { var spec_string = this.spec_string; var matches = spec_string.match(/(opera|chrome|safari|firefox|msie|trident(?=\/))\/?\s*(\d+)/i) || []; // Work with the matches. matches = matches[2] ? [matches[1], matches[2]] : [navigator.appName, navigator.appVersion, '-?']; // Trident. if (/trident/i.test(matches[1])) { var temp = /\brv[ :]+(\d+)/g.exec(spec_string) || []; return 'IE'; } // Chrome. if (matches[1] === 'Chrome') { var temp = spec_string.match(/\bOPR|Edge\/(\d+)/); if (temp != null) { return 'Opera'; } } if ((temp = spec_string.match(/version\/(\d+)/i)) != null) { matches.splice(1, 1, temp[1]); } var name = matches[0]; return name; } get_version=function(){ var spec_string=this.spec_string; var matches=spec_string.match(/(opera|chrome|safari|firefox|msie|trident(?=\/))\/?\s*(\d+)/i) || []; // Work with the matches. matches=matches[2]? [matches[1], matches[2]]: [navigator.appName, navigator.appVersion, '-?']; // Trident. if(/trident/i.test(matches[1])){ var temp=/\brv[ :]+(\d+)/g.exec(spec_string) || []; var version=(temp[1]||''); return version; } // Chrome. if(matches[1]==='Chrome'){ var temp=spec_string.match(/\bOPR|Edge\/(\d+)/) var version=temp[1]; if(temp!=null) {return version;} } if((temp=spec_string.match(/version\/(\d+)/i))!=null){ matches.splice(1,1,temp[1]); } var version=matches[1]; return version; }; }; var browser=new Browser(); return browser.name + ' ' + browser.version; } function detectUserOS () { //https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9514179/how-to-find-the-operating-system-details-using-javascript //OS version detection can be found in the link as well - it is complicated though let userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent, platform = window.navigator.platform, macosPlatforms = ['Macintosh', 'MacIntel', 'MacPPC', 'Mac68K'], windowsPlatforms = ['Win32', 'Win64', 'Windows', 'WinCE'], iosPlatforms = ['iPhone', 'iPad', 'iPod'], os = null; if (macosPlatforms.indexOf(platform) !== -1) { os = 'Mac OS'; } else if (iosPlatforms.indexOf(platform) !== -1) { os = 'iOS'; } else if (windowsPlatforms.indexOf(platform) !== -1) { os = 'Windows'; } else if (/Android/.test(userAgent)) { os = 'Android'; } else if (!os && /Linux/.test(platform)) { os = 'Linux'; } return os; } function getDebugData () { const fullURL = 'URL: ' + window.location.href + '